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Jasper smiled as he watched Katherine sleep. He knew what today was as Katherine overheard Charlie talking about it. She stirred a little bit causing him to forget about Bella's birthday as today, he had other plans. To ask Katherine to marry him. He sat up and reached over to the night stand to grabbed the ring. He smiled a she couldn't wait. Katherine Lockhart is someone he would never replace. He couldn't.

Edward knocked lightly on the door causing Jasper to look up at him. "How is she and the baby?"

"They're fine." He replies. "Carlisle has signed papers to put her on homebound because of the baby. He doesn't want her going into labor at school."

Edward nodded. "I'm surprised that baby isn't killing her."

"It is." Emmett said as he joined the conversation. "Yet, Katherine and Jasper are ready for this child."

"Why not...."

"Don't go there." Jasper tells his brother. "We've spoke about this before and Katherine really wants this kid as she knows it will be the only one she can have with me. All I want is for my mate to be by my side forever and have a family with her. This child is a miracle."

Edward nodded. "Well, I'm out."

Emmett looked at Jasper who walked over to him. "Get Rose, I need her help."

"Are you...." Jasper nodded. "Let's do this."
Later that day, Katherine knew about the small party Esme is throwing in hopes it will help Bella understand. The blind beauty shook her head. "This little party won't work because Bella wants to turn. She was hoping before 18, but that didn't work." She tells her as she put her hands on her bump. "Something about this had me terrified."

"What did you see?"

"A big mess." She says. "I do know that Jasper tries to lose control, but I stop him."

Esme went to ask, but heard Katherine gasp. "Sweetie, is something wrong?"

"Yes. I think I'm having contractions." She says. "The baby is 2 months early though."

Esme ran to get her husband. Katherine started crying as she knew what was happening. The baby was ready and she would be turned between tonight or tomorrow. Jasper ran in feeling pain and bent down in front of his mate. "Darlin'?"

"We don't have much time."

Carlisle walked in just for the others to join causing Esme to smile. "We should have never told Edward about this little party. Katherine is having contractions."

Bella couldn't believe it. The blind beauty was still center of attention. She was hoping that she was, but looks like she was wrong. She was handed an envelope causing her to open it, but cut her own finger. "Ah. Paper cut."

Jasper froze as Katherine stood up, but she felt something wet. "Jasper?" She replies causing him to look at her. "I think my water broke."

Picking her up, Jasper rushed her upstair. Edward looked at Bella shaking his head. "What are you trying to do?"

"I was hoping to be turned today, but it's like I have to fight to get all of you to notice me."

"And that's why you'll never be turned." Rosalie says from her spot. "You tried to get my brother to turn you as his girlfriend started having contractions. Katherine knows how to get to Jasper faster than anyone. That is why he turned your blood down. Now, you have a choice. Leave or I will kill you."

Edward guided Bella out of the house as the others went to Katherine and Jasper. "Katherine, I don't know how long till the baby is out, but will you marry me?"


Carlisle walked in and looked at the couple. "Who's ready to have a baby?"

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