Chapter 21

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Ngl. Its funny because Rose looks she wants to cry. My girl is struggling boyy. When it comes to fighting Chyna is some BEASTT. Its like my girl transforms into hulk. The fight is getting worse. Chyna gives her one blow and she on the floor. Rose is about to stand up when Chyna is about to kick up stomach when then teachers coming running and Tyson pulls Chyna away. How long did take for the teachers to come. Rah. Rakim goes to Rose and is asking her if she is okay. Cant this boy see I'm right here. He finally clocks me and moves away from Rose and comes in my direction. I walk away and he follows. He calling my name but I pretend I don't hear anything. I go into the building to look for Chyna.

He is still following me. He has enough and runs up to me, pushes me towards the wall and shouts at me.


Loool. Why's this boy getting brave. Rah calm down gang boy. I slysly screw gim

Rakim: sorry. I've missed you so much. I'm sorry about your brother going pen and your sister getting in danger. Its not my fault. Its my brother. Really and truly I didn't want any of this to happen.

I've missed him too. Then I lean him to kiss him. I swear I'm so bipolar. I smile at him.

Me: Why were Chyna&Rose beefing?

Rakim: its because Rose and her squad were saying how you and your sister should of got raped. She was just basically cussing out the whole situation and Chyna had to back you cos you weren't there to back yourself.

Me: I swear I'm going to fucking kill rose when I see her.

Rakim:Just leave it.

Some next teacher: shouldn't you two love birds in lesson? Come on go on.

These teachers are soo moist.

Its luchtime now and I haven't seen Chyna since the fight so I'm guessing that she's been put in the exclusion room. So I'm spending my luchtime with Rakim&Isaiah.

Isaiah:Where's Chyna?

Me:She's probably in exclusion.

Isaiah: Then how comes Rose in it.

Me: Ahlieee. But idc about her so you know.

He shrugs and goes to get more food.

Rakim:You know your brother going pen is a good thing,right? Like it means we can see each other when ever we want. We could even beat.

I look at him in disgust.

Rakim: lool,it's just banter.

Me: Don't take this as banter. How could you say that. My brother, .y flesh and blood is in jail. My mum is at home worrying and stressing about him and your hear saying its a good thing. You're such a low life don't ever talk to me again. We're done.

I run off nearly crying.

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