Chapter 44- Part 1

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*3 weeks later*.
Montanna's POV
Its Saturday today and its also Malachi's funeral. Rosé had her's last week. It was so emotional. I couldn't stop crying. Her mum was in such a state. Nobody could calm her down, I don't blame her. Rose is her daughter. Even though I'm mad at Isaiah I was hoping he could come, but he didn't. Fuck him. Anyways, I'm slysly dreading to go to Malachi's funeral, I feel like its just going to be a repeat of Rosé's one. I was thinking of not going but I have to go. My family needs me there. Malachi's friends including Tyson made shirts with a picture of Malachi to wear at funeral. Its so thoughtful of them tbh, they made me,Mya&Mum one too. Me,Mya,My Mum,My Nan,Dad,Lucia,Aunties,Uncles(From my mum side) are all in the living room waiting for our ride to come pick us up. Everyone's been quite really. A bit of convo has been bussed but it just been forced by my dad. My phone vibrates and its a WhatsApp from Tyson
*On WhatsApp*
Tyson❤:we're all at the church, were just waiting for you lots x
Me:Okay, our ride has just arrived. Gives us 15-20 minutes?x
Tyson❤:Alrightt,you good yeah?x
Me:I'm fine x
Tyson❤:Gdgd x
With that I come offline. Tyson been there for me a lot since Kian&I broke up. He's like a big bro.
We all start making our way outside, to get in the cars. Yes, there's three cars. My family is quite big and they all wanted to be with my mum. Plus my annoying cousins are here too. Love them tho.
We all hop in and route church. I haven't been there in time. I think I need to start going again. There is also a fourth car with a coffin which Malachi's in. His name is spelt out in white roses and its been placed on the front of coffin and there is also white roses on the top&sides of the coffin it looks beautiful❤.
We get there in like 20 minutes and Tyson&5 Of Malachi's close friends are waiting outside. They're the pallbearers. They all look neat. Me&my family all go inside the church. My dads family, a couple family friends are already sat down. They go all silent when we enter. I look to the right and I see Kian. He smiles at me. I was gonna smile back at him but Rielle is sitting right next to me. She's giving me death glares, so I just look away. We all go sit down at the front and wait the for service to begin. After a while music starts playing and everyone stands. I look around confused then realize that the pallbearers are bringing in the coffin. I'm so slow sometimes. They slowly walk down the asile while everyone watches. Some people are already letting out tears. I try to keep mine in. They finally get to the front and place the coffin on wooden trestles. The music concludes and the vicar signals us to take our seats. The service begins.

After like 20 minutes the service is over and everyone is in the churchyard for the burial. I kinda stand away from it,Its just a bit tew much for me. It just reminds me of Rosé's funeral. The sound of people crying makes me cry too. I turn around just let all my tears out. I just want this to be over. I feel hand rubbing my back. I quickly wipe away my tears. It probably Tyson so I qucikly dive in for a hug without looking at him. He stumbles back.
Him:"Its okay, Montz". Holddd uppp! This ain't Tyson. I pull away from the hug. Its Isaiah.
Me:"What the fuck are you doing here".
Isaiah:"Came to give to my respect. I'm sorry Montanna I was only trying to protect Rose. I didn't mean to shoot him. I love you".
Him showing has made me go upset to vex sooo quickly. With all the anger building up inside me, I lift up my hand and clouted it against his cheek. The connection is peak.

He holds his cheek and looks down. I don't even feel bad. I start shouting at him.
Me:"Are you fucking serious? You KILL MY BROTHER, and show up here to give your respect? Where was your respect when you pulled the trigger?Huh?You shoot my brother and now your try tell me you're sorry. Are you fucking serious? You don't love me. IF YOU DID YOU, YOU WOULDN'T OF SHOT HIM" By now all eyes are on us. I don't even give a fuck, this boy needs to leave.

Isaiah's POV
Rahh,I'm not even gonna lie. That slap she gave me caused a concussion. My cheek is burning like mauud. I did come here to give my respect but I also came here to warn her about Rielle. But I guess she ain't having it.
Me:"Montz please, just listen to what I have to say. Calm down?"
My girl removes a hairband from her wrist and ties her hair into a ponytail. At first I'm thinking is she about give me heaf until she takes of her earrings. She's about to fight me? Shes about swing for me but I grab her arm before it comes anywhere near me. Reflexes on fleek. She starts screaming
Montanna:"Move man, you're hurting me".
I realize that I do have a tight grip on her.

Montann's POV.
So I'm about to swing for the youte when he grabs my arm with a tight ass grip.
Me:"Move man,you're hurting me".
He let's go of me and stumble back a bit.
Tyson&Malachi's friends rush over.
Isaiah:"Montz I'm sorry".
Tyson:"Don't fucking open your mouth. Who invited you?". He tries to speak again but Tyson gives him one blow to the face. Him&the boys rush Malachi. Me&Everyone else just watch. Some people are cheering uno. I swear the feds are meant to be with him at all times? Where fuck they at? But who cares, he deserves a beating. Outta nowhere kian comes over to me.
Kian:"Montanna,you okay princess?".
Ahhh,I love it when he calls me princess.
Me:"A bit pissed that he showed up, but I'm okay".
Kian:"I miss you".
Me:"So do I".
I hug him and hr hugs me back. He pulls me in and literally buried in hieverything.
Rielle's POV
So I'm watching Tyson&The Boys rush Isaiah, entertaining shit. Bare fighting in a churchyard uno. When I see Kian&Montanna hugging. The midget is literally all up on him. Didn't I warn this bitch? Didn't I tell her what I would do to her sister? Kian breaks the hug between them and kisses her, grabbing her bum and shit. She wraps her hands arounds his neck and kisses him back. Now I'm MADDD!! Montanna has crossed the bloodclart line. Just when me and were getting close she comes and ruins everything. The fight ends and everyone is trying to calm down Tyson&The Boys and the feds come for Isaiah. I go look for Mya. I find her where Malachi's been buried. She's crying.
Me:"Mya, you alright".
She wipes her tears and nods
Me:"Come let's clean you up".
I take her hand. I take out my phone and text Montanna.

Montana's POV
Kian kisses me and kiss him back. I've missed this. I've missed him. I still have strong feelings for him. I don't think I can ever loose them. I pull away when I feel my phone vibrating from my back pocket.
Me:"Wait". I take out phone, its a text from Rielle. I unlock my phone and go on the convo. The text says: ' I see your back with Kian, yeah?Raah,okay. So you've won kian back just know you're going to loose Mya'.
Kian:"What's wrong". I show him my phone.
Me:"Kian, we need to find her, I can't loose my sister. We need to find her!".
Kian:"Alright calm down, you go look in the church. I look around here".
I nod. I run into the church. This church is massive I'm never going to find her in time.

Mya's POV
So Rielles taking me to the toilet to clean me up. I've been crying a lot so my face looks kinda puffy. She said she gonna put make up on my face. We don't even have the same skin color. We're in the church right and we've walked straight pass the toliets.
Me:"Ree,we've just passed the toliets".
Rielle:"Shut the fuck up & don't call me Ree you prick".
Rah, where has all this anger come from. She always been so nice to me. She never swears around me too. Her grip on my hand gets tighter and I'm getting a bit scared. I've never seen this side of her before. She's moving hella booky.
Me:"Where we going?".
She airs.
Me:"Rielle, I think I wanna go back".
She airs.
Me:"Let go of me".
She grabs my hair and drags me up to the bell tower. What we doing up here?
She gets out duck tape from her bag and puts it around my mouth. She grabs ropes from the floor and ties my hands together. She does the same to my legs.
She sits down infront to me, with her bag on her lap. She stares at smiling, then she starts chuckling says there's something funny.
Rielle:"Your sister, Montanna has been a very naughty girl. Disobeying my orders. Who does she think she is? That bitch. I want Kian. I want fucking Kian. She don't deserve him I do. I love him so much".
What has your love life go to do with me though? I think to myself. Does man look like a therapist for you to be telling me your problems.
Rielle:"And your going to pay for Montanna's actions".
She pulls out a butchers knife out her bag.
Oh lorddyy. Is this the end of my life? She comes towards me with the knife pointing I'm my direction. Her arm rises but someone's voice startles her and she drops the knife. It lands right next to my foot.
"What the fuck do you think you doing" the voice shouts. Rielle stands aside and I cannot believe who I'm seeing right now.

Some Of This Chapter Is Unedited, So Sorry For Any Spelling Mistakesx

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