Chapter 51-Final Chapter.

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Montanna's POV
I'm at home with my mum and Mya. And I have not a thing to do today. I spoke to my dad yesterday. Yeah I know I said I was never going to speak to him again but I wanted to hear his side of the story and it's exactly the same as Thaj's. I still can't manage to except the fact that this has happened. It's just all to much from me. I told my mum and she said she doesn't care. She says he can do whatever he likes because she wants nothing to do with him anyways. And she's right I shouldn't be stressing over this. I've tried calling Malachi multiple times yesterday to tell him but he hasn't been answering my calls. It goes straight voicemail and his voice mail is bare annoying. You'll fully think you're having a full on conversation until he goes " Sike nigga you've reached my voicemail". Fully takes the piss.
Right now I'm downstairs watching the news with my mum,that's how bored I am. I'm not working today and I need a motive. I'll call Kian and see what he's up too. I go upstairs and into my bedroom where my phone is on charge. I sit down on my bed and take my phone off charge and dial his number.
*Otp to Kian*
Me:Ermm,is everything okay?
Me:What you doing today
Kian:Going somewhere with Tyson.
Me:Where?Can I come? I have nothin--
Kian:No you can't. Look I'm really bu--
I hang up before he could finish odd his sentence. He's ruined my mood already. How can he answer his phone and say "What" and not even hello. I really don't know why he's acting like this. I'll call India and see what she's doing today. I call phone twice and she doesn't pick up. I can't be bothered to call a third time so I guess I have no motive today since I have no other friends. I put my phone back on charge and get up from my bed. I'm about to leave my bedroom when my phone starts vibrating. Fuck sake. I go back over to my phone and pick it up. It's India.
*Otp to India*
Me:Hey Indss.
India: Hey babes.
Me:Have you got a motive today
India:Yeah I'm with Christopher and Chy--
Me:Christopher and who?
India:His new girl,Clara.
Me:Oh,I thought you said Chyna for a minute.
India:Skr,she's dead up. Ay I've got to go yeah, I'll call you later
I lock off. Okay now,I really have no motive. This time I just my phone into my pocket in case my hotline blings. Which I doubt it would because..... I have no friends. But I'd have rather have no friends than a bunch of fake friends. So I'm good. As I go back downstairs I come to see that the front door is wide open and there is a police car is parked right in front my house.
I slowly walk to the living room and the door it's shut. I press my ear onto the door and all I hear his "Your son Malachi Chamberlain" Oh my days what has this boy gone and done now. "He's dead". Huh? No way. I burst into the living room and the two police officers both face me.
Police officer#1:"Friday evening and we don't know how or who did it. His body was found in an old abandoned park. Three young men had found his boy".
Police officer#2:"Sorry for your loss. We will update you on new information as soon as possible".
I show them out and go back into the living room where my mother is sitting down with her her face buried in her hands.
Me:"How do they know it's really him though? He could just be faking it.....again".
Mum:"But why would he want fake it again. He's not that stupid,he wouldn't put us through all that heartbreak again. He wouldn't".
Mya comes into the living room.
Mya:"What's happened".
Mum:"Your brothers dead". She says quietly with tears slowly exiting her eyes
Mya:"Again? He's faking it right?". She begins to get teary.
Mum:"No Mya,it's for real this time". I try to keep back my tears.
My mum stands up and goes to hug Mya who is also quietly crying.
Mum:"I'm going to go pack".
Me:"Where are you going".
Mum:"To your grandmothers. I need her. I can't stay here any longer".
Mya:"I'm coming too.Montanna?".
Me:"I can't. I can't leave". I hesitantly.
Mum:"That's your choice. I respect your decision". Her and Mya leave the room leaving me alone,to cry.

*Half an hour later*
My mum and Mya have finally left and it's just me in my bedroom. This is like the second time my mum has left and it breaks my heart seeing bed go again and with Mya. I'm all by myself. I'm quietly crying in my bedroom when I hear smashing downstairs. Startled,I sit up on my bed while the smashing continues. Shit. It finally stops and quietens down. I think this person has fucking bricked the living room window. I slowly get up from my bed and walk towards my door. I'm not even scared. The number of incidents I have been in this year have been worse and someone breaking into the house is not a big deal to me. I'm about open my door when I hear footsteps coming in the direction of my bedroom. I quickly take out a gun from my sock draw. Yes,a gun. Kian has me strapped up. I hold the gun in the direction of my door as this person slowly opens my door. As the door slowly opens the more the person in all black is shown. I can't make out who it is half of the person face is covered with a black bandanna. The person sees the gun and my hand instantly put their hands up.
"Montanna don't shoot".
Me:"Thaj?! Are you for real". She takes down her hoodie and removes that bandanna from her face.
Thaj:"Erm,sorry about your window by the way. I just really need to warn you. I spoke to Malachi--".
Me:"You spoke to him? How if he's dead? Unless you killed him?".
Thaj:"He's dead?!!!".
Me:"Don't act surprised".
Thaj:"That's why she wasn't answering my calls after I called him that night".
Me:"Why did you call him".
Thaj:"To tell him that you're in danger and that you need his help but they obviously got to him first".
Me:"In danger of who and who got to him first".
Thaj:"Christopher,India,Kian,Tyson and Chyna. They're planning to kill you. I was helping them before but I backed out of the plan. I tried to get Malachi to help but next thing you he's dead but how?....Klaudia she must be in on it too!".
Me:"Thaj,Chyna is dead and stop chatting bullshit. Kian wouldn't want to kill me".
Thaj:"He has his reason they all do,Chyna is alive I'm telling you she is. You've got believe me your in danger".
Me:"Get out my house please. I don't believe a word your saying. You're just trying to get me to like you again and it's not happening. So leave".
Thaj:"Montanna I swear on my life,you're in danger".
I point the gun at her and walk towards her.
Me:"Leave". I still walking towards her with the gun in my hand she slowly begins to walk. I still have the gun pointed to her until we reach the front door. She opens it and looks back at me.
Thaj:"You have to believe me". I slam the door in her face and drop onto the floor. My brother has just died and this girl has the audacity to come here and talk about my boyfriend and dead ex-friend are trying to kill me. I haven't got time for foolishness. My phone starts ringing again and I take it out my pocket. It's India again.
*Otp to India*
Me:India,guess who just came to my house an--
"Bitch it's Chyna".
My jaw drops in shock.
Me:" dead. You have been....for Months".
Chyna:"I think I know that very well b".
Me:"Why?Why did you fake your death".
Chyna:"Aren't you happy to hear from me again? Because it doesn't sound like it".
Me:"Why the fuck are you back".
Chyna:"To deal with some unfinished business. Now enough of that small talk. Come meet me."
Chyna:"I need do you tell help me. You're like the main source I need to finish the unfinished business cos you're the 'unfinished business".
Me:"If you think I'm dumb enough to come meet you. Erase that thought out of you're head. I ain't fucking coming. Is my name bludclart Margret".
I hang up from the call.
Thaj wasn't lying about Chyna being alive and wanting to kill me. But what have I done but killed her cousin. I mean that was basically her own fault. I still don't believe that Kian&Tyson are part of this. That is definitely a lie,I don't care. I need to leave this house and find Thaj before Chyna comes hunting for me. I run upstairs and into my bedroom. I put on a pair of black jeans,baggy black jumper and my triple black huaraches. I grab my black Nike air backpack and put my gun inside I then throw some clothes and a few essentials inside. I put the bag on and run my bedroom. I grab my keys and quickly run backdown stairs and go to the front door. I unlock the door to find Christopher and some random light skin girl at the door. All three of us stand there locking eyes for like a good 5 seconds.
Christopher:"Maay get her".
The girl lunges at me but I manage to shut the door in her face just before she can lay hands on me. I run into the living room and jump out the smashed window.
Christopher:"You're making this worse for yourself he shouts".
I run into the living room and jump out the smashed window it's a bit further away from the front door. They're both facing the opposite direction so i climb out the window and I quietly try to get away.
Maay:"Scarz,there she is". Shit.
I start running,not thinking on where I'm going. I'm just running. I look behind me and see that Maay girl sprinting towards me. I look to my right and see Christopher and speeding down the road in his black out Range Rover. I swear down every Roadman I know has a Range. Like sometimes switch it up a bit and trap in a Nissan. Damn. Still racing down the road I spot a bus that has just pulled up to a bus stop. Luckily I have my Oyster card. This when I start pacing down the street. Call me usain bolt. Fuck. I make it to the his stop and as the bus doors are about shut I jump on. Thank god. I look behind me and see Maay outside coming to a stop and she punches the air. She then bends over,trying to catch her breath. Kmt. I swipe my oyster and I'm about walk upstairs when I notice everyone single head watching me. It's like they've never seen a girl run from a kidnapper before. I walk upstairs and go to the back of the bus. I sit down and catch my breath. Chyna is really out to get me. And Christopher is in on it and I'm guessing India is too. I should of just listened to Thaj. I have issues trusting people these days. I should probably call her she could probably keep me safe.
I take out my phone from the pocket and call Thaj.
She answers straight away.
*Otp to Thaj*
Me:THAJ! I need your help! Chyna is after me she sent Christopher and some girl to my house and--
Thaj:Woah slow down. Come to my house and we'll figure something out.

*15 Minutes later*
I arrive outside Thaj's house. I've tried calling Kian and Tyson but none of them will answer my calls. I've just left them a thousand voicemails. When I was on the bus, I had taken out my gun out my back in advance and tucked it in the into my jeans and left the rest above my jeans.
I ring the doorbell and I instantly hear footsteps coming towards the door.
Thaj opens the door and she looks a mess. She was looking fine when she left my house. She looks like she's been crying too.
Me:"What's wrong?What happened?".
Thaj:"Just come in. Go to my living room and I'll tell you".
I just nod and walk in. I got to her living and open the door. As soon as open it CHYNA runs up to me and hugs me,lifting me up into the air and spinning me around. She then takes out her phone and goes onto snapchat. My girl then has the nerve to make a video.
Chyna:"Reunited with bestfriendd!Bestfriend tell them something". I just stare at her. The video ends. She laughs while captioning the video and posting it.
Chyna:"Come in. Come meet everyone". Everyone?
I look back at Thaj before going in and she's crying her heart out. I hesitantly walk into Thaj's living room and I feel tears come to my ears when I see everyone that is here,with either a gun or a knife in their hands.
Klaudia,Isaiah,India,Christopher,Tyson,KIAN,Mya?,My mum?Malachi& My dad?Why has everybody suddenly turned on me. I swear Malachi's was dead. This was just a big set up.
Mum:"Mum?Who me? You ain't my daughter I raised my daughter better than this. My daughter did not smoke,kill,do drugs,put her family in danger, get her sibling nearly killed! My daughter does not do that. Montanna I don't know you anymore".
Me:"You don't have to do this though,I've changed you know I have". My mum shakes her head and looks down. She has disowned me. I start quietly cry.
Me:Kian,why are you doing this".
Kian:"I've had enough of you. I helped you kill my brother because I loved you but all you did was repay me by brining more trouble into my life and putting my family through so much pain. When Chyna told me about this honestly I didn't care. I was actually happy to see her in fact. If only I could see Rakim again". His voice trembles.
Tyson:"Family first init". I start crying now even louder. Steams of at tears flow my ears. Everyone just stares at me
Chyna:"Bitch,just shut up please". She covers my mouth with her hand.
Isaiah:"I'm here to see you die for all the bullshit you put me through". I push Chyna's hand away from my mouth.
Klaudia:"Woah pipe down there b, you deserve this just like how brother deserved his death".
Mum:"You killed my son". I swear my mum has always liked Malachi more than me regardless the shit HE put us through.
Isaiah:"He was abusing and using her. My guy deserved to get duppied". The all start arguing other each other.
Remembering I still have a gun on my slowly take it out my jeans.
"BITCH YOU THINK YOU'RE SLY". I turn around. It that Maay girl. Who is this girl tho and why she here? With Thaj's hair in one hand she comes towards me dragging the Thaj by her hair. She then punches my nose and snatches the gun out of my hand.
Me:"Who the fuck are you".
Kian:"My wife". What this boy has been cheating on me? I start to cry again.
Kian:"By the way that gun is not even loaded". This boy has really played me. I don't even know what to say. I love him so much.
Me:"Kian I love you".
Maay:"You were just a sidechick for the last 3 months. Allow it". I've been garlic bread all this time. She then dashes Thaj into me causing us to drop against the wall. I grab her hand.
Chyna walks towards us both.
Chyna:"So which one of shall dead first". She waves a gun about.
Chyna:"Hm Thaj. Since you wanted to be a little bitch and betray me,you can go first. Any last words?". Does this girl think it's a movie about any last words.
Thaj just cries causing me try cry even more.
Everyone in the room is startled but then they relax a bit. Except me. I feel Thaj's head flop onto my shoulder. It feels disgusting. I have a dead body resting on me😭.
Chyna:Montanna. Peng name uno. It's been a while and I actually hate having to end it like this. Nah I'm bluffing. But don't worry ill attend your funeral".
Me:"I hope you all rot in hell".
I hold my chest as the last bullet enters my helpless,weak body. I feel my warm blood pour out my chest and on to my hand. Everything goes blurry as my eyes slowly start close. I'm not dying. I'm just about to enter a deep sleep. Forever. And maybe it's all for the best.

No bitch you're dead loolll.
I know the ending of this story was pretty shit but I had no more ideas for it and I personally feel like it's become shit. So the death of Montanna had to come yo. But obviously I've enjoyed 10 months(yes bloody 10 months😩) writings this story and I'm happy that you have all or some of you guys have enjoyed this story. It's been fun. I just want to say thank you to every single person that has been reading from the start and that I love you all💖😭❤️

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