Chapter 44-Part 4

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Tyson's POV
It's been 2 hours since Malachi left. He's just texted me saying he's gonna be back in 20 minutes, he also asked if the Doctor has said anything about Montanna. And he hasn't. What's taking them so long? Natalia&Mya have gone back home because the rest of Montanna's family members who came for Malachi's funeral are waiting for an explanation, explaining why Malachi is still outchea! Ngl, I find that so funny. What Malachi done was stupid but I can see why he did it. So its just me and Kian and all he can talk about is how self-centered Malachi is. I'm not even listening. Them two need to bless the beef cos its dead&unnecessary tbh. The beefs been going on for nearly a year and a half. They just need to stay away from each other but that gonna be hard because Malachi's Montanna's brother&Kian is her boyfriend and they'll want to be around her so its gonna be a myth.
A doctor and nusre come down the corridor wheeling a bed.
Kian:"Ay,do you think that's Montanna".
Me:"Probably, let's ask".
We get and wait till they get near us.
Kian:"Ay doc-" Malachi cuts him off.
Malachi:"Is she okay?"
Doctor:"She's good". The nurse takes Montanna into the room.
Doctor:"But she has suffered a few head injuries,but they're we're minors and her nose will heal in two/three weeks time.
"Alright thank you" Kian&Malachi say in unison. They look at each other exchanging screws. Pathetic. I go into the room first and they follow. I stand at the head of the bed and stare at her. I start to daydream. Believe I used to like this girl and told myself I was gonna wife her one day. Not anymore. Montanna is more like a sister to me. I miss having a sister you know. Even though Chyna wasn't even my blood, I miss her bare. I miss annoying her on purpose, when she got vexed it was just so bantsss! I miss datttt. I smile. Then I feel Kians massive hands lick me 'round my head.
Me:"What was that for". I rub my backhead.
Kian:"I see the way you look at Montanna, I don't like it".
Malachi:"Bruv, let him pree. I'd rather him be with Montanna than you. Tyson's peng. You're just ew". Pardonnn,man called me peng uno.
Me:"I don't even like her like that". I liedd. I have been catching feels but not enough to say that I would want go out with her. I've tried that before and she chose my cousins over me. I tried and failed, I tried too hard in fact. I'm done with girls for a while.
Kian:"Well she wants to be with me, so deal with it,ahlie? Plus Tyson may be peng but I'm beautiful". Rahh, he took that lightly. I thought he was gonna lash out.
Malach:"Ohh swear, but I'm slayinggg". Fammm,whats going on?
Kian:"Ayy,Malachi. We need to low the beef"
Tyson:"Truss you lots need to Burn It Bruvvv".(ifyouknowyouknow). We all chuckle.
Malachi:"Yeah man, for Montanna. She need all the support from the most important mandem in her life,ahlie? Including you Tyson".
Me&Kian nod. We all hug&spud each other until we hear beeping&shaking.

Montanna's POV.
As I'm trying to force my eyes open. I hear voices of people arguing. But nevermind that why won't my eyes open. They feel like someone just glued my eyes closed. I try to move a muscle but my body won't move. I feel stiff. A sharp flow of pain goes through my head. It burnssss.
"Helpp" I let out. The voices of people arguing stop. Suddenly, I start finding it difficult to breath. I'm loosing air.My heart starts beating faster and I feel streams of sweat going down my face. My body starts to loosen up and grip I onto the sheets. I start breathe in and out quickly. The bed starts shaking violently and I start to breathe even quicker. I hear machines beeping and voices of people panicking. As im gasping for air,alll I think is, I'm going to die.
Then everything stops. The beeping,the shaking,the voices,the heavy breathing. Everything. I'm more relaxed now. Everything's at its normal pace. I let go the sheets.
"Montanna" I hear.
I slowly open my eyes to see a bright light. Then someone squeezes my hand. I look my right to see Kian. He smiles and I buss a faint smile.
Kian:"You pulled through baby".
Malachi:"MY LIKKLE SOLIDER" Typical Malachi forever shouting. That I hurt my head still. Speaking of my head, I touch it and I feel bandages wrapped around it. Rielle really must've fucked up my head uno. I feel up the rest of my face and feels kinds swollen. I touch my nose and it feels kinda hard.
Me:"What happened to my nose?"
Tyson:"It broke". That stupid bitch Rielle. She did all of this to me.
Me:"I swear I'm gonna kill Rielle".
Malachi:"You already killed the ugly agent of satan".
I sit up in shock. Rah my back hurts.
Me:"I killed her? No I didn't".
Malachi :"You did, you shot her". He says in excitement.
Me:"I don't even remember doing it".
Malachi:"Don't worry, I've got everything sorted". I smile at him. We just start talking about today and how mad it was. So much shit has happened, I mean like my dead brother is alive. Someone tell that's not mad. And kian&Malachi are talking???Dafuqqqqq. Everything is all good till Isaiah enters my room. Tyson gets up to say something.
Me:"Leave him Ty". He comes even closer and stands in front of my bed. He looks at Malachi and looks confused.
Isaiah:"I thought I killed you". Malachi sniggers.
Malachi:"Fam, the bullet didn't even touch me".
Isaiah:"What?I'm baffed".
Malachi:"Don't worry 'bout that, you bussed case man. Its all good. But I still don't like you yeah fucking pussyo. Anyways, you good?". Malachi is just too savage.
Isaiah:"Erm,yeah. I just came to see Montz&say sorry".
Me:"Don't bother, I shouldn't of lashed out on you like that".
Isaiah:"That's true you, know".
I look at him sure, what's he on?
Isaiah:"Cos when we kissed you didn't lash out like that."
He stares at me showing no emotion. Malachi looks at me shocked. Tyson pretends to sip tea. Prick.And Kian. Well let's just say he looks like he's going to dead me.

I look at Isaiah in shock. Why would he bring this up now?
Me:"Isaiah you know it wasn't like that!You kissed me"
Isaiah:"Then how comes you didn't pull away?".
I don't reply. I look at Kian,he looks soo pissed. He's breathing heavily&clenching his fists. I don't know why I didn't pull away tbh. I don't like Isaiah like that.
Kian:"Why didn't you pull away?"
Me:"I-I don't know". My voice trembles
Kian:"What do you mean you don't know?There must be a reason why you didn't pull away?" He starts screwing me.
Me:"I said I don't know".
Kian:"YES,YOU DO."
Malachi:"Ay,calm down bruv". Malachi stands up. Acting all protective.
Kian"You like him init".
Me:"No,never that".
Kian:"WHY THE FUCK YOU LYING,IF YOU DIDN'T YOU WOULD OF PULLED AWAY". By know he's stood up,shouting all up in my face.
Isaiah:"She don't like me,she loves me. She told me". Nahhh,this boy is he forealll!
I looks at him giving him death glares. I'm not even upset, I'm vexed. This day cannot get any worse.
Me:"Bullshit,Kian's he's lying. He kissed me but I didnt say I love him". I try to get up and move but I stop. My back is way too painful.
Isaiah:"Why would I lie please? This happened when you two were still together you know".
Kian:"Rah,so you cheated".
Me:"Noo,it was just a kiss".
Kian:"So if it was just kiss? It was done behined my back. You were the only girl I actually really loved". 'Were'? He just broke up with me?
Kian gets up and walks out. Tyson looks at me and shakes his head then follows Kian out.
Malachi:"I'm disappointed in you Montz".
Me:"Kai, I didn't do anything, I swear".
He just sighs and walks out. Are they not gonna back the ting?
Isaiah sits besides me.
Isaiah:"Guess its just me and you".
They actually believe him?! Why would Isaiah do this? He's not like this, what has come over this boy?
Me:"Me&You?There will never be a me and you".
Isaiah:"I don't wanna be with you anyways.
Me:"Then why the fuck did you say all that".
Isaiah:"Don't act like you don't know".
Me:"I really don't know what I've done. If its cos the way lashed out and embarrassed you I'm sorry".
Isaiah:"I don't want your sorry".
Me:"Then what the fuck do you want? You've just ruined things between me and Kian and we were just getting back together"
Isaiah:"I don't care about fucked relationship, I wanna know why you snitched my sister, when Rielle actually killed Rosé".
Me:"I didn't sn--".
Isaiah:"Don't even bother man. I don't care anymore. I bet you just did this to get back me cos you thought I killed Malachi. That's bruv,I didn't expect that from".
Me:"But I didn't mea--".
Isaiah:"Save it, just know we ain't friends anymore".
With that he gets up and walks out leaving me sitting there like some any idiot.
Is it everyday loose someone you love? I love Kian and that but right now I need to focus on me and getting myself back on track cos I'm a mess. College starts in a few weeks, I still need to find myself a job and I'm here fighting with people and ending up in hospital's. I guess I need a break from everyone else.

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