Chapter 36

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Montanna POV
I'm upset that I've lost the baby but ngl there is a part in me that's kinda relieved. I mean it was going to be Rakim's baby and I don't really wanna bring up a child knowing that its father is rapist.
I look to Kian who looks like he Dont give a care in the world and my mum who looks shocked.
Me:"Erm,okay. But will I be okay? Will I need medication?"
Doctor:"Nope,You'll be okay".
He leaves the room.
Mum:"Kian, can I be with Montanna alone please"
Kian"Okay,do you want anything Montz?"
Me:"No but can you call Chyna,Isaiah&Rielle please?"
Kian:"Yeah&Rielle won't be coming".
Mum:"No, don't".
What?Come round the corner about no.
Me:"Why I haven't seen them in time,I wanna see them before I go back to pen".
Mum:"Ehhhhh?Why were you in pen I thought you were in with East with Chyna?".
Me:"What?She is the reason I'm in pen. She told the police I told Rakim".
Mum:"Did you?".
There is a silence for like 30 seconds.
Kian:"It don't matter anymore. They're letting you out. Apparently Chyna's gone missing".
Mum:"Well I don't care.Montanna you've missed too many days of school and your end of years exams coming up I need you to concentrate".
Me:"What's the point if I'll see them at school anyways".
Mum:"Well, your going to promise me that your going not going to communicate with them till your exam's are over".
Me:"Okay i promise".
Ngl she's right, I haven't been school in time boi.
Me:"Can I at least see Kian tho".
Mum:"Sure, but he can't be around all the time".
Kian:"Yeah, I've got a job"
Me:" Really,Thats good. Where?"
I smile at him. Boy best be bringing me chicken home.
Mum:"So I'm gonna talk to the doctor& see if I can get you out of here. You're going back to school tomorrow".
Me:"At least give me two days to rest".
Mum:"Erm,no. You've had enough time off school. Finish school with E's&F's I'm shipping you to Africa".
She walks out
Kian:"Hold up,I swear your not even af"
Me:"Real talk"
We laugh. Lawwd, I love my mum.
Kian:"I'm sorry that you've had to go through all of this. If I never made you up a set up chick, none of this bullshit would of happened. ".
A tear rolls down his left cheek.
Me:"Baby, there is no need to apologize. I've done all this to protect my mum and Mya and - -" He cuts me off
Kian:"But you could of died during all of this".
Me:"I Dont care if I died. Because My mum and Mya would still be alive".
Kian:"But I would care".
At this point he has started bawling. So have I.
I get out the bed and go hug him tight and he diga his head into my neck and starts crying even harder.
I start telling him its okay over and over again until he stops crying.
He breaks the hug and wipes his tears away. He looks so cute
Kian:"I've got to get to work".
Me:"Okay,Kian I love you".
He grabs my waist, pulls me in towards him and stares at me for a while".
Me:"Lips me den".
He chuckles and passionately kisses. Tounging and everything. This shit bomb asf. I've missed this&I've missed him even more.

After all of that I cream my body. I put on a red bra and matching underwear. Next, I put on black high waisted jeans, white long sleeved shirt, a black Ralph Lauren hoodie&My Prada's. Slick my hair into a low messy bun and put on a Ralph Lauren snapback. I pick up and my phone its like 11:00am now. Surprisingly, I have no missed calls so I guess we're all late. I pick my black Mk bag and put my CV,Oyster, Earphones and other things I might need inside then call Rose.
Rose:"Hey babes, you good?".
Me:"Yeah, you still coming?".
Rose:"I can't today, neither can Isaiah. He's got football practice".
Me:"Oh okay".
Rose:"I'm sorry, go with Kian"
Me:"He's working today, I'll just go by myself I'll be okay".
Rose:"Alright then, love you".
Me:"Love you too b"
I lock arfff.

I make my way to bus stop the bus and to wait for the 329. When I get there Tyson's there. He is in a state. He just looks depressed eveytime I see him. I think its because Chyna's missing. Ngl, I feel for him because its his sister but I don't care Chyna. I think he needs someone to talk to.

Tyson's POV
So you probably know that im in a state. Well its because of Rakim's death. I was really close to him and I loved him so much even though things he had done were so stupid. He was more like a brother to me.And nobody in our family but me knows what happened to him and kills me to keep what I know away from them. I barely sleep&eat, I just think about him. But I still went to sixth form but I never spoke to anyone. I just cut off everyone. I wanna talk yo someone about it but I don't know who.

Montanna's POV.
I lean on the bus stop and check the bus time on my phone. Its coming in 10 minutes. Longgggg, but it gives me enough time to talk to Tyson.
I put my phone in my pocket and go sit next to him.
Me:"Hey Tyson,you okay?"
He don't reply.
Me:"Sorry, stupid question".
I've got the impression that he don't want to be bothered but i'm gonna bother him anyways. I wanna cheer him up init, he's always been there for me so I might as well init.
Me:"I know you're probably worried about Chyna, I mean if it was my sister I would be worried,Your whole family probably is and I'm sure she will turn up".
Tyson:"Why would I be worried about Chyna. She's not even my blood sister".
I look at him confused.
Me:"What do you mean?".
Tyson:"She's adopted".
Me:"Swear?! How comes she's never told me".
Tyson:"Cos she don't know herself".
Me:"How comes".
Tyson:"Why you asking so many questions, just leave me alone".
Loool, this boy must be crazy if he thinks I'm gonna leave him alone.
Me:"No, I don't like seeing you like this".
He kisses teeth and sighs.
Me:"Alright then, if you worried about Chyna then what are upset about?".
Tyson:"Don't worry man".
Me:"Just tell me Tysonnn".
Tyson:"Ite then, its about Rakim".
I look down at my feet. I don't like hearing that name. It brings back things I don't want to remember.
Tyson:"This is why I didn't want to tell you, I know you shot him for a reason and I'm not angry at you for that. I just miss him so much. And it kills me knowing what happened to him and keeping away from my family".
Me:"Tyson, I'm so sorry". I start to cry.
Tyson:"Its okay, I'll get over it. Its not your fault. You've been through worse".
The bus arrives. I wipe my tears away.
Me:"You getting on".
Tyson:"Nah. I'm waiting for the 125".
Me:"Okay, I'll see you around".
Tyson:"Yeah&Thanks for talking to me. I needed the company".
Me:"Its okay".
I smile at him and get on the bus.

I'm so sorry for not updating. I've been so busy but I promise to be more active❤❤x


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