Chapter 34

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Still Tyson's POV
Malachi:"What do you mean you knew it was going to happen?"
Me:"Chyna asked us to rape Montz because she friends with Rose again or something, I don't know it was for some stupid reason. Obviously I didn't go through because firstly she's my best friends sister and because its wrong to rape someone for any reason".
Malachi:"So why didn't you fucking tell me?"
Me:"Because I didn't think Rakim would got thru with it. Seriously if I knew Rakim was gonna do it, I would of told, but I'm sorry I didn't anyways."
Malachi stands up and walks around the living room in anger.
Malachi:"Well there is nothing I can fucking do now. Montanna is pen-"
Me:"WHAT! Montanna's in pen?".
Malachi:"Chyna told the police that Montanna killed Rakim. Blitz helped her do it to but she only snitched on Montz".
Malachi:"Rahh,Rakim's dead. He deserves it. But Montanna doesn't deserve to be inside,Chyna went to far. She deserves to fucking die too. I don't give a fuck about her".
Me:"Your right".
Malachi takes out his phone out his pocket and calls someone.
Malachi:"Isaiah change of plan".

Chyna POV
So today I'm gonna down to the police station and withdraw my statement against Montanna. Tbh I slysly don't want to go. She murdered my cousin. I've told Tyson everything and he is backing me. I didn't tell Tyson what Rakim did to Montanna, I just said that Montanna killed Rakim him for Malachi. But I'm gonna have to withdraw the satement or Blitz is going to hurt Isaiah.
I've already had my shower now I'm just putting on My grey converse tracksuit and my white and Greg superstars. I go downstairs and leave the house then route. I make my way to the bustop but the bus is already there. There is a few people there so i probably could make it.I start to pace it but next thing you know I stack and fall face down onto the bloodclart floor. I look up and see hella boys laughing from the top deck. Some of them are from school as well. What kind of fuckery is this?It ain't even funny.
The bus driver must of saw me because I think he waiting for me to get on the bus.
Bus driver:"You getting on or what?"
Me:"No, I wasn't even running for the bus, just having a little morning run init". I lie
He shakes his head and drives off. Last time I'm running for a bus.
I decided to walk instead. After like 15 minutes I decided to go corner shop to buy something because I haven't atec yet. I buy a Hershey bar and KA black grape. Pengest drink ever. I pay the guy £5 and he gives me my change. We say our byes and I walk out to find Malachi standing there.
Malachi:"Wagwarn Chyna, long time".
Chyna:"What are you doing here?"
Malachi:"Just here to talk. I heard what you told Rakim to do to Montanna and that you snitched on her to the feds. I think you did a good thing. The girls needs to be taught a lesson. I'm on your side.".
What am I hearing?
Me:"Are you beingg seriousss?"
He puts his arm around me.
Malachi:"Hella people miss you in North".
I'm just lost for words Malachi is against his own sister. Something ain't right.
Malachi:"Yh b, especially me,Rose, Isaiah and a couple mandem".
Me:"Why would Rose miss me".
Malachi:"Why wouldn't she".
Malachi:"So me and Tyson ain't part of this gang shit anymore. We've fully changed. I mean like we've got our whole lives ahead of us. Why should we waste it".
Me:"Ah, you lots are doing yourselves good. I've got involved into gangs shit now i can't seem to get out of it."
Malachi:"Setup chick yeah?"
I nod.
Malachi:"A lot of shit has gone down since you've been away, you've missed out on a lot. But today you get to catch up.
Me:"What do you mean?"
Malachi:"I'm taking you back to North".
We turn into a dead end and we carry on walking till we get to the end.
Me:"Malachi, its a dead end".
Malachi:"Oh, I know".
A smug smile appears on his face.
Malachi:"You must be dumb to think I'll let you get a away with getting some one rape my sister and getting her put into pen. You must be bluffing".
Me:"You're setting me up".
I'm about run but there is black Range Rover coming our way. First I think its blitz but why would he help Malachi? I soon realize that its Malachi's mandem. They all step out the car. No no wait. Its not even Malachi's mandem. Its Tyson(I thought this Nigga was on my side),Rose,Rielle&Isaiah. I was bare gonna withdrawy statement so he won't get killed but it looks like he wants me dead. I look at Rielle and she gives me an uneasy smile. I slysly wink at her. I know she wants Montanna dead, that why we're working together. She knows what to do if they're about to hurt me
They all circle me and just watch me.
I ain't even shook.
Malachis grip on my arm gets tighter and drags me to the boot and tells me to get in. I do what he says.
Malachi:"someone's gonna get dead up today".

*3hours later*

Rielle's POV
Yuppp, you guessed it, I'm working with Chyna. You guys know me as a lesbian but really I ain't. I like Blitz,wait not even like, I love Blitz. I want to get Montanna out of the way so I can get with blitz but seeing how much he loves her vice versa,there is no way I could get with him.
Right now we're in his Traphouse but not the one in North. Tbh, I've got no idea where we are. Chyna is locked up in a room whilst we're in Malachi's little office talking.
Malachi:"So what's it gonna be torture or death?"
We all look at Tyson since its his sister.
Tyson:"I don't care what you do, she's not even my blood sister. She's adopted".
Rose:"Seriously???Does she know? Is that why you're always mean to her?"
Tyson :"Pretty much yeah& she don't know either".
Isaiah:"I a bitch finna die today".
Rose:"Mhmm,Where do you keep your weapons?"
He points at a large metal thing.
Isaiah&Rose rush to it. They discuss what they're gonna use. I go up to them.
Me:"Are you sure you lots wanna do this I mean Isaiah she's your girlfriend".
Isaiah:"That was before she asked someone to rape montanna and then put her in pen".
Me:"Er, okay. Rose I swear you don't like seeing people killed".
Rose:"You're acting like I haven't caught a body before. I've killed plenty".
Me:"Why don't you just torture her then".
Rose:"Rielle, why tryna back her for? Are you on her side or something?".
I don't say anything.

Rose's POV
I know Rielle and Chyna are on the same side. I saw Rielle smile at Chyna and Chyna wink at her. Tell me that's not suspicious. So I told Malachi to go his North West trap because I knew Rielle would have no clue where we are so she won't call back up. She's making it so bait her self.
Me:"Isaiah let's use this".
Pull out the biggest shank ever. The blade is sharp and thick. It basically like a butchers knife but bigger.
Isaiah:"How you gonna use that".
Me:"Stab your obviously"
Isaiah:"I don't think I can watch".
Me:"Don't worry I'll go with Rielle".
Me:"Let's go".
Malachi:"I'll be outside the room with some of the boys.
I nod. Me and Rielle go to the room. You should see the look on her face. She's shook asf.
As we enter Chyna's head shoot right up.
Chyna:"Well its about time".
Me:"Shut up please. You must think this is s joke ting init".
Chyna:"Yeah it is cos I ain't today".
Me:"Oh really?".
Chyna:"Yeah,Rielle tell the mandem they can come now".
Rielle looks down and starts playing with her fingers.
Chyna:"Go on then".
She hesitates before she speaks.
Rielle:"I told the boys to go the North Trap, but we ain't at the north trap".
Chyna:"Where the fuck are we then".
Rielle:"I-I don't know".
Me:"So I guess this is the bit where you die".

Sorry For The Long Ass Wait&Shit Chapter. I've Been So Busy, I've Hardly Had Anytime To Update. I'll Try Update Once Or Twice A Week Till Exams Are Over. I Won't Be Updating My Other Story Because I Can't Write Two Stories At The Same Time.

Anywaysss Vote&Comment Please x

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