Chapter 45

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Still Montanna's POV
Its been a week since Malachi came back from the dead and college starts in like two days. I've still got this bandage on my nose(Which I need to keep on for another week) but my head is alright now. Me&Kian haven't spoken since he broke up with me and I miss him alottt though. Malachi&Klauida(Yeah she bussed case!) are gone to Manchester to get settled in and that. They're a really cute couple❤✨. Isaiah is still here but we don't talk anymore. He's made new friends already and I'm still here with no friends. Everything is alright I guess but Lucia is still worried about Rielle. Lucia&my dad don't know that I killed her and I'm not planning to tell them. They think she ran away because apperently she always does it. Rielle deserves what she got, so I don't really care. I told my mum what happened and she said she won't say anything. And the fact that Rielle was about to kill Mya, my mum really don't give a shit about Rielle. So its Saturday afternoon and I'm on my way to work. Yes I secured a job at JD. Malachi talked to his manager and that and got me the job. Its my first day and hope I make a good impression, I don't wanna fuck up. I get off the 123 and walk down to JD. I walk past Nandos and i instantly remember that Kian works there. Rah, were going to see each other a lot now we work near each other and I'm going to the same college as him. I finally get to JD and go staright back to put my stuff away. The manger is there and she is doing some paper work. Her name is Phoebe. She is BEAUTIFUL, but I ain't on that wave.
Me:"Hi,you alright".
Phoebe:"Yo, I'm good, you". She talks bare road around the staff but when she's around costumers she goes bare formal.
Me:"Yeah I'm alright"
Nathaniel:"You're working a 5 hour shift today and your break is at 3pm".
Me:"Okay where do you want me?"
Phoebe:"First I want you helping customers finding what they want then after the break at the till".
Me:"Okay". I smile and as I'm about to walk out this these two girls walk in. They both wave and smile.
Phoebe:"This is Montanna she's starting here today".
Girl 1:"What you saying, Im Thaj".
Girl 2:"Hey,Im India".
Me:"Hey,nice meeting you lots but I to go now". They all nod and I leave the room.

So far everything's calm. This boy called Marcel is at the till and me&Thaj are helping costumers out. India is so doing inventory at the back. As I'm walking around looking for someone to help I catch this boy staring at me. He's a peng darskin, with pearly whites, looks about 6ft, has a ear piercing and he's dress sense is on point. He has been starting at me for a while in fact. Thaj comes over to me and nudges me.
Thaj:"You finna move to that?". I screw her. Thaj is 5'7, light skin, she has golden curly hair but is shaved at the back and put into a high ponytail&she acts like a boy. Well, she's basically a tomboy.
Me:"No,I've just come out a relationship".
Thaj:"I didn't mean it in that way" She laughs. I'm lost.
Thaj:"I'm meant as in are you gonna go help him?".
Me:"Oh yeah". Thaj chuckles and shakes her head. I roll my eyes and make my way over to the boy.
Me:"Hi, do you need any help?"
Boy:"Yeah, is it possible if I can get these in 7?" He shows me a pair of Zx flux's in navy blue.
Me:"Yeah, give me a minute". I'm about to go the other pair when he pulls me back by my waist. We're facing eachother really close. That's when Kian walks in. This looks bad. Kian looks me right in the eye and walks straight past me. He looks disappointed. I push myself of the boy and hes just smiling at me".
Me:"What was that about".
Boy:"I didn't catch your name".
Boy:"My names Laurent",
Me:"Nice name".
Laurent:"Nice like you". I smile and look down. I don't even look nice I've got a bandage on my nose for ffs.
Me:"I'm gonna go get your shoes".
Laurent:"Nah, let me chat you b"
Me:"Okay". So we start talking and he's just asks me a few questions, most of them about Malachi(The whole England probably knows what happened with him I swear)he shows bare sympathy and he talks about him self as well. He's a nice boy and he's got bants.
Kian comes near us and he's looking at some shoes. I block out Laurent and stare at him. He picks up a pair of high top huaraches and tries them on. They're a bit to small for him though.
Kian:"Excuse me". He looks my way, so I think he's talking to me. I'm about to move to go to him but Thaj goes past me and goes to him. Rah, he wasn't talking to me. Imagine if I went, it would of been so awkward.
Laurent taps my shoulder.
Laurent:"You listening b".
Laurent:"Don't be, I'm probably boring you".
I let out a small laugh and a smile.
I look back over to Thaj and Kian they're cracking jokes and laugh. He looks like he's tryna move to her. She ain't on that wave though. He's just probably tryna make me jealous and if he is its working. But its my turn now. I walk closer to where they are with Laurent following me behind.
Me:"You should buy these, they're peng". I pick up a pair of Jordans.
Laurent:"Peng like me,ahlie?". I laugh
Me:"What you think your peng?".
Thaj:"You ain't peng". Laurent looks at Thaj shocked.
Laurent:"What shut up". They do this handshake and hug each other.
Thaj:"Ayy, longtime Laurent. Ay, Montz help out this customer for me".
Me:"Erm,wait I can't--". Its too late she's already walked off with Laurent.

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