Chapter 14

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Emily pov
I was slowly waking up to a hand running down my thigh and kisses trailing on back. Hotch knew I was awake but continued running his hand down and kissing my back.
He made it to the base of my neck, "Good morning," he whispered in his morning voice. I turned over and not caring about morning breathe, I kissed him. Still kissing, he flipped us over the blanket covering him up until his waist while he was covering me.
"You're so beautiful you know," he whispered against my neck making me smile and kiss him more.
"As much as I want to continue, we should get up before the kids see using in this position without clothes," I said pulling away.
I got up was beginning to grab my clothes when I felt someone's else on me, "Stop staring at my ass Hotchner." I bet he didn't look away, but smiled. I heard him get out of bed and began pulling clothes on him. I walked to the bathroom giving him a kiss on the cheek.
I heard noise coming from the kids room where I found Reid and JJ jumping on the bed. They continued to jump until they realized I was standing there with my arms crossed.
"We weren't doing anything," they exclaimed, scrambling to the ground and standing next to each other.
"Mhm yeah sure. How about your get your little booties down and march to the bathroom to brush your teeth's," I said with a stern look in my face.
They quickly got in a single file line and marched their way to the bathroom.
I was cleaning up the counters when I hear giggling and laughing coming from Hotch and the kids coming down the stairs. I walked over to and immediately was freaking out. Hotch had the nerve to walk JJ on his shoulders and Reid upside down. Once he saw my glare he quickly turned Reid and gave me a cheeky smile.
"I don't need any other broken bone and crying so you be careful with them and give them breakfast," I order just as I was about to turn around he grab my arm.
Making me turn around still smiling, "Yes ma'am," leaning forward and giving me a kiss. I opened my eyes to see JJ and Reid with their eyes clothes. I lean forward and gave a big kiss to Reid's cheek.
"Hey," he whined wiping the slobber away. JJ was falling asleep on Hotch's shoulders with her head on his.
"I wanna go wif you mama," said Reid reaching over to me. I took him in my arms and carried him to the kitchen with Hotch trailing behind me with a sleepy JJ.
*Ding dong*
"I wanna open the dor," said JJ running to the door with Hotch trailing behind her.
"OH MY GOD, Cupcake you look so adorable and so tiny. You're such a tiny human," I heard Penelope shriek.
"Hello boss man where's gumdrop?"
"Hello Penelope she's in the kitchen with Reid," he said locking the door. Penelope appeared at the door with JJ on her arms.
"OH MY GOD! Gumdrop you look like a mommy preparing food with one hand since you're carrying Reid," she said coming over giving Reid a kiss on the cheek and one too me.
"I feel like it's been forever since I've seen you guys. We need a girls night and just talk about everything,"she said sitting down.
"You're right and Hotch said he'll take care of the kids so we can have one," I said setting Reid down with him running to the living room where Hotch was sitting at.
"Oh he is a god. Thank him for letting this happen. Any changes between you guys?" she asked winking to me.
"Umm you tell me. Wait nothing has happened yet. I thought something would happen because you're so buddy up with each now," she said reaching for her water. Hotch and I decided we weren't going to hide. Trust was be especially with them knowing they will support.
"Hey baby girl, princess, and baby princess How are you guys doing," Derek said walking into the kitchen. Gave a kiss to Penelope and one on the cheek to JJ and I.
"Everything is good," I said winking to them walking out smirking with my baby girl to my waist.
"Hey no she's hiding something get back here EM," Penelope yelled and exclaimed to Derek.
"Hey where's Dave," I asked sitting down next to Hotch and setting JJ down so she can play with Reid.
Dropping his head on my shoulder he said, "He should be here soon. What is Garcia and Morgan doing alone in my kitchen."
"I don't know I just left them," I said chuckling a bit and running my hand through he hair.
"Mmmm that feels nice," he said. They heard knocking in the door meaning Dave arrived.
"Hey everybody," he said as the kids ran up to him.
Uncle Dave they were shouting in glee.
We went outside where Penelope and I set up the tables while the boys were grilling. The kids were running around.
However they both got tired and came up to me so I can have them sitting on my lap which I didn't mind.
"Are you guys having fun," I whispered to them then pressing some kisses to their heads.
"Yes but I'm hungry mama," Reid said and JJ nodding her head too. Penelope eyes widen when she heard the name calling, but I gave her a look of not now.
"Go to daddy and ask when the food is about to be done," I told them but instead they snuggled further into me and yelled, "Are you almost done daddy?"
Derek's and Dave's eyes widen and kept looking between Hotch and I. The ready was ready and we sat down.
"Well are you going to explain what they called you," Dave said.
"Well long story short Hotch and I woke up one morning earlier than the kids and went to go wake them out, but they were sweaty and turning in their bed. We quickly woke them up, but they seemed to be in a dazed and were smaller than before. They were beginning to call us mama and daddy," I said looking down at them.
Hotch continued but I tuned him out helping Reid to eat cleaner. I felt a tugging of my shirt and looked down to see JJ shivering.
"Hey why don't we get a sweater from upstairs," I said as I bought her to my lap.
"I'm going to grab some sweaters for the kiddos. Do you need anything?" I asked as I carry JJ. They all said no. I walk back in with JJ.
No ones pov
"She takes really good care of them," Dave said leaning back on his chair as he watch Hotch stare at Emily's figure.
"Yeah she's really good with them. Did you guys just see her cleaning Spencer's face," Penelope said smiling wildly.
"Yes she had her doubts but she's incredible taking care of them kids with me," Hotch said. He hears his phone vibrates and see he has a message from Emily.
'Are we going to tell them we're in a relationship now.'
'If you want yes, but how do you want to do it.'
'I'll just kiss you out of the moment.'
Good thing everyone was busy talking or that's what Hotch thought.
"Spence come here," Emily said as JJ runs to Hotch who picks her up and lays her head on his shoulder.
"Come on let's start the fireplace," Dave said to Derek while getting up. A few minutes later they were seated around the fireplace and chatting. The kids were sitting on Hotch and Emily's laps facing the fire place with a blanket covering them. Hotch and Emily were seated next to each other and the others were around. Emily rested her head against Hotch's shoulder where he then pressed a kiss to her temple.
"Woah woah when did this happen," Derek exclaimed point to the two.
"When did what happened," Emily said calmly.
"Well Hotch doesn't do kissing peoples head or letting them rest on their shoulder. So you tell me," Derek explained with wide eyes. While Penelope was trying to hold her excitement and Rossi was smirking.
"This beautiful lady can. Whenever she want and whenever she can," Hotch said pressing his lips to her temple again.  Which caused Penelope to yell out in excitement.
"Congratulations," Rossi said raising his glass up. While Hotch and Emily seal the deal with bring their lips together. Breaking apart they looked down to see the kids have fallen asleep. They took the kids up to bed and spent the night joking, laughing, and having fun with their friends.

I'm so sorry for taking forever, but it's testing season so it will take longer for me to post. Hopefully you guys enjoy this chapter.

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