Chapter 18

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No ones pov
"Male 43 gsw in the shoulder and abdomen," Yelled an er nurse as they push through the door. As they moved the gurney quickly across of the emergency rooms. Preparing all scans to make sure nothing is wrong.
"Dr. Grey do you find any identification on this male?" Dr. Webber asked.
"He's an agent from the FBI," she had an impressive face and showed the identification to Dr. Yang.
"Hey guys there's someone here looking for an Aaron Hotchner," Dr. Kepner said.
"Who is it," Dr. Webber asked.
"It's his wife and she works with him. She was muttering something about her first week back at work next thing she knows he's shot," she said looking at Hotch.
"Do I bring her here?"
"So she's also an fbi agent. Pretty impressive," Dr. Grey muttered why applying pressure to the gsw.
"Aaron!!" yelled Emily as she walked to his side.
"How are you feeling?" she asked even though she knew it was stupid to ask knowing how he was feeling.
"I'm feeling like i was shot twice," he said grimacing through the pain.
"Hey at least you weren't staked with a table leg," she muttered.
"Emily that's not funny," he looked at her while the other doctors looked at each other thinking why are they joking around like that.
"what why are you looking at me like that?" Emily asked Hotch while squeezing his hand.
"Nothing at least you weren't stabbed 9 times."
"At you weren't held hostile for a day and got beat up by the cult leader," she fired back.
"Okay we will be taking Agent Hotchner for surgery. If you have any questions will we answer," Dr. Grey said.
"Yes how long will the surgery be," she asked as they moved to the down the hall.
"It should take a few hours, but we really need to get Agent Hotchner to table," Dr. Grey said looking forward.
"Okay, Love you and have safe dreams," Emily joked a bit.
"I love you too," hotch said as they rolled him away.
"Gracia how is everyone done with their paper work?" Emily asked once she called Gracia.
"Yes they're coming there, but how's bossman? Of course he's not okay. Do he now think now he has you and JJ? she continued to rant.
"Gracia he is fine don't worry, but how's my peanut is she's okay? Do she know that we aren't coming back right away? Aaron and I did explain about how we catch bad guys and have to travel, but we didn't explain about how we can get hurt. God I'm stupid. I should had explain," Emily said as she paced back and forth in the hallway.
"Em she's fine. Don't worry about it just explain it to her when you guys talk. Plus she's watching a movie right now she misses you guys though," Penelope said as she looked over to JJ.
"I miss her too," Emily said in a quieter voice. They spent the next few minutes talking and Emily got to speak with JJ, but didn't tell her about Hotch.
30 minutes later the rest of the team came.
"Bella he's going to be okay," Rossi said as he pulled her into a hug.
"I know."
"Yeah princess it's Hotch we're talking about. He is strong and he loves you too much," Derek said pulling her in a hug. Reid also pulled her into a hug.
"Excuse me Mrs. Hotchner," a Dr. Lexi Grey said.
"Yes," Emily said looking at her.
"Your husband did lose a good amount of blood, but everything in surgery has gone fine. Just a few hours left and he'll be good as new," she said looking at everyone from the team.
"See princess he's going to be okay," Derek said swinging his arm around her.
"Yes thank you," Emily said.
"MAMA," yelled JJ as she ran up to her mother waking her up.
"JJ what are you doing here. Where's Penny?" Emily asked quickly picking her up. JJ snuggled to her chest and pointed to where Penelope was walking. Emily walked towards her and hugged her.
"Why didn't you say that you were coming. We could have picked you up from the airport," Emily said with JJ in her arms playing with her hair.
"Yeah I know, but it's important for you to be here. Plus did I head husband?" Penelope said taking a seat next to Morgan.
"Yeah princess Husband?"
"I figured it was the best way to have them give me answers," she said with a shrug. They can tell she didn't want to speak anymore. All she could think was how he got shot without his vest, but at least the unsub had a shitty aim before he was killed.
"Mama where's daddy?" JJ asked as she pulled Emily out of her thoughts. She looked at her teammates and they gave her nod. She walked a bit fit her down from the group hoping to explain things that will make sense for JJ.
She crouched down to be face level with JJ, "Well you know how mama and daddy fight bad guys so they don't hurt the people," she started with.
"Yes you guys are superheroes," she nodded.
"Sometimes the bad guy can hurt us so when we were fighting the bad guy he hurt daddy," Emily said.
"But daddy is okay?" asked JJ with tears filling up her eyes.
"Yes daddy will be okay. We got the bad guy so we don't have to worry about him hurting us. We have to be careful with daddy since he needs time to heal," Emily said hugging JJ.
"So that means daddy and I can't play superhero when he flies me around the room," JJ said with a sad expression.
"No but he can play princesses and barbies or a tea party with you." That brought a smile of her face. She just hugged Emily and whispered 'i love you' which Emily whispered back.
"Excuse Mrs. Hotchner," Dr Grey said with other doctors behind her.
"Yes," Emily said getting up carrying JJ who hid her face into her shoulder making Emily bounce back and forth.
"Your husband made it out of surgery and he's back in the post op rooms. During his surgery he lost a bit of blood and to make sure everything would go through fine, we had to give him some blood," she said holding her clipboard.
"Thank you," Emily said genty.
"Whos this?" Dr. Grey asked.
"Hotch and mine daughter Jennifer. Can you say hi," Emily said as she pushed JJ's hair back. JJ gave a small simple wave.
"Aw she's adorable," Dr. Grey smiling.
"May I stay in his room? Is it okay to bring the team in?"
"He's still sedated, but I'll allow you."'
"Thank you Dr. Grey," Emily said. Before Dr. Grey can speak back, someone was calling Dr. Grey. She nodded off and went to the person. He had dark brown hair and bright blue eyes. Emily profiled them a bit and new they weren't just work colleagues, but in a relationship.
Emily walked towards back with a small smile on her face, "Hotch is okay however they gave him some blood during surgery. He is still sedated. Maybe in a half an hour he'll be awake." That made ever shine stand up and give Emily a hug.
"Thank god he's okay.
"Of course he is. He's superman."
"No he's bossman."
"He's G-man."
"Daddy," was the last voice and made everyone look to JJ who was still in Emily's arm.
Everyone went to Hotch's room where he was still sedated. Emily sat down next to Hotch holding his hand.
"Hey where's Hotch's second gun?" asked Morgan. Emily knew she forgot something when he went into surgery, but they probably have it in a bag with his clothes.
"it's probably in a bag with his clothes," Emily said not looking back but keeping her focused on Hotch.
30 minutes later Hotch was starting to move. He moved his hands slowly and was beginning to open his eyes.
"Aaron," Emily said slowly.
"Em" he muttered slowly.
"Come on man look at us," Derek said. Emily pressed the nurse button.
Dr. Grey and a nurse or students doctor came by. They presented the patient which made JJ giggle a bit calling Aaron daddy instead. He was looking good after surgery, but would have to stay for a bit longer at the hospital which Emily immediately volunteered to do with JJ saying me. Doctor Grey handed Emily Hotch's clothes with his second weapon that he normally kept on his ankle.
Dr. Grey joked a bit, "You guys had us a little scared when we saw that gun in the operation room."
"Oh don't worry that's his second gun that he never uses," Reid before he continued to ramble about gun Morgan slapped his head in which Reid began to rub.
"If you have any questions just press the buttons and a nurse or I will come," she turned around and left.
"Daddy I missed you," JJ said leaning towards him. Derek moved to place her on the bed with him warning to her to be careful. She leaned over to kiss him on the cheek. Penelope quietly was gushing with how adorable JJ is.
30 minutes later the team was leaving expect Dave, Emily and JJ. Dave, however noticed they wanted some time allow and offered to get Emily a coffee and JJ a hot chocolate.
"Hey you," Emily said sitting on the chair besides him.
"Hey," said looking at her.
"Come here. I'm fine and okay."
Emily leaned and gave him a kiss on the lips and gave a gentle hug hoping to her any injuries.
"I love you," was the first thing he said as they pulled always. Emily just leaned for another kiss while JJ was laying at Hotch's side on Emily's phone.
Dr. Grey and her friends saw that moment from the opened door and windows since the curtain wasn't down. Some found it adorable others found it scary but interesting since they all had guns and are in the Fbi.

Hey guys i'm sorry for how late I posted this. I keep forgetting that I'm not just a reader but also writing this story. However I've been losing interesting so maybe there's just going to be a chapter or two left. I'm not exactly sure. Any ideas. Also I'm sure this is how protocol or procedure is at the hospital if something like this happens. I have been interested in writing one shots. I feel like those are faster. If anyone has good Hotchniss stories please recommend them in the comments. Thank you and hopefully you enjoyed. I'm not exactly happy how I wrote this.

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