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Masky's P.O.V:

I gulped, taking in some air. I don't want to be a liar anymore. Taking his hands in mine I looked at him.

"I-I-Is something wrong Ma-asky?" Gently, I shook my head, my gaze averted down to the mattress.

"I need to tell you something." I'm guessing he automatically assumed the worst, as he began to twitch furiously. "It's... About my past. You deserve to know." This seemed to calm him down slightly, and he sat by my side, cuddled close with his head on my chest. "It was... Almost six years ago. I was only twenty at the time, all alone, no family or friends, nothing but a hotel room. I was broke, depressed, couldn't find a job. Dealing with the death of a friend. All my money was spent on cigarettes, I rarely had enough to buy food, when I did, it was almost nothing. My mental problems were at their worst, always tormenting me. Always hallucinations of him. This one winters day, I was at my doctors office, getting my pills. A woman walked up to me, and we began to talk, even spent all that day in a coffee shop she worked in. We became close, really good friends, like all my problems just... Went away when she was around. It was about mid January, and my luck had run out, not to mention my money. No job, no home. Not that I had one in the first place. She called me up that day. I remember, I'd went to a park and just... Sat there on a bench in the snow. Staring off into space. She came rushing over and I think I passed out. When I woke up, I didn't know where I was. Obviously, I began freaking out, but she came in and comforted me. She said I was sick and needed rest... And I just let it all out, gripping her shirt and sobbing into her shoulder. I had no place to sleep. No more food or drink or money... As soon as I told her she insisted I live with her in her apartment. I wanted to refuse, she was on minimum wage and could barely afford to feed herself but she wouldn't hear of it." Toby looked at me, trying to peice where all of this was going. I was grateful he was listening. "Of course the first night I went straight for the sofa, but she came in and I'm pretty sure she said something like 'Oh hell no. Get your ass in here.' She insisted I sleep on a proper bed, so I lay as far away from her as I could. After all, we were only friends, and it was awkward enough having to rely on her."

~flashback of epicness~

I stared at the back of her head nervously, shifting around. She shivered, but kicked off the blankets. That's when I realised she was only wearing a thin tank top and her panties. An overwhelming urge to do something terrible washed over me. No. I could lie a little closer at the most. I could easily pretend I was asleep. Slowly, I inched closer, until there was only a small gap between us. I could smell her cheap perfume from here, it made me dizzy. Suddenly, she rolled over, the gap lessening until there wasn't enough room to extend my hand that was tucked under me. Her eyes opened and she stared at me. I was unable to turn my gaze, she smiled.

"E-Ellie?" I stuttered.

"Yes, Tim?" Holy shit. I never realised how cute her voice was until now.

"Y-You're a bit close... Uh..." She slipped a hand so it was resting on my chest, making me all the more nervous, and more aware of what was happening. Leaning up, she pressed her forehead against mine. "E-Ell-" My eyes closed, focusing on nothing but her soft lips on mine. I was actually disappointed when she pulled away.

"Night." She mumbled, quickly rolling over...Shit. I didn't kiss back did I? I slid my arms around her waist, pushing my face into her hair.

"Sweet dreams, El."

~End of flashback~

"We became a couple. The only girl who never ran when she found out about my problems. We were perfect. Things where normal again... Well... She never knew about the things I got up to when I left... My second life. This life. I told no one. Not even Hoodie. This went on for months, nearing a year. I had left, stopped to light a cigarette. Thank god I did. I heard her screams, and my stomach sank. I ran back to the apartment and hammered on the door. It wouldn't open, so I began to furiously search for my keys. I dropped them, and the door opened."

~Another flashback of epicness~

The room was dark, quiet. Deafening silence to the horrifying noise just seconds before. I walked carefully, bringing out my penknife and switching on the light. That was the day my heart stopped beating. I saw her there. I tried to scream but I couldn't. I could only stare.

She lay on the floor, in a pool of her own blood, face contorted in agony. Mouth and eyes opened in the most terror filled expression. I ran to her and cradled her limp body.

"Baby?!" One of her hands fell, and I traced the motion to where it rested...

A gaping hole in her stomach. Something pierced her abdomen. So much force. I wished whoever had done this would've just killed me along with her. "Ellie?! Ellie wake up baby!" I shook her gently by the shoulders. "Ellie?! No, baby, no! Don't do this to me!" I had to fight off the urge to cough, knowing that if I did, I wouldn't be able to stop. By now I had dropped her lifeless corpse, and was on my hands and knees, the choking feeling rising in my throat. The static invaded my brain. Blurring my thoughts as I struggled to breathe.
//You have broken the rules, Timothy.\\

~end of flashback~

I was letting out shaky, uneven breaths. Bringing up a hand, I wiped my eyes and sighed. Toby was sitting there in shock, having finally figured it out.

"W-We can't love eachother, c-can we?"

Hiding our faces, hiding our pasts - MaskyXTobyWhere stories live. Discover now