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Toby's P.O.V:

I'd just drifted back to sleep in his tight grip, when the door burst open.

"Masky! Toby's go-" The room quietened, my eyes opened to see a blur of orange, black and red standing in front of a bright light, I let out a groan. The door slowly closed and I felt weight shift behind me, I was gently turned around and the lamp was switched on. Every blood vessel then decided to migrate to my face, which was extremely noticeable on my white, almost unnaturally grey skin. A deep and dark chuckle slipped from the persons lips.

"Toby..." The voice soothed, and my eyes widened when I realized it was... Masky... Oh my god... His dark eyes stared into mine, as I took in every detail of his face. His strong jawline, his perfectly cascaded sideburns, even the dark circles under his eyes looked so... Utterly perfect...

"M-Masky...?" I whispered. Yeah I said I thought he'd look nice but... Holy... W-Wait! I-I can't like him! I don't want to! Everyone I loved is gone... I don't want to get attatched to anyone. I have myself. I have the voices in my head. That's all I need... Crazy, I know... But that's just what I am. That's the reason I slaughtered my father. I never knew I'd end up in a bed with some dude who was:

1) Way older than me... By 6 years!

2) My colleague

3) And well, like I just said... A dude.

This is crazy... I jumped up and ran out, slamming my door. 

"Looks like you're the one running this time, eh?" I looked up, startled. No one was there... Oh great...

"You wuss."

"Look who's dying alone!"

"Kill someone, c'mon asshole, do it."

I shook my head, pulling on my hoodie and grabbing my hatchets, I had to make these voices go away... Looks like I don't want the voices after all...

Hiding our faces, hiding our pasts - MaskyXTobyWhere stories live. Discover now