TobyXMasky - LackingATitle

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My stomach lurched as I emptied the contents, which wasn't much, onto the dirt and grass. My face was a sickly white, dark circles shadowed my eyes, as I could see from the water of the glistening lake. The sun was shining unnaturally bright... In the middle of a forest-

A bloodcurdling scream echoed through the dead woods, making every hair on my body stand up on edge, when I glanced up again, clouds shielded the bright light in the sky. Shakily, I got to my feet, my panicked breaths the only sound to be heard among the deafening silence. My dark eyes scanned the area carefully, begging to find any forms of life among the rugged branches, quietly, cautiously, like a hawk. Nothing... There was nothing to... Be afraid of... I tried to calm myself by taking a slow blink. Close my eyes... Open my-

Where the hell am I?!

It was now extraordinarily dark. I seemed to be in some sort of... Shack. A cabin maybe. Too small to be a house... I stuck out my hands and felt around the walls, they were made of wood. Pressing on it, I realised it was sturdy, and that I needed to find an exit... As soon as possible. My fingers ran over the wood, trying to find a door, a window, even an indent somewhere... Anything. Something cool and smooth brushed my palm and my brows furrowed. Was this a door? ...Yes, this was a hinge! Now if I can just- I grabbed the handle, a feeling of hope fluttering inside me, it felt like butterflies. It took all of my strength to open the door, and when I did, the butterflies died and a cloud of dust enclosed me. I could smell the damp, rotting wood of the... I had no idea what it was. I'd say a large shack. If it was possible, it grew darker. The only way I could tell was, If I couldn't see my hands before - I certainly can't now. This seemed like more of an open space, there were no walls around me, as if I could tell. Maybe there were some leaves at my feet, a scratching noise rung out as I walked. Paper, maybe? I stopped dead in my tracks. The space around me began to shake. I soon lost my balance, and the weakened floor let out a pained groan, before giving way. My stomach dropped as I fell down what seemed like an everlasting pit. Faintly, ever so softly, I could hear a name calling out.

Then all was silent.

And it was bright again.

Hiding our faces, hiding our pasts - MaskyXTobyWhere stories live. Discover now