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Masky's P.O.V: 

My eyes snapped open when I heard the chaotic sounds of glass breaking and yelling. I figured Jane and Jeff were fighting again. I just got comfortable when I noticed my eyes were hurting from the cheap nylon curtains (Song reference anyone?) and got up, well, sat over the edge of my bed, staring at the ground. I didn't want to get up today. I was having another one of those days where I just wanted to curl up in bed and stay there... But I have a job, so I can't. Reluctantly, I heaved myself off the mattress and hesitated on opening the blinds.

"Fuck it." I grumbled, walking to my wardrobe and pulling out my usual clothes, pulling them on and sighing, stretching until my back clicked. "S'pose I should meet the new kid..." I pulled on my mask real quick, can't forget that. Opening my door I winced as the noise got louder. "It's too fuckin' early for this shit..." Trailing down the stairs, I poured myself a mug of coffee and took a sip after pushing my plastic face up to my lips. I let out a small mmm as I drank the warm drink, savouring the strong taste. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw a flash of brown, orange and silver. I raised an eyebrow and turned slightly, there was a boy wandering around aimlessly, sort of hopelessly. He looked about... 14? 15? I mean, he was really short. His brown hair stuck up in wild directions, he had dark circles under his eyes and his complexion was pale. The boy seemed quite skinny too, his hoodie looked way too big for him and hung off his figure awkwardly. I grinned lightly, kinda reminded me of me when I was a teenager. He looked up and stared at me curiously, cocking his head and frowning, his brows furrowed. Getting off the barstool, I stood up to my full height and began walking towards him, his posture became nervous and edgy, he shrunk back. He really was small. I felt so big compared to him! My mouth stretched to a kind smile, "Hey... You new here?" He nodded quickly, hunched over partly. "Well, you're a proxy now, right?" He nodded again, "I'm Masky. I, uh, I'll be working with you soon." His eyes darted around and I wondered if he was looking for something. "Are you looking for something?" I asked, he shook his head violently and... Twitched? Okay. "What's your name?" He looked up at me and became motionless.

"...Toby." His lips barely moved, and he said it so quietly I wasn't sure I heard it at all. I was about to say something when he spoke up again, "Do- C-Could you show me where... Slenderman is, please?" He twitched and looked down shyly, I nodded

"Sure thing, Toby." Grinning, I began walking out of the door and I heard him scurrying behind me, trying to keep up. We went down a maze of corridors and stopped at a set of double doors. I knocked and turned to him. "There you go. Can you get back alright? Anyway, I gotta go-" The doors swung open and I felt myself loosing consciousness slightly,

"Not so fast, Masky." I saw sir put up a hand and I felt myself do the same. It was my voice, but much deeper and demonic. Slenderman couldn't actually speak so, he communicates through his proxies. "I would like you to spend the rest of the day with Toby. Show him around, introduce him to everyone, tell him the rules and get to know him. It is vital that you trust him if you were to go on a mission."

"D-Did you want to speak with me?" Toby's small voice barely managed to squeak out. Slender nodded and I felt my head do the same,

"Yes. If you could turn up before dinner, Masky will tell you when that is, I will speak then. I should have spoken to you now, but something important has come up. You are dismissed." I felt my body tingle and I fell forward slightly, shaking my head. Side effects of Slenderman doing this were dizziness and drowsiness, nausea for new proxies. I took a deep breath and steadied myself, 

"C'mon, Toby. I'll show you 'round."

Hiding our faces, hiding our pasts - MaskyXTobyWhere stories live. Discover now