Chapter 1

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Y/n's pov

My parents were screaming at each other like they did every night. I sat by my open window while staring at the full moon. It was so pretty tonight.

I heard the sound of glass shattering in the next room. The screaming got louder and louder. I put my hands over my ears and felt hot tears drip down my face.

I heard more screaming and crashing. But I realised that the screaming didn't sound like anger anymore. It sounded a lot more like the screams you make while you're in pain.

I stood up from the edge of the window and quietly opened my door. It was dead silent now. I tiptoed to the kitchen and felt my stomach drop. There right in front of me lay my mother. Her eyes looked cold and empty, her mouth was slightly opened with blood dripping out. Her used to be cleaned clothing was now covered in dark red blood.

I walked back slowly trying to recover from the shock of seeing my mother dead in front of me. I tripped over the carpet and fell on my back. It was silent for a moment before I heard the door near me slam open and it nearly shattered when it hit the wall.

Out of the dark room came a weird looking man holding what I recognized to be my fathers head. My face drained color as I watched him slowly come towards me.

He gave off such an eerie vibe.

When he was about five feet away from me he stopped and just stared at me. I stood in front of him too afraid to move.

I didn't look at him, I just looked at the ground. I felt him move closer and then I ran. I ran faster than I thought I could. We lived in a cottage in the woods near a populated town that was about 30 minutes away.

I couldn't tell if I was being chased or not but I didn't want to find out.

I was so focused and running I didn't even notice the pain in my feet as I ran.

In the distance I saw bright lights which I knew meant I was nearby. I felt a sudden feeling of hope seeing more and more houses.

I tried looking for someone but it was already past midnight so it looked almost like a ghost town. I turned a corner and bumped into someone and fell backwards.

I looked up to see a girl that was older than me. She had long pink hair with green tips and had light green eyes. She smiled at me, her smile was so warm.

She held out her hand, "are you alright little one?" she asked. Her voice was so warm. I stared at her for a minute and felt tears fall yet again. She looked shocked, I took my hand away from hers and wiped away my tears.

"What happened?" She asked, leaning down. I saw her take a look at my appearance. My hair was a mess and all sweaty from sprinting all the way here and I was in night clothing, I had no shoes so my feet were all cut up and I had some blood on my legs.

"Do you want to come with me? I'll help take you to the police" she said standing up straight. I nodded my head and she held out her hand again, I placed my hand in hers and started walking through the streets.

"My name is Mitsuri Kanroji, what's yours?" she asked looking down at me.

"My name is Y/N"

(I'm sorry it's short the chapters will get longer over time)

A rude personality with a warm soul (Shinazugawa Genya x fem reader)Where stories live. Discover now