Chapter 15

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Y/n's pov

I walked through the empty halls of Mitsuri's house, which was handed down to me. I would be lying if I didn't expect Mitsuri to walk around the corner and bump into me.

I gripped Iguros and Mitsuris old haori's tighter. The little snake slithered next to me as I made my way to my room. I searched through my desk and found scissors, a needle and thread. I cut both haoris in half, I took a half of both and sewed it up.

A loud knock came from the front door, getting up I slowly walked down the stairs and opened the door to reveal Sanemi Shinazugawa standing beside Tanjiro and Nezuko. Nezuko smiled and wrapped her hands around me, I flinched slightly before wrapping my hands around her.

"It's been a while Y/n! How are you?" Tanjiro asked. I forced a smile to my face, "I'm well, I was just gonna go visit the graveyard" I muttered as I walked past the small group.

"We'll come with you!" Nezuko said excitedly. I nodded and walked towards the graveyard. I clutched the necklace I was given by Genya a while ago.

The graveyard was quiet and cold. I walked past the rows of graves and went to one of the two big ones.


I smiled slightly at the grave and clutched the haori I was wearing.

I felt a soft hand on my shoulder, "they would be very proud of you Y/n" Nezuko said softly. Tears softly pooled at the corner of my eyes as I smiled kindly at her.

I walked to the next grave,


Genya's brother prayed near the grave before standing up, "what are you gonna do now Shinazugawa?" I asked quietly. "Call me Sanemi'' I nodded, "then what are you gonna do Sanemi?" I asked again. "I don't know yet" I nodded at this reply. "What do you plan on doing now?" I froze at this question. What was I gonna do now?

I thought of an answer for a few minutes, "I'm gonna travel back to my home country and try to find any distant relatives" I said softly.

Sanemi nodded, "and the house?" he asked quietly. "It would be a shame to give away such a nice place..." I mumbled. "Sanemi? Do you mind doing me a favor?" I questioned.


"Take care of the house for me, you can live in it, you can check on it. Anything. Just take care of it, and in 15 years I'll come back to Japan".

"If that's what you want..."

We both stood in place and stared at the grave in front of us. "I'm gonna go with everyone else, you're welcome to join us" Sanemi said facing me. "I'll catch up," I muttered.

He nodded before walking away from the graveyard with Tanjiro and Nezuko following not far from behind him.

I fell to my knees in front of Genya's grave and stared at the smooth stone.

"I hope you find me soon"




Yeah so that's the end of that I plan to make a second book where Y/n and Genya get reincarnated and they find each other again :')

I don't think I will be able to post the new story in a few days since I still have to plan what will happen. 

Anyways thank you for reading my story and I hope you enjoyed it.

A rude personality with a warm soul (Shinazugawa Genya x fem reader)Where stories live. Discover now