Somewhere in another universe...

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Trigger warning: gore and death in the beginning of the chapter


I stared down at his decaying body and felt tears well up in my eyes.

"Genya you said you wouldn't break the promise..."

I watched as his body turned to dust and sobbed into my hands. That was it... I never got to tell him that I truly loved him.

I dropped down to my knees, why him...




"Mama, can you tell me a story?"




My eyes fluttered open, the sound of screaming and crying sounded distant. A blurry figure stood over me, holding my shoulders and sobbing.


My voice sounded horace and tired. Genya perked up when he heard my voice, a small smile made its way to his lips, "Y/n- Y/n it's going to be ok- I'll find someone please you have to hang on, remember our promise right? Can't break a promise..."

I shifted and flinched, pain spread throughout my body as I got back to my senses, there was a giant blade that impaled my stomach. I felt panic swirl in my chest as my eyes got glassy.

Genyas shaky hands cupped my face, I inhaled before grabbing his hand.

A sad smile made its way to my lips, "I'm not going to make it Genya..."

Genya stared into my eyes, "don't say that Y/n... you were all I had. Please stay alive. If you stay alive then I can be with you, remember how you said you wanted someone to propose to you on a night of the full moon surrounded by wisteria trees? I can do that... Please stay alive. Stay with me. Don't leave me..."

My gaze fell onto my legs, which were slowly decaying. I smiled sadly and cupped Genyas cheek.

"Genya... let me make another promise... in another life when we get reborn again, promise me we'll find each other. We'll find each other and- and we'll get married, and we won't ever leave each other, because in our next life we'll be so- so happy."

I choked on my words as the feeling in my legs disappeared. Genya started shaking violently, "no- no Y/n."

Tears slipped down my cheeks and chin, falling onto the blade in my stomach, "live for me Genya, ok? Live and stay with Tanjiro, Zenitsu and Inosuke, they're good friends right?"

The feeling in my waist disappeared.

"And- and visit my grave to give me flowers, but make sure to give flowers to your future wife- shit."

I felt the feeling in my stomach starting to disappear.

"Take care of Mitsuri and her house, make sure the garden is tended too... and the cats."

Genya stared down at me, his eyes filled with despair and sadness.

"Help your brother and his future wife..."

A rude personality with a warm soul (Shinazugawa Genya x fem reader)Where stories live. Discover now