Chapter 2

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Years passed by like seconds and before I knew it I was 14. I've stuck with Misturi ever since I met her on the street. She was basically my older sister and when she said she was gonna become a demon slayer I followed her out of that old town with no hesitation.

Once she became a Hashira you knew her work would become more hard. It was a few years ago when I decided I would try my best to help her out by becoming a demon slayer as well and ever since I've been working hard.

The final selection was in a week and I felt almost unprepared. Mitsuri was sitting on a step nearby watching me train, "More force Y/N!" she said.

She looked more different than she was before, her hair was back to it's natural hair color and her uniform is one of the most revealing things I think I've ever seen her wear.

"First form: Shivers of first love" I muttered. I learned all of the breathing techniques that Mitsuri used, I also found some old techniques that were made years before and mastered them but never used them. From what I learned that techniques should only be used when you're fully ready and if you're in a situation that they will be needed.

"Why don't we take a break?" Mitsuri said, walking up to me. I nodded and put my sword away,"Great! I'll get some tea and cookies" she said walking back to the estate.

I sat on the steps where Mitsuri was previously sitting, I took my sleeve and wiped the sweat from my forehead. After a few minutes Mitsuri came back holding a tray with tea and cookies.

She sat beside me and I started drinking the tea. We both snacked away and the cookies in silence. After a few minutes we heard footsteps coming towards us, we both turned around to see shinobu. "Shinobu!" Mitsuri said jumping up from the step and walking over to her. "What are you doing here?" she asked. "I just came to wish Y/N good luck on her final selection" she said.

"Oh Of Course!" Mitsuri said happily. "I've been helping her train non-stop for the past couple of weeks", Shinobu nodded, I stood up and continued my training.

I spent the last few days training and before I knew it the day for final selection would be the next day. "Y/N!" Mitsuri called out when entering my room. I was sitting on my bed meditating. "Yes big sister?" I said while opening my eyes, Misturi always liked being called big sister. She told me multiple times how I was like her little sister to her. She handed me some clothing with f/c flowers on it, "I got a similar design to the one I wore when I went to the final selection. I smiled, "thank you" I said. She gave me one of her warm smiles that can melt snow.

It was now the day before the final selection. I Slipped on the clothes that Mitsuri gave me and grabbed one of the katanas.

I went downstairs and I was met with Mitsuri holding a small pink box and a small bag. "You can take these for your journey" she said, passing the items to me. I took them happily and hugged her. "I'll see you in a week," I said. She nodded then I skipped out of the house.

After a couple hours of walking we found an inn right beside the mountain. "One room please" I said. There was an old man behind the counter. I passed him a couple of coins and he gave me an old looking key. I walked up some stairs to find my room. It was a simple room, one small bed in the corner with a night stand beside it.

I went and flopped on the bed and slowly fell asleep knowing I'm gonna have to sleep in the woods for the week.

I woke up at sunrise the next morning, I sat on my bed and started a meditation. After three hours I decided it would be time to start getting ready for my day.

I sat up and opened the small bag that Mitsuri gave me before I came here. In the bag was another small pink box filled with two sandwiches and some cut up fruits.

After finishing my breakfast I grabbed my pair of boots and slipped them on. I ran down the stairs and waved bye to the man behind the counter.

After an hour of climbing the mountain I ended up near lot's of wisteria trees, "So this is how they keep the demons up here" I said under my breath. I walked to where everyone else was. I counted about 20 people around my age, some older and some younger.

I stood around the large group of people. I looked around, there were some interesting people standing around. After a few minutes two people walked out in front of us. They both wore feminin clothing and one was with black hair and the other with white. "To enter the demon slayer course final selection, thank you all for being here" they both said in sync, "The wisteria blossoms prevent them from leaving, they bloom on this mountain year around" the one with black hair said. "In order to complete the final collection you must survive for seven days" the twin with black hair stated.

I ran into the forest and walked around. I had to save my energy in case something happened.

"I just need to survive the night," I said.

I heard some crunching behind me. I smirked and took out my katana, "ok demons... let's see what you got."

A rude personality with a warm soul (Shinazugawa Genya x fem reader)Where stories live. Discover now