Chapter 6

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Genya's pov


The short girl screamed. I sighed, "can you be any louder?" I mumbled. "Oops sorry..." she whispered, "you wouldn't happen to have an older brother... with white hair and an angry attitude would you?" she asked while fidgeting with her fingers. "Yeah," I replied "Wait, are you related to Sanemi Shinazugawa?" I sighed and nodded . "I guess I see a resemblance" she muttered. I sighed and moved my gaze to the end of the road.

"Have you met my brother?" I asked her. She nodded, "Yeah I've met him a few times". "So how is he?" I asked quietly. "Why don't you just ask him? He is your brother after all" she muttered. "I would but I don't think he wants to see me," I replied. "Oh well... I never asked how he was, he intimidates me and he's rude to everyone so I tend to stay away from him" she replied shrugging. I felt my eye twitch, just as I was about to yell at her, I heard footsteps from behind us. She must've heard it too since we both turned our heads at the same time. "Ah, Y/N are you heading home?" It was some lady dressed like a butterfly. "Oh Shinobu, I was actually gonna go to headquarters and wait with Nezuko until her brother gets better," she replied. The lady clapped her hands, "we were just gonna have a meeting about the demon and her brother would you like to go as well?" she asked, smiling. I shived, her smile kind of scared me. "Yeah I'll go with you" Y/N replied. The lady smiled and started walking down a different path, "Buh bye genya" Y/N said while waving at me. I stood on the same spot and watched them until I could no longer see them.

Heh... what a strange girl.

Y/N's pov

I held the box close to me while following Shinobu. We were at the headquarters and the rest of Hashira's were standing together waiting for something to happen. I walked to the side and sat down with the box containing Nezuko still in my arms.

I didn't even realize the meeting was starting since I was spaced out. I rested my head on the box and tried not to fall asleep. Walking around a creepy forest all night was stressful. Just as I was gonna enter the world of dreams I felt the box that Nezuko was in get yanked out of my hands. I looked up to see Sanemi Shinazugawa now holding Nezuko's box.

"Is that the moron slayer who has a demon with him?" he said, smirking. "This won't do master shinazugawa!" I turned to see a member of the Kakushi. "What did you say about the demon, kid?" he said, "that she can fight as a demon slayer to protect humans?" he continued I gave a confused glance, I should've paid attention. "Shinazugawa please don't act out of line" Shinobu said turning her attention to him. "You know what we call that? A total delusion!" Shinazugawa took out his katana and stabbed Nezuko through the box. I stared in shock, I wanted to help but since he was a higher up I would only get in more trouble. Nezuko's brother jumped up and ran toward him, "Anyone who hurts my sister.. Hashira or not, I won't let them get away with it!" he screamed. What a brave boy, the wind Hashira laughed and removed his katana from the box. "Is that right? Good for you" he said. Nezuko's brother started screaming and running towards him, the wind Hashira tried to strike him but he easily dodged and headbutted him in the process. Both of them fell on the ground.

"My beloved children..." I gasped and turned my direction to the now open door. It was Kagaya Ubuyashiki. I bowed down along with the Hashira's to show our respect. This is a letter from a former Hashira, Sakonji Urododaki '' I saw one of the children beside him start, "Please allow Tanjiro to be accompanied by his sister, a demon. Even in a starved state, she never devoured humans, and this has held true more than two years later. In the event that Nezuko does assault a human, Tanjiro Kamado... I felt myself space out again, I was getting sleep deprived and just wanted to go home. I lost my trance when the wind pillar jumped into the house where there was shade. I looked up to see him throw the box and stab it right after, this again? He opened the box and Nezuko stood up. We all watched, wondering what would happen. Nezuko stood up and stared at the blood, her energy was becoming angry and inhuman like. Nezuko stood up and stared at the wind, Hashira's bleeding arm. Nezuko's breathing became heavier and she was shaking slightly. But instead of trying to attack him Nezuko turned away instead.


I started making my way to the butterfly mansion to meet Nezuko and Tanjiro, it's been a few weeks since they were there for a few weeks and about to head out on another mission. I wanted to go wish them luck by giving him and his friends cookies.

I reached the butterfly mansion to see him and his friends about to head out. "Tanjiro!" I called, he turned around to face me. "I wanted to give these to you and your friends, for good luck" I said, handing the boxes to each of them.

"Ahhh a cute girl giving me cookies?!?! Is this heaven?" One of the boys gushed and held the cookies to his chest while blushing. I gave a look of disgust and backed away from him. "I'm sorry about him Y/N" Tanjiro said, "and thank you for the cookies". I nodded and when I faced his other friends, Inosuke? He looked at me, I could see blush on his mask and I swear I saw bubbles everywhere. "Well enjoy your cookies!" I said while walking the other direction.

I walked down the road and felt my stomach drop. I have had a bad feeling ever since Tanjiro told me about this mission he's going on. I shook my head and made my way home.

-Another timeskip-

My eyes fluttered and I stared at the ceiling. My face was wet from tears and sweat, was that a dream? I looked around, I was laying on my bed in my pajamas. I got up and walked to my mirror.

I walked into my little bathroom and washed the sweat from my face. I walked down the stairs and turned a corner to go to the kitchen for a cup of water. "Y/N?" I turned to see Mitsuri standing behind me, her hair was in messy braids and her eyes were almost closed.

"Hi Mitsuri" I said, taking a big gulp of water. "What are you doing up this late?" She asked, "just had a nightmare" I responded shrugging it off. "Again? What was it about?" She asked now almost fully awake. "I can't remember", I really couldn't and that's what made me feel worse.

Mitsuri rubbed my back and smiled at me, "I'm sure it's nothing". I nodded and finished my cup of water, "come on, let's go back to bed". I put the cup down and followed Mitsuri up the stairs. "Goodnight Y/N" Mitsuri said tiredly, "goodnight" I replied and went back to my bed. I closed my eyes trying to fall back asleep.

The next morning I woke up at the sound of tapping against my window. I looked to see a branch hitting my window. I slid off my bed and did some stretches.

I dressed in my uniform and sat on my bed to meditate. I haven't been getting a lot of missions lately which was weird.

When it was almost noon I heard a door open and close, is that Mitsuri? I slid off my bed and silently crept downstairs. Soft sobs could be heard from down the stairs, I went into the kitchen to see her crying in one of the corners.

"Mitsuri what happened?" I asked, sitting beside her. She sniffled and hugged me, her sobs were getting louder. I hugged her and we both sat in silence.

(Little spoiler warning but I think most people know now-)

"We lost him," she cried out. I stared at her in confusion, "Who?" I asked softly.


A rude personality with a warm soul (Shinazugawa Genya x fem reader)Where stories live. Discover now