Chapter 14

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I ran down the halls looking to see if I could find anyone. Turning left and right, falling through halls trying to go through other doors. Fighting weak demons that crawl around this fortress.

Just as I was about to open another door the wall beside me broke and I saw Giyuu coming out from the bottom of the debris. "Giyuu!" I called out as I ran towards him, he gave me a glance before running back from where he came from. I saw Tanjiro fight a demon with pink hair.

I ran after them to try and help out with their battle. "An upper moon" I mumbled before gripping the handle of the sword.

Both the demon and Giyuu started fighting and Tanjiro ran in to slice the demon's head off. The demon looked taken off guard but caught his sword before he could strike him. Giyuu ran in to cut the demon's torso as I ran in and cut the demon's legs hoping that the poison in the sword would help weaken this demon.

I wrapped my sword around the demon's arm before he could try and hit Tanjiro. I used my strength to pull the arm the other way but the sword unraveled and the blade was close to hitting my face. I quickly ducked before the blade could harm me and quickly got into position in case I needed to use another breathing technique.

Giyuu and the demon started fighting one on one while I ran up to Tanjiro to see if he's ok, "Tanjiro are you alright?" I asked while shaking his arm. He didn't respond and instead kept his attention on the fight between Giyuu and the demon.

I looked to see them both fighting and when I turned back to Tanjiro he joined the fight again and sliced off the demon's arm.

I was about to run over when I saw a snowflake take place on the floor beneath the demon, I stopped in my tracks knowing it's best to stay away when a demon uses their blood technique.

I observed the situation trying to see if there was a way I could help out.

I stood, sword in hand ready to join the fight. I watched in awe as Tanjiro ran up to the demon and sliced his head off at the speed of light.

The demon's head started sliding off but he put it back in place before it came off fully. Giyuu threw his sword at the demon's head and it went flying off.

"What's it gonna take to beat that thing?" I muttered in annoyance.

The demon's headless body got into a fighting position and threw Tanjiro into the wall. "TANJIRO" I screamed as I ran into the scene, "First form: Shivers of love!" I muttered. I unleashed multiple attacks to distract the demon as Giyuu ran up and held out his sword, "hold it. I am still alive here! If you want to kill Tanjiro, then you'll have to kill me first!" Giyuu yelled.

The demon looked ready to attack him when he stopped, and it went silent for a few minutes. I watched as the demon's head slowly grew back, but he didn't do anything. He stood in silence until Tanjiro woke up and went back to attacking him.

Tanjiro's attacks were blocked. Tanjiro went and carried Giyuu out of that room as I followed behind them. The room we were in exploded and I stared in shock as the demon's body jumped down. His body showed his bones and his flesh was starting to grow back.

The headless demon started walking towards us before slowly turning around and facing a wall. The demon flopped to his knees and sat there before slowly fading away.

Me and Tanjiro helped Giyuu stand up as we continued to run through the halls.

A demon came from behind us and caught me by surprise, since I had the most strength and energy I told Tanjiro and Giyuu to continue and I would catch up.

A rude personality with a warm soul (Shinazugawa Genya x fem reader)Where stories live. Discover now