chapter 7

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Losing Rengoku was tragic, but I couldn't let that affect me. I can't let peoples death's affect me, they knew what they were signing up for when they joined the demon slayer corps.

Rengoku's death was months ago yet the Hashira's weren't the same without him.

I stared at myself in the mirror, in a week would be my 15th birthday. It's already been a year since I joined huh? The final selection was just after my birthday.

I got dressed and grabbed my katana. I walked down the stairs to see Mitsuri sitting on the stairs. "Ah! Y/N! I was waiting for you to come down" she said and clapped her hands. I went and sat beside her.

"So it's almost your birthday! We should do something fun" she said looking at me. I nodded, "maybe a break won't be bad" I mumbled. She nodded excitedly. "What should we do?" she questioned, I shrugged my shoulders "any ideas?" I asked. Mitsuri was silent for a second, "what about we go to swordsmith village? I've been needing to repair my sword anyways" Mitsuri said.

"Hmmm, I think I've heard of that place" I replied thinking about where I heard the name before. "Yes, I've heard they have nice hot springs that help heal your body" I nodded. "We can go there then" I said and got up to go to my next mission.

-Time skip-

I made my way back to Mitsuri's house and opened the door while closing it behind me. I went to my room and sat on the chair beside the window. The book I was reading was on the side table where I left it. I picked it up and flipped through the pages.

After a while of reading I heard a knock on the door. I sat up and walked down to see who it was.

"Hello?" I opened the door and peeked outside. To see a member of the Kakushi standing outside. "Can I help you?" I asked opening the door more. "We were requested by Mitsuri Kanroji to pick you up and bring you to Swordsmith village". I nodded, "and where is she?" I asked, looking around. "She's waiting for you at the village already".

"Can you give me a moment to grab a few things?" I asked. The person nodded and I quickly ran into the house. I grabbed my book, my jacket and my knives. I ran back down the stairs and slipped my boots on. "I'm ready to go" I said and walked outside while closing the door behind me.

"Ok, here's your blindfold", I stared at them for a few seconds, "I'm sorry what?". "Oh did no one tell you? The location to Swordsmith village is confidential so whoever wishes to go there has to wear a blindfold and gets carried there". I gave it a thought and nodded, I took the blindfold from their hands and wrapped it around my eyes. I climbed onto their back and felt them start running.

After a couple of hours I was put then and another picked me up and carried me. The same thing happened another two times and finally, "miss you can take off your blindfold" I untied my blindfold and slipped off my face.

"It's really nice here," I muttered. "Yes please follow me I'll take you to Miss Mitsuri" I nodded and followed them to a house. On the steps was Mitsuri, "Ah! Y/N you made" she said happily. I nodded and hugged her.

"My sword is getting repaired right now so we can relax for a bit... Does your sword need fixing?" Mitsuri asked. "Well parts kept getting chipped off so maybe I should repair it a bit..." I muttered.

Mitsuri nodded and took my sword from my hands, "I'll go put it in repairs for you! I'll see you in a bit" Mitsuri ran through the streets with my sword held close to her. I sweat dropped and watched until she was out of view. "I guess I can walk around" I mumbled.

I walked down the steps and looked around. The village had little houses along the roads and you can see the forest behind each of them. The small village looked nice and homey.

A rude personality with a warm soul (Shinazugawa Genya x fem reader)Where stories live. Discover now