Chapter 5

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Y/N's pov

I started exiting the town before I heard a small voice behind me, "wait!" I turned around to realize it was the girl I saved yesterday, she had brown hair that went to her waist and bright blue eyes. "I wanted to say... thank you" she said and hugged me. I was shocked but melted into the hug, "ah! I'm sorry I should've introduced myself, my name is Emerson" I nodded, "my name is Y/N" I replied. "Y/N... What a beautiful name! Y/N, Y/N, Y/N... I wanna be friends with you Y/N, so I hope you don't mind me sending letters to you" she asked while grabbing my hand with hers.

-Time skip because I have no idea what I'm doing-

It's been a couple of weeks since I saved that girl and we were exchanging letters a lot. I was replying to one of her recent letters when I heard a crash. I turned around to see my crow fly into my room through the open window, "Y/N! Y/N! Head to Natagumo mountain immediately!" I dropped my pen and grabbed a bag that I always had ready, I've recently added bandages and medicine just in case. I grabbed my katana and headed in the direction of the mountain.

It was night when I reached the mountain. I climbed up and felt a chill run down my spine. "It's scary here" I muttered. I looked around, there were spiders everywhere. I looked around the woods and tripped over a root and fell on the ground, "owwwwww" my knee was bleeding. I sighed and picked myself off from the floor.

I ran around looking to see if I found anyone, I stopped to catch my breath climbing the mountain was tiring enough. "Hey" I heard a voice behind me. I turned to see a boy who was taller than me. "Aren't you the boy from the final selection?" I asked. He looked at me up and down, "Now I remember you" he scoffed, "You're the girl I had to carry for 5 hours" I rolled my eyes. "Don't be so rude it's not like I'm not that heavy," I said. We both stood in silence for a few minutes. I looked at him, he got taller and his hair was a bit longer then before but still looked pretty much the same. (I'm aware Genya probably wasn't on this mission but for the sake of this story and because I don't know what to put he's gonna be here)

After a few minutes I decided to go and look for someone. "Hey where are you going?" he asked, I turned to face him "I came here to help not sit around" I replied. I started walking through the woods hearing him not far behind me. In the distance I saw a few people our age wearing demon slayer uniforms. "Oh hello?" I called out. I started to walk up to them, "something isn't right" I heard him grumble. "I walked up to one of them and put my hand on their shoulder, "Hello?"

The girl turned around and slashed her sword at me. I jumped back and bumped into Genya, "I knew it..." he mumbled. I took out my sword and went into position. The girl's eyes were empty, "she's already dead" I mumbled. "Get away!" I heard one of the boys say, his skin was pale with black messy hair, his arms and legs were twisted in all the wrong directions. "He's still alive," I heard scar boy say. "What's controlling you?" I asked. The boy looked panicked as he began to be lifted into the air. "hmph" I went and sliced the air around him. He fell and made impact with the floor. I went and sliced the air around the other ones and watched as their bodies fell limp on the ground.

I threw the boy over my shoulders and started running the other direction. I stopped to catch my breath and looked around, "why'd you stop?" I heard a gruff voice behind me. "Oh you're still following me... " I said under my breath. "What'd you say?" he asked with a piercing glare. I shrugged and sat the boy on the ground carefully. "What's your name?" I asked the boy, "Vallen," he replied quietly. "Ok Vallen stay here he will watch you" I said pointing to the bigger boy behind me.

I looked in the distance, "wait here I'll be back" I said and ran down through a small path. I looked around and found someone familiar, "Kanao!" I said running up to her. She looked at me, "hello Y/N" she said calmly turning her attention back to the distance. "There's some bodys over there and I found a boy named Vallen who's in bad shape" I said quickly.

She nodded and we both made our way back. When we got there I started opening my bag and pulling out bandages. I tried my best to put his limbs back in shape but his bones almost felt like they were shattered.

I stood up and looked around, "Where'd Kanao go?" I asked. "Don't know" I heard from behind me. "You know, I've been meaning to ask what your technique is" I said putting my medicine back into my bag. "I don't really use one," he replied I heard a click behind me and turned my head. "I use this instead," he said, flipping a gun in his hand, my eyes widened slightly.

I saw Kanao running towards us from a distance, "you both can go home now" she said. "What about the mission?" I asked putting away my katana. "The demons were killed and the Kakushi are here to help bring everyone to some healers," Kanao said calmly. "Well I'm out of here" the scar boy said from behind me.

I decided I would follow Kanao. She was running after a boy carrying a girl. I was too far to see what they looked like. I followed from a distance to see what would happen. Kanao jumped from a high branch and gracefully jumped on the boy. He fell to the ground in pain and Kanao went for the girl he was carrying, "is she a demon?" I muttered. The boy grabbed the back of her cloak and pulled her down. "Run Nezuko!" I heard him yell. Kanao kicked his head and he fell unconscious.

The girl who I believed is named Nezuko got up and started running with Kanao not far behind her. Just when Kanao was about to strike her she shrunk. I stopped running and stared in shock. She looks like a child. Kanao continued to try and strike her but the Nezuko girl kept successfully dodging her.

"Message! Message!" I heard from above. "I have a message from headquarters!" I looked up to see one of the crows. "Tanjiro, dressed in a checkered haori, with a scar on his forehead! Nezuko, a demon girl with a bamboo muzzle! Bring them back! Bring them Back!" The crow continued. I walked up to Kanao and bent down to the demon girls level, "are you Nezuko?" I asked. She stayed silent, "she fits the description" Kanao said from behind me.

I nodded and held out my hand, "I'll take her back to the boy" Kanao nodded and ran the opposite direction. The girl Nezuko went back to her original size and took my hand. We both walked towards him to see him still unconscious on the ground, "looks like Kanao hit him hard" I said.

"Is that your brother?" I asked Nezuko as she took the box off his back. She nodded and crawled inside. I leaned down and stared at her, "You'll see your brother in a bit, I'll take you with me until you're brothers better" I said. She stared at me and nodded, I closed the box so she would be secure.

I picked the box up that she was in and started descending the mountain. It was morning now and I was running on the rocky road. I saw a big figure in the distance and ran up to them, "Hey scar dude" I said catching my breath. He sighed and ignored me.

"I have a name you know," he said, "well I don't know your name so I'll just call you scar boy until you tell me. He scoffed and mumbled something under his breath. "Well my name's Y/N L/N '' I said trying to break the silence. He just kept walking, "why do you always wear a jacket?" he asked. I looked at my clothes. "It was my mothers favorite jacket that she got from my home country" I replied. He nodded and started to walk faster, I ran beside him and matched his pace.

"Now that I think about it... I never caught your name" I said, picking up my pace to match with his. He sighed, "The names Genya Shinazugawa, remember it". I nodded in acknowledgment.


A rude personality with a warm soul (Shinazugawa Genya x fem reader)Where stories live. Discover now