Chapter 11

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Y/n pov

Me and Genya headed down the path with the moonlight shining down on us. "Ahh the moon is so nice!" I said staring above. "My future partner better propose to me in the moonlight surrounded by wisteria trees!" I said happily.

"You like wisteria trees?" Genya asked. I nodded happily and started skipping, "they're so pretty!".

"Genya... I was wondering, why does Shinazugawa hate you so much? You don't have to answer, I was just curious." I said, turning my gaze to him.

"Well... when I was younger I had a mother, she was small and skinny but she was a great person and a hard worker. My dad was also quite short but I wouldn't say he had the same amount of kindness. He used to hit my mom and me and my siblings when we were younger and even with my mothers small size she never hesitated to protect us. One day my dad died leaving my mother to watch over us, I will admit I feel like we were happier when he left. One night we got prepared to sleep and waited near the door for our mom. She has never come back that late so we got worried. Sanemi went to look for her so that left me to take care of everyone. As we waited the door was broken open and this thing came in. At first I thought it was a wolf or some wild animal but it turns out that wasn't it... that night my mother killed almost all of my siblings, leaving just me, sanemi and my younger brother. I accused Sanemi for killing her, at the time I didn't know what happened. Ever since I have been trying to apologize for what I did." I stared at Genya, noticing a tear roll down his cheek. I caressed his face in my hands and wiped away his tears.

"What about you?" he asked. "I heard Mitsuri say one time you're not blood related", I sighed and thought about it. "I don't remember much..." I said sitting down and staring at the moon.

"I remember screaming and crying. I remember someone killed my dad and took my mom. I can't really remember what they look like...:" I said sadly. "Try and describe them," Genya said. "My mom... I remember warm brown eyes and a shade of s/c, her hair was always up and she liked spring jackets and herbs. My dad... he had cold e/c and short messy black hair. He was tall and full of hatred for the world."

"It's all my fault they died..." I said sadly, Genya put his hand on my shoulder "no it's not" he replied, frowning slightly.

"No it is, it is because every night I prayed that they would just die".

6 years before

Half and hour before Mrs. L/n and Mr. L/n's deaths

I stared at the full moon from my bed. My eyes were glossy and I could still hear the yelling and screaming from downstairs. I put my hands over my ears to block the noise. Why do they always have to yell at each other every night? I would always ask myself.

I sat up and jumped off my bed, I shivered slightly at the feeling of the cold floor. I took my blanket and wrapped it around my small body and walked to my open window. I looked at the moon in the sky.

"Moon? How come my parents are always yelling? Why can't they be happy, if they're not happy and just become angry for the rest of their life, what's the point of keeping them alive?"

The only response was a sudden burst of wind. I shivered and snuggled into my blanket. I kept it wrapped around me and watched the stars and moon.

I clenched my fists and stared at the moon, "I guess the moon decided to answer my prayers that night. But without my parents' deaths I wouldn't have met Mitsuri and become a demon slayer" I said looking at my hands.

"Why did you wanna become a demon slayer? Did you wanna follow in Mitsuri's footsteps?" Genya asked. I shook my head no, "I was against letting Mitsuri fight demons but still followed her when she left that old village. The only reason she wanted to become a part of the demon slayer corps was to find a strong husband" I said, I looked to see Genyas face full of shock. "But anyways last year I decided to become a demon slayer to help with missions and I have been training ever since".

A rude personality with a warm soul (Shinazugawa Genya x fem reader)Where stories live. Discover now