Chapter 8

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Y/n's pov

I walked out of the room clutching the robe that covered my bare body. I walked into the other room to grab my uniform.

I slipped the robe off of me and pulled the uniform on. I folded the jacket and held it under my arm.

Since I had permission to stay for a bit I decided to walk in the forest.


I walked towards the scene to see... "Muichiro Tokito?" I mumbled. I was about to turn around when I heard a loud smacking sound, I turned back to see a kid wearing one of the masks laying on the forest floor.

My eyes widened and I started making my way towards them when I saw Tanjiro, "LET GO OF HIM!" Tanjiro screamed at the mist pillar.

"Your voice is so annoying... who are you?" the mist pillar mumbled. Muichiro didn't even flinch when Tanjiro grabbed his arm and tried to break it. I winced and Tanjiro was hit in his stomach, Muichrio looked rather annoyed with the situation.

I heard them all talking about something but I was too far away to hear what. I climbed the tree and watched from above trying to hear what they were speaking about. "Key" was all I heard before the branch I was on snapped, I fell from the tree and landed on top of Tanjiro making him unconscious.


Tanjiro's pov

"HIS EYELIDS ARE SHAKING! THERE HE'S AWAKE!" my eyes fluttered open to see Y/n and the kid from before yelling. I looked around to see Y/n's jacket laying under my head.

"I'm so sorry!" Y/n said loudly and helped me up. I smiled at her and nodded, why is she was apologizing?

"Where's the pillar?" I asked, looking at both Y/n and the kid, "I gave him the key, so he left".

Y/n's pov

I followed Tanjiro and the kid down a small path to look for the mist pillar.

"That is the battle doll my ancestors made long ago" I heard a high pitched voice say. "Yorichi Zeroshiki".

It was a tall doll holding a sword, the face was cracked and the fake hair was pulled into a long ponytail. It was quite strong and fast when Muichiro was battling it.

"According to my dad, this doll was made after an actual swordsman," the kid said. "They had to give it six arms, or they couldn't replicate his movements".

Both Tanjiro were whispering to each other as you stood and watched the wind pillar and battle doll fight. "He's just as young as I am... but he's talented... this person is amazing" I heard Tanjiro say from behind me. "Well of course! This boy is a descendant of the 'sun breath users'" I turned to see a stylish crow. "He's a genius! He's completely different from you!" the crow continued.

"Tokitou's crow? The sun breath is the original breath... so he really is amazing" Tanjiro replied to the crow, "but he doesn't use the sun breath..."

"SHUT THE HELL UP! I'LL GOUGE YOUR EYES OUT" the crow screeched while pecking at Tanjiro's face.

"Oh it's the dream I saw!!" Tanjiro said loudly, "I saw him in my dream!!!". "What? You're a total moron" the crow said angrily.

I shook my head and looked back at the fight between the wind pillar and the battle doll. Tokito slashed his sword and broke the armor on the doll. The kid ran in tears and climbed up a nearby tree. I looked back for a second before turning my gaze back to the fight.

A rude personality with a warm soul (Shinazugawa Genya x fem reader)Where stories live. Discover now