Chapter 3

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Y/N's pov

It's now the last day where I have to stay in this forest. I just need to survive the night and then I can get back in the morning. I walked around the forest and found a high rock. I climbed up and felt exhaustion take over me. My feet ached from not getting a chance to rest from the past few days.

I laid on the rock and felt my eyes slowly close and soon fell into a deep sleep.

A few hours later-

I heard what sounded like footsteps coming towards me, my eyes flew open and I looked around me. I didn't see anything except trees. I noticed it was now night time so I had to be extra careful. I sat up and reached for my katana. I looked at the empty spots beside me, "where is it?" I muttered. I slid off the rock and searched for it. I sighed, Maybe I can find someone to help me I thought to myself.

As I walked through the forest I heard more footsteps but I never saw anyone nearby. I wrapped my hands around me and shivered slightly, the feeling of being watched increased.

Out of nowhere I heard running, my head turned to look behind me and I saw a demon running towards me. In his hand was my katana that I lost.

I started running and frantically searching for a weapon that I could use to protect myself. I tripped over a tree root and rolled down a small hill. I picked up a rock that was near me and threw it at where the demon stood. He dodged it easily and continued to run at me, shit, I tried standing up and fell again. My ankle was twisted, I picked up a sturdy stick and started limping away.

I ended up falling again and tried to get up before something caught my eye. It was a katana... in the arms of a dead boy. His hair was a mess and his eyes were gone along with half of his body. I felt like I was gonna vomit but I held it down, "I'm sorry" I said, picking up the katana from his hands and standing up. I ignored the pain in my ankle and ran towards the demon. I tried my best to strike for the demon's neck. The demon dodge the blade easily. I cursed and felt a sudden pain in my stomach. I looked down to see blood spilling from my stomach. "Gee I never knew you found such a pretty one" I heard from behind me. I held my hand over the bleeding area and fell on my knees. "GO AWAY SHE'S MINE TO EAT" the demon in front of me said.

I coughed up blood and tried to control my breathing. The demon behind me stepped over me and went to his 'friend', "Can't you just share? I'm hungry, you know" the demon said. The demon was distracted so I took this as an advantage, I picked up the katana and ran up to the demon and sliced it's neck. The other demon looked quite surprised, I went and cut his head off as well.

Both demons started disintegrating and I sat down to catch my breath. I picked up the sword that Mitsuri gave me, it was similar to hers.

I stood up and ripped my sleeve, I wrapped it around my waste as a bandage for the wound. I picked myself up and started to head down the mountain.

After a few hours I saw a small group of kids standing around waiting for something to happen. "Huh, less than before" I said before limping towards them. When I took in each of their appearances I noticed Kanao was there. "I didn't know she was coming," I muttered.

"Welcome back everyone" I turned my head forward to see the twins from before. "I made it back alive, what do I do now?" I heard a kid beside me say, he had a mohawk and a large scar over his face. "Where's my sword" he demanded. I stared at him in shock, why was he acting like that?

I heard the twins say something but I couldn't make out what they were saying. "And our swords?" the boy said again, he sounded more mad than before. "In a moment" one of the twins said. One of the twins clapped and crows came flying towards us.

"We get crows then? What for?" A boy a few feet away from me asked. The white haired twin started saying something but then the angry boy went up to her and grabbed her hair. "I want my sword," he said. "HEY" I yelled running towards him. "Get your hands off them" I said glaring at the boy. The boy with black hair with red tips ran up and grabbed his arm, "Get your hand off her, or I'll break your hand now". I stood beside the two boys and watched. The boy started to squeeze his arm tighter and the scar face boy screamed in pain.

"Are you finished chatting with each other?" The black haired twin asked calmly. The three of us turned to see different kinds of stones laid out in front of us. "This is the steel you will use to protect yourself," one of them explained.

I stared at the different ore and went in first, "I choose that one" I said pointing at the stone in the corner. I then walked down the few steps and started to descend the mountain.

I picked up a stick along the way and started walking home. It was gonna take a few hours but I have to get there. My vision got blurry and I felt my legs get heavier. My breathing got heavier and saw blood coming through the cloth I used. My legs shook as I fell on the rocky path.

My eyes got heavier and I fell into a deeper sleep.

Genya's pov

I was walking home not paying attention to where I was going when I tripped over something big. "HEY WHAT THE FUC-" I screamed when I said looking at the limp body laying on the ground then realizing it's asleep. "Wait, aren't you the one at final selection" I asked no one in particular. I scoffed and stood back up. I stared at the girl for a couple of seconds wondering what to do. I could just leave her here... but who knows what will happen if the wrong person finds her here.

"Oh it's Y'N" I heard from behind me. "What-" I stared angrily at her. Behind me was a girl with a side ponytail. When did she get here? "Do you know her?" I asked angrily. The girl stared at me before taking out a coin and flipping it. The girl then looked back at me and nodded her head 'yes'. "Good then you can take her home" I said and started walking away. I turned back to look at them. The weird girl was about to flip a coin before stopping at the last moment. She grabbed the girl's legs and started dragging her. "You're gonna kill her!" I said angrily and slapped her hands away from the girl's body.

The girl's empty eyes stared at me. I sighed angrily and picked up the limp girl and threw her over my shoulder and turned to the small girl. "Show me the way" I said angrily. She turned and started following after her.

Y/N's pov

My eyes fluttered open and I looked around. "Why am I moving" I muttered and looked around to realize I was on top of someone. "Oh you're awake" a voice said. The person then threw me off them and I made contact with the floor, "wow, thanks buster" I said and rubbed my head. He just scoffed then started walking in the opposite direction.

I looked up to see Kanao staring at me. I got up and tried to balance myself, Kanao came closer and I leaned on her for support.

After a couple of hours I saw the butterfly estate in the distance. Shinobu was sitting in front," There you are Kanao and Y/N?" she took in my appearance. My hair was a mess and I was all sweaty, My clothes were covered in blood and you could see the side of my stomach where the wound was. "Come on Y/N I'll give you some medicine and tell Mitsuri you're here, I nodded and followed after her.

She took me to a room with rows of beds. I sat on the nearest one and looked around. I don't come to the butterfly mansion often but when I do it's very beautiful. After a few minutes Aoi came in, "Hello Y/N" she said as she opened a box and pulled out bandages.

I removed my clothing leaving myself in underwear, Aoi came and wrapped my stomach with bandages. She took some alcohol and rubbed it on my small cuts then she put my ankle back in place and I slipped on some clean clothes.

I laid on the bed and started closing my eyes when I heard a loud crash, "Y/N!" Mitsuri opened the door so fast it shattered. She came and wrapped her arms around me, "I missed you so much!" she said. I smiled, "I missed you too," I replied. 

A rude personality with a warm soul (Shinazugawa Genya x fem reader)Where stories live. Discover now