Chapter 10

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Y/n's pov

I heard voices around me, some more masculine and some feminin. I slowly opened my eyes and blinked at the bright light. I tried to make out what they were saying but it was hard. I sat up a bit and looked around, I was alone on a hospital bed. I put my hand on my head to see it wrapped in bandages, I looked at the bedside table to see a vase with wilting purple roses and a few letters.

I reached for one and read who it was from, Emerson Violet. I ripped the letter open and started reading,

Dear Y/n,

I apologize for not writing for a bit, I've been quite busy preparing for a few things back at home. Recently the doctors gave me a robot hand so it's much easier to write letters!

I now usually wear purple gloves to cover it up, to be honest... I feel embarrassed to tell people about my arm and the incident, I could never thank you enough for what you have done for me, just the thought of what could have happened if you didn't show up gives me shivers!

I really want to see you... I wonder when you will let me visit you? It would be so exciting! We could go sit under cherry trees and lay down together, we can visit small towns and go shopping for jewelry or new clothes! Just the thought of seeing and spending time with you makes me smile and my heart flutters! What is this feeling?

You know when I first met you, your hair and eyes looked so pretty. I just wanted to reach and play with your h/c hair, I wanted to look into those e/c eyes and never take my eyes off them. Surely you'll let me do that when we meet, yes?

I'm afraid I have to end my letter here, answer soon ok?

Love Emerson

I smiled at the letter I just received, I reached out and got a paper and a quill with ink.

Dear Emerson,

I'm afraid I don't have much time to write this letter so I'll write quickly.

I've had an accident lately and I am currently in the hospital, but no need to worry I should heal soon. I think we can definitely go lay under cherry trees and shop for jewelry and dresses soon. I don't think now is the right time though, I've been very busy training and I believe I will be receiving more missions soon.

I apologize but I must end the letter here, I promise to write a longer one next time.

From Y/n L/n

I folded the letter and placed it in an envelope. I put the letter I wrote along with the one I received back on the small table and took the other one. This one didn't have any name from who it's from, just my name Y/n L/n.

I opened it and took the letter out reading it.

Dear Y/n

Be careful.

Be careful.

Be careful.

Be careful.

Be careful.

Be carefu...

I stared at the letter and blinked a few times, "what the fuck" I muttered. I examined the paper, the ink was blood red and there were a few red stains on the paper. I shrugged and threw the letter out, it must be some weird prank.

I snuggled back into the warm blankets of the hospital bed. I stared at the ceiling and heard the door open. I looked up to see Genya walk in holding another bundle of purple roses in his hand.

A rude personality with a warm soul (Shinazugawa Genya x fem reader)Where stories live. Discover now