Space Age Love

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"I saw your eyes -

And they made me smile/they made me cry

For a little while I was falling in love."

- Sea Gulls, Space Age Love Song 1982


Mina sighted, as she wiped the back of her hand over her her head in exhaustion.

After managing to get all of her 25 boxes into the yard she had to take a break. It didn't help that her apartment was on the top floor.

Crouching on one of her bigger boxes she let her eyes drift to the sky, opening a small water bottle.

The late evening sun hued the yard into a gentle yellowish glow, that installed a seldom sense of peace in her heart. It was still a tad odd to process that these boxes were everything she possessed from her life, the majority of it being books and records. Mina stretched out her legs sticking in some black converse.

There were no adults here, no rules. Only herself and the last few months of school keeping her from college. They didn't have to know why she transferred and she wouldn't worry about it.

She smiled at the thought, chugging down the last bit of water - she was finally free.


Daniel perked up, removing the Walkman from his ears. "Daniel!" he heard his mum calling for him, her tone indicating that she had already been calling him for a few times. Sighting he propped himself up from the bed, sliding into his flip flops and strolling into the living room.

"Yes Ma?" His mother was rummaging in the cupboards of their built in kitchen.

"Finally, you always having these buds on not hearing anything -" Daniel crossed his arms, leaning back at the wall hoping the lecture was quick enough to pass when his mother stopped in her tracks, turning and sighing, running a hand through her locks.

From what Daniel could tell she was trying to cook something. Or at least every inch of the table was filled with vegetables and other ingredients. "I need you to fetch some milk for me and we're out of eggs too. I'm sorry hon, you know Mark's coming over tonight I just want everything to be just right."

Daniel snorted at the mention of his soon to be stepdad. His mother had met the architect sometime in her evening classes for French, a hobby she had started after Daniel had become so immensed with Karate.

He came over to her, letting her rake a hand through his black waves of hair before taking the money from her outstretched hand and slipping the 10$ bill into his back-pocket. He gave her a small reassuring smile.

"Don't stress yourself Ma, it's gonna be alright. It's just dinner. "

Now it was his mother's turn to snort, but a small smile tugged at the corner of her lips.

"With my fearless karate champ being around, it ought to turn out right. Now off you go, I'll need the food by half an hour - otherwise no omelette! "

As he made his way to the stairs Daniel noted that the aisle was littered by big and small boxes. Most of them being stored in front of the Apartment No. 27 on the other side of the balcony.

'Someone new must be moving in then'

Curious Daniel made his way downstairs noting a tall girl shifting around the boxes close to the edge of the pool. Who would even put them there ? He looked her up and down once, she was not only tall but also dressed in quite an opposite way from what college girls normally wore. Black shorts, ripped tights and a red cropped T-Shirt with black stripes. Her hair flew out beneath a dark blue Bakerboycap.

Space Age Love - A Johnny Lawrence fanficWhere stories live. Discover now