Food Fight Madness

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Say, we can act if we want to
If we don't, nobody will
And you can act real rude and totally removed
And I can act like an imbecile
- Safety Dance, Men without Hats 1982

Foodfightz. Wordcount 1163 Proofread: Partly

The cantine was as busy as ever on that Tuesday. Daniel had finally lost all the bandages of the fight and was able to finally kiss his girlfriend again without flinching from a broken nose.
Still his anger had not fully cooled off since being refuled by the hallway incident. He could not understand what his tall neighbour saw in Johnny.

While he listened to Ali and Barbara chatting next to him as one would to a radio, he kept his eyes trained to the group sitting a couple of tables behind.
From his seat he was able to see the Cobras engaged in conversation, Susan stirring between Bobby and Tommy next to Jimmy while Dutch sat next to Johnny and Mina who seemed to have a rather heated discussion.

Daniel watched his friend point on a stack of papers repeatedly waving her hands, Johnny rolling his eyes but smirking slightly before ruffling her hair and saying something causing the latter to blush slightly.
Even from afar Daniel was able to make out way Mina looked up at Johnny from beneath her long lashes biting on her lip.
‘Get a room already.’

It annoyed hell out of him. “Daniel?”
“Hm?” Daniel turned to Ali by his side. “You seem so quiet.” She had followed his eyes a barely visible frown passing her face.
Barbara misinterpreted the frown on her best friends face „Don't worry she's going to come around eventually.”
Defeated Daniel rested his face against his tanned hand. “I just don't believe her. I thought I knew her, the Mina I know would have come around to apologize. Guess I was wrong.”
Ali shrugged, sliding her blueberry pie over to him in the same motion.
“Here, something to make you feel better.”
She smiled up at him sweetly and Daniel was about to take up the offer for a bite when another thought crossed his mind.
Something that would surely make him feel better. Grinning he gave her a kiss to the cheek “Thanks babe.”

“No he was so unreasonable like I should have gotten more points on the thesis.” Johnny watched Mina flick her fingers against the copies of their literature finals. “Yeah, he is a douche but at least you passed, no more literature finals in your lifetime.”
Slouching Mina leaned back in her seat. “Yeah you're one to speak as he's clearly in love with you.”
Tommy paused to look up from his discussion with Bobby, a good thing as it was getting rather heated. “Seems like you're gonna have to make room in bed for one more.” He chuckled evilly seeing, Dutch snickering along as the watched Jimmy and Mina exchange a look of horror.
They both hated the teacher equally.
“'Excuse me ?!” Mina glared at Tommy causing Johnny to snicker in his seat. He stretched out a hand, affectionately ruffling her hair.
“You're cute when you're mad.”

They stood making their way over to the cantine exits when Daniel casually let himself bump into Johnny, making sure to smear the blueberry pie onto his light blue sweater, drenching it purposefully.
“Oh I'm sorry, you gotta watch it pal. ”
Everybody stood frozen as Johnny very slowly, very carefully pealed the remains off the fabric. His muscled were tensed for action in a split second had Mina not caught hold of his arm and given him an bewitching look.
Bewildered the Cobras and Daniel watched the tall blonde relax visibly before tossing the crust into the trash can next to him.
Only then did Johnny turn towards Daniel, narrowing his eyes “Call yourself lucky I'm getting some of your best friend.”
Everyone's eyes fixed in horror as Daniels fist shot out towards the jaw of taller male. In an even swifter movement the boy caught the dark tanned fist giving it a firm squeeze that sent Daniel to his toes.
“Get out of here. Or I might change my mind.”

Daniels golden brown eyes seemed to glow as the fixated themselves on the radiating blue ones from above. Nobody moved from their places in the Cafeteria, the girls shaking with disbelief and Cobras frozen in place.
A dark cough woke the Cafeteria from its reverie. Coach Sanders stood at its entrance the face torn into a frown, graced by a single cigarette dangling from his mouth.
“Mr LaRusso, you may accompany me to my office immediately as I wish for an immediate explanation of this incident. ”
Turning in something akin to annoyance Coach Sanders flicked his wrist dismissively “I want everyone out until break ends in 10 minutes ”

As the commotion settled Mina found herself startled as a hand wound itself around her waist.
“Stop minding him so much.” Johnny's voice hovered from above. Mina bit her lip shaking her head slowly still processing what had happened. Especially what Johnny had said. “Let's get you cleaned up.”
She eyed him in a mixture of horror and amazement as Johnny rid himself from his jumper exposing his tight muscled addomen before straightning out his white polo.
Not only Minas eyes had followed his motions. Especially the people around their table were eying Johnny with radiant stares as if to melt off his clothes not a few of them whispering to each other.
If they could have been any more prone to stares than they already were the whispering around the tables increased in volume as Johnny slid a big hand through Minas. He squeezed it as they excused themselves from their friends and exited the cafeteria under nearly everyone's stare, including Ali's and Barbaras in passing.

For once Mina found herself superior to the small freckled blonde in way she did not fully understand or if she did acknowledge as she followed Johnny through the door dazed, him keeping it open for her.

Mina didn't really follow any of Johnny's words his voice melodic and light-hearted.
Get some. Get some. Get some.
She frowned as the Cobras arms layed themselves onto her shoulders. “Do I bore you?”
Blinking the addressed realized that her and Johnny had made it to the yard standing close to his bike.
Without any second thought Mina blurted out what had been spinning in her mind like a broken record.
“So you were getting some yeah ?”
Johnny raised a pair of golden eyebrows.
He chuckled at her flushed expression gesturing  towards his bike.
“We can always get out of here if you like. ”
Mina bit her lip as the sun hit the platinum strands of hair, his eyes the colour of the ocean  making him seem like the sunrise in person.
“Like now?”
Johnny let his hands come to rest on her ass, his eyes lidded alike to a snakes.

A/N: Don't question this. Its 2 a.m

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