Universal Daddy 🐍

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"Throwing stones against your windows
Don't pretend you're not at home
You can meet me if you want me
But I'd like to meet you all alone
There's a universal daddy
For everyone"
Alphaville, 1986

A/N: Smi Sma Smut ahead 🐍🐍
pls give this song a listen I had to laugh so bad finding it in my collection.

Wordcount : 1355 Proofreading: No.

Upon pulling up to Johnny's house they sprang from his bike trampling the fresh lawn in laughter as Johnny pulled Mina against him, kissing her roughly.
Burrying his hands into her hair he scooped her into his arms. He carried her through the front door only pausing to shut it behind them with a long-legged kick.
Panting Mina broke away "What about your stepdad?" She watched tall blonde frown in fake consideration before pressing her body against him even tighter "Fuck Sid."

Before she knew it Mina found herself in Johnny's bedroom. He flung her into the sheets in a swift move towering over her while she used a free hand to slip it under his belt.
"You know, I couldn't take my eyes of you when you lay here on the day you were sick."
Mina murmered letting her top be guided over her arms moaning as Johnny ran two long ditches under her bra while unclasping it with the other hand. "Well thank god I'm up to my full standard today."

He began kissing the softness of her bosom using one hand to give her breasts thorough squeeze his mouth guiding itself to one of her nipples, sucking it roughly. Instinctively Mina pressed her hips forward meeting Johnnys as she moaned in pleasure. She felt him tear at her skirt while he slipped a hand to her ass simultaneously squeezing it as his lips sucked at on her soft skin in a way that had her lips trembling.
She wimpered at the touch of Johnny's clothed erection against her bare skin unclasping his belt when he removed his hand from her breast to pin hers over her head. "Not yet." Growling he bit down on her nipple sending a wave of mixed pain and pleasure down Minas spine. Gasping she tried to remove herself from Johnny's grasp withering as she felt his index finger circling her cilt before roughly burrying itself within her.
"Oh my god" Mina clenched onto the headboard as another digit followed.
She stared at his face, the way pupils dialated as he watched her moan in ecstasy their short breaths mingling as her body shuddered as she came.
"Fuck, You're so hot like this" Johnny removed his fingers staring down at her as he flicked his tongue over the tips. In a simultaneous movement he brought a strong muscled hand to her waist turning her facedown before unbuckling his pants.
"Don't I get to see it ? " Mina panted trying to seat herself on her elbows her ears trained on the rustling of the condom rapper. She shruddered as Johnny left a trail of kisses down her back his voice akin to a purr.
"Oh you will plenty."

Tembling in expectation Mina felt his erection brush against her cilt ready to protest. She needed him. Now.
"Don't be such a fuckin tea-"
The words caught in her lungs as Johnny brought their hips together in one smooth trust. Mina couldn't help but gasp as she clenched the bedsheets. His length was huge and perfect the way he began to slowly grind himself into her. She felt him smile against her back. "Not so cocky now are we princess?"

Helplessly Mina tried to wiggle her hips against Johnny for more friction. "Fuck Johnny, faster!"
His voice was slightly hoarse as he gave her ass a hard slap. "What do we say?" Mina hid her face in the pillows biting on her lips in effort to conceal her moan. "I can't hear you"
Another hard slap to the other cheek followed "I can't hear you " "Please -" Mina trembled not wanting to yield immediately.
She shivered as Johnny let one of his hands travel over her collarbone to the backside of her neck gripping it lightly as he fucked her in a slow but deep pace. His voice was as smooth as silk when he bend down to bite her earlobe almost affectionately "Please what?"
"Fuck - Please fuck me faster Johnny."
A wave of new pain clouded Minas view as Johnny patted a sore ass cheek. "There you go. Good girl. "

Johnny increased his rhythm, roughly speeding up his thrusts into her soft behind encouraged by her sounds of pleasure, their sweat covered skins filling the warm air with obscene noises.

Johnny felt Mina tense around him and knowing he had found her sweet spot he grinded into her with all his power, causing the female to scream in pleasure as she reached her second climax.
Unyielding to her pleas Johnny continued to thrust into her gripping her hips tightly as he lost himself within her.

After a few more heavy thrusts Mina felt him stiffening inside her, finally close, as their release came together, a low grutual sound escaping the tall blonde as he rammed himself into her with one final thrust, listening to Minas high-pitched moan as she sunk into the sheets.

Mina panted into the cushions exhausted, as two strong sunkissed hands dug into her hips turning her once more, so that her soft bosom lay pressed against the chest of her suitor. She explored the muscles rippling beneath her touch as Johnny murmured sweet nothings into her ears, his lips and hands now tenderly roaming her soft form.
Mina herself relax against him as he gently messaged her muscles before tenderly unclenching her hands from the mattress and interlacing their fingers.

She watched as Johnny kissed each of her knuckles before lacing them onto his shoulders and into his golden locks as he continued to kiss her tear strained cheeks, her eyelids and finally her mouth.
Gasping her smaller hands dug into his smooth skin on instinct as she felt her legs being spread apart, him entering her anew.
With a snap of his hips Johnny burried all of his length into her, groaning into their kiss at the sensation.
The throbbing felling in her gut was all over her as bliss and pain clouded Minas view Johnny's name falling from her lips over and over as he continued to move within her.

The second time he loved her slower, more thoroughly, taking his time to discover each of her little sweet spots that would make her wither in his arms, lips parted in pleasure.

Finally she grew tired under his attentions, causing her to slump into his strong muscled arms as Johnny slowly removed his softening member from her, pulling off the condom.

Mina let herself be pulled against his form as Johnny nuzzled her neck affectionately with his perfectly straight* nose, his lips continuing to mark her tender skin with his kisses.
((A/N:*Ridiculously perfect*))
Their foreheads brushed as Johnny gently removed some stray hairs from Minas face.
"Are you good?"
She smiled back at him drowsily flicking her eyes to their still interwoven hands before pecking his lips. "Yeah"
Johnny deepened the kiss enjoyed by the way his girls body shivered on impact with his long fingers running over her breasts down to her core, pressuring it with his fingertips. "Good." Shifting Johnny covered them in his blankets while Mina leaned against his warm chest, closing her eyes as she felt her body tingle in a familiar sensation. Tiredness.

"You think I can stay here for a bit?" she questioned weakly, fighting to look into his sky blue golden freckled eyes. His soft lips turned into a delighted curve as he bent down to kiss the smaller females head, still cradling her in his arms while he ran his fingers through her hair.
"You better be. I'm not done with you yet."

A/N: it's 3 am and I am sleep deprived but I hope you had a good ride w this one lol

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 26, 2022 ⏰

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