Cool Night

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„ (... )I dream about you
And now, Summer's come and gone
And the nights they seem so long
Come on over tonight
Come on over

It's gonna be a cool night
Just let me hold you by the firelight
If it don't feel right you can go”

Cool Night, Paul Davis 1981

Tips on romance, quarrels and bonfires.

Blinking against the morning light streaming through the windows Johnny found his mind wondering from where he faced his Sensei currently instructing him on a new kick, the „Flying Tornado“. Instead he thought about sensation he felt in his gut when he thought about a certain person. It made him uneasy and yet he wanted her.
Since the annual Bonfire had been announced for Friday Night he found himself being distracted from his other obligations.

„Mr Lawrence. Might I inquire what has gotten your mind so distracted ?“
Flinching Johnny snapped back to reality,  refocussing on his dark haired mentor and found himself surprised by the annoyance he felt for being drawn from his train of thought.
„Nothing, Sensei. “ he paused under the stern gaze of his Sensei.
„Well, actually there is this person, and well they told me they knew Sensei Silver. It got me thinking when he will be back for my extra training before the tournament.“ 
Kreese had furrowed his brow at the vague pronoun but nodded his head now, satisfied by the eagerness of his student. Terry might have  been right not to let go of Johnny right away.
„You'll be ready. Soon. “ He stopped tracing back and forth in front of his student to peer outside the windows of the studio.
From afar was able to make out the silhouette of a former traspasser of his Dojo. He watched as the girl exited from a pair of dark wooden doors leading to a pub across the street. While passing the red Avanti in the parking lot she seemed to linger for just an instant before rounding corners and vanishing from sight.

Turning Kreese surveyed the room, before he trained his eyes on his student, crossing his arms.
"A word of advice Mister Lawrence — Be so sure to keep your distance from women, with the tournament ahead you can't afford to loose your focus.“ A note of scorn laced itself into his tone as Kreese continued „ As pretty as they may be feelings are fleeting, while victory lasts you forever.
You don't want to relive what you did at the All Valley because of a girl, do you? ” Kreese watched the younger man swallow thickly, pleased with the reaction.
“No Sensei.” 
“Good. Because I tolerate no weakness in this dojo. You know so.”
“Yes Sensei!” Hands on his belt the Sensei began pacing around his student once more, the soft thud of his feet the only sound in the room.
„You failed once, you will not fail again. I will make sure of that. For what does not exist in this dojo ?“  Johnny straightened in his stance.
„Defeat does not exist in this dojo !“ Kreese snapped around abruptly, his face hovering over his student, daring him to flinch away, but the tall blonde did not move a muscle.
„What was that?“ 
Satisfied Kreese took a step back his hands back on his Gi. „Good.“
“Now give me a 125 Push-ups on the knuckles. That will help settle your confusion.”

Cycling in thought Mina studied the houses of Enchino, her walkman on her ears.
Ever since the hallway incident and a not so private kiss between her and Johnny, leader of the Cobras, things had been pretty frosty between her and Ali, worsening to icy with Daniel.
The only remaining good friend was Susan who currently hung out at the sports hall a lot with friends of their cheering squad. Even though she had been invited Mina didn't attend any of their meetings regularly, feeling out of place to cheer for anything right now.
Instead the annual bonfire proposed an idea in her mind. It was the last big school event juniors and seniors attended together, so it would be the perfect chance to reconcile. Coming to halt in front of Ali's porch Mina carefully slipped of her bike, reaching for the folded paper in her backpocket.
For a second Mina opted to just drop it in through the mailbox before redeciding and directly pressing the bell. Opting for something to say along the lines of
‘Would be cool if you came.’

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