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"Her weapons were her crystal eyes
Making every man a man
Black as the dark night, she was
Got what no-one else had
She's got it
Yeah, baby, she's got it
I'm your Venus, I'm your fire
And your desire
Well, I'm your Venus, I'm your fire
And your desire"
Bananarama, Venus 1986

A day at the beach in which the girls run into the Cobras. "Listen, I've been thinking, maybe we can call a truce?" "Oh yeah? I'm not at war."

Spring had come and April had managed to bring sunny warm weather to L.A.
Mina and Ali had thus decided to spend their days of Easter holidays at the beach as much as possible. It was Tuesday and Ali had decided to host a little get together slumber party at a small cabin by the beach her father owned for his fishing trips. It was a little way off the main side and had its own private beach, away from prodding eyes and tourists.
She was evidently excited for her sleepover, as she proceeded storing the food in the cabins cupboards, humming to the tune playing on the radio.
A sound came from somewhere outside and Ali stuck her head out of the cabin to greet whoever had come along. It were Mina and Susan, that to her mild surprise had brought Daniel and Freddy along. They were all carrying several bags of presumably food, games and multiple tents.

Mina sat down her sleeping bag to greet Ali in a short hug, following Sue's example.
"We had so much to carry we luckily met these two on the way out. Barbera called, she'll be here alongside Janice in a bit." Ali nodded. "Ok then, how about we start setting up the tents ? You wanna give me a hand Daniel?" Mina watched Ali and him carry the stuff inside the cabin. "They're probably making out in there." Freddy commented next to her. Mina raised her eyebrows biting back a grin at the boys yearning tone. "You'll find a girl soon enough, maybe tonight's the night" she winked. "Yeah...maybe" Irritated she noticed him watching her with a certain intensity in his brown eyes.
That was not the way she had meant.
Behind them Susan emerged with the last bag in her hands. "Fancy helping me? How about you begin looking for firewood with Lance, he just parked his car up the hill." she said turning towards Freddy, gesturing towards the sandy dunes.
Mina took some of the stuff from her hands as the two of them watched him head off. "Phew, thanks for the save."
Susan grinned at her. "Always. Now come, let's set up the out tent over here, we'll be pretty secured from wind or anything else."

The afternoon went by relatively quick: Mina and Susan had proceeded setting up their tent, as the one for Barbera and Janice who had finally arrived, before Daniel had miraculously 'found' another one in his bag and had convinced them to let him and Freddy stay. Ali didn't seem to mind and Lance was still opting wether him and Vince would too. Mina hoped so.
The boys meanwhile had gathered firewood and build some sort of grill above the firepit to roast some potatoes and steak in the evening.
Now, that everything had been set up and stored Ali, Barbera, Janice and the boys were playfighting in the water while Susan and Mina remained in the sun, stretching in their bikinis.
Susan had put on her oval shades and was lazily flipping through a Teen Beat magazine. Beside her, Mina lay on her stomach, her face on her crossed arms letting the sun warm her back. It was so peaceful.
Not for long.
Susan narrowed her eyes as she made out five bikes on their left. They were only to be seen in the distance as they turned, curving and she was unable to make them out anymore. She huffed.
"What's the matter?" Mina mumbled from her position. She was nearly nodding off. "Oh nothing. I thought I saw our favourite Cobras." At that Mina sat up a little "And?" Susan shrugged "As I said, nothing important. If it was them they went further down the beach so we're safe here." "Ah, safe from your loverboy Bobby?" Mina quiped as she saw her friend blushing slightly before shaking her head "It's not like that. I wouldn't do that to Tommy."
"Huh, what's he gotta do with that?"
Susan shrugged before grabbing herself a slice of melon from a plate "We used to go out for a couple of weeks, nothing too serious but well serious enough for a little bad blood between him and Bobby if he finds out. But speaking of serious- " she continued turning towards her friend. "What is it with you and Johnny? Bobby told me you'd been to his house? Anything going on there?"
Now fully awoken from her daze Mina shook her head vehemently. "Oh no no no, it's not like that, nowhere near actually. We had to present something in literature and he was ill so I revised our presentation with him." Susan eyed her a smile tugging at her lips "You know, if there WERE something going on between you two you could tell me, I wouldn't tell Ali. Besides its time they left behind their breakup quarrel."
Mina tilted her head to the side while fishing for a cider from the cool box. "What about it? "
Susan made a grabbing motion with her hand, signaling that she wanted a cider too. Mina handed it to her. "Well?"
"Well, nothing. Except it was everything. You see, Johnny and Ali have known each other ever since they were twelve or something - since their parents are high society and attend the same clubs and so on. When she got into highschool Ali kind of fancied Johnny, who was a sophomore at the time and vice versa. So long story short they started going out and became a couple pretty quickly. They stayed like that for two years. To us it seemed like Ali would smooth out Johnny's hothead and he would support her with his strength. An ideal couple. " Mina flinched before she could stop herself, not exactly knowing why. This was probably taking a nasty turn. Sue gave her a knowing look before continuing "Well or so it seemed. But Johnny was immensed in his Karate training, he was always on some tournament winning stuff and if he wasn't, he was out having himself a good time with the other boys. Well until the day of Ali's sixteenth birthday last summer. He wasn't there and never showed, instead getting straight up drunk with his clique. After that Ali was fed up with him and called quits. From what Bobby said Johnny wanted to apologize but Ali would avoid him as much as possible, which was easy during the holidays as she was in Spain with her family. When she came back Johnny wanted to set things right but that night she met Daniel. And the rest is history as they say."

Space Age Love - A Johnny Lawrence fanficWhere stories live. Discover now