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"Where've you been, who've you seen
You didn't phone when you said when you said you would -
Do you lie?; do you try -
To keep in touch, you know you could -
Tried to see your point of view,
but could not hear or see for jealousy. "
- Pet Shop Boys, 1989

„What comes around goes around." - We're in for a wild one guys!
(In my opinion the best chapter I've written so far)



Johnny was fuming as he stared out of the window, a scowl hardening his soft features.
Currently attending the afternoon class in Latin he suddenly felt as if he sat in detention.
It was the last Friday of May 1985 and only a month stood between him and the results of his finals, then prom and the endless freedom of summer.
As he watched the green leaves wave in the burning sun of the afternoon he repressed the urge to stand and make a run for the doors, only his bouncing fingers giving away his anticipation to leave.
Tommy watched his friend sitting next to him. He seemed to be restless, the way his eyes kept flicking towards the windows or the clock above the chalkboard, mouth twitching and his jaw clenching. It was irritating to watch.
"What is with you man?"
Johnny's eyes flicked back from the window, matching the blue of the sky behind. A sign of which Tommy knew he was upset.
Instead of answering like he'd normally have Johnny only ran a ringed hand through his platin bangs letting out a huff, Tommy noting that as his friends focus shifted towards his notes again, the hand holding the pen was clenched so that the bruised knuckles would be white beneath.

Dutch and Bobby were sitting in the seats behind and while Bobby was busy passing notes with Susan, Dutch had followed Johnny's gaze out of the window with interest.
Below a couple of birch trees, sitting on the edge of the large fountain was the little shit LaRusso, beside him a girl their age, not any girl but Mina.

After Ali Johnny had decided to not get tangled up in something pathetic such as 'feelings' again. He got the girls if he wanted to, they had some fun, end of story.
This strategy had led Johnny to not only roughen up more, but have his fair share of fights with older brothers and bloody knuckles.
He didn't bother though, if anything had liked it and the girls had not been much of big learners either.

That was until the fragile peace had become disrupted again in December, as that girl had transferred to 'North Valley High'.
She was a punk - free, loud and happy with the tendancy to kick ass and have a beer in her hand as soon as the weekend dawned.
Besides that outer wildchild she also harboured a fragile nature of a hopeless romantic, enjoying simple things such as the wind running his hands through her hair, digging her feet in the warm sand or dreamy car rides the thoughts flowing with the stereo.
That was the reason she had formed a soft spot for Johnny Lawrence. As she listened to Daniel talking she turned her head upwards to glance at the tall school building a couple of feet away. She had waited for Johnny in secret to make his appearance in knowledge that he still had afternoon classes. The other having run into her with the purpose of catching her for a chat.
They got along well, so well that she thought it might be best not to engage further in these tingling feelings that errupted every time the tall blonde was around. Johnny hated the younger boys guts and vice visa. A frail build 10th grader was hardly a match for a senior.
From what she had learned the story with Ali had shaken up Johnny pretty badly so it didn't really help that she was good friends and neighbors with the boy that dated Johnny's Ex.

Inside, Dutch prodded Johnny's back with tip of his pen causing the blonde to whip his head back in annoyance. "Oh Man she's hanging around that LaRusso again. " he sighed theatrically, clearly enjoying seeing his taller friend irritated.
His friend's face turned into a sneer, the voice dark "I know."
Tommy gave Johnny a side glance. "I thought you didn't want to get 'involved' after Ali again"
Leaning back in his seat Johnny crossed his arms, his biceps bulging at their use. "I'm not. Besides, that prick only hangs around her to get back at me."
The class was still busy and Mr Enderson didn't seem to notice the tumoil building in the back of the room.
Susan perked up at that. Even though Mina didn't want to admit it, she knew of her friend's interest for the tall blonde. It was actually quite adorable to see the usually composed Johnny being so bugged by himself for once.
"Well, why don't you take her out then? Usually you're pretty quick at that."
Bobby snorted at that, trying to hide his grin as Johnny glared down at him and Susan. "She didn't want to" he hissed through gritted teeth, turning his head back out the window and propping his chin up on his hand, pointing his long index finger "And that little scumbag always seems to be around. "

Space Age Love - A Johnny Lawrence fanficWhere stories live. Discover now