Wuthering Heights

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A/N: I don't really like this chapter but it has to come around so we'll proceed in the storyline so....
The next chapter's going to be more fun I guess
Warning: I did not have the time to edit yet ugh
Word count: 2,625

“ You had a temper like my jealousy
Too hot, too greedy
How could you leave me
When I needed to possess you?
I hated you, I loved you, too
Bad dreams in the night
They told me I was going to lose the fight
Leave behind my wuthering, wuthering
Wuthering Heights”
- Kate Bush, 1978, Wuthering Heights

In which Johnny is sick and in need of some help. Mina and him are doing a group project together (forced by Dr. Clark) so she has to drive off to his house to bring him his stuff.....

Mina stared at her desk in anger, drumming her fingers and waiting for the lesson to end.
It was her last period on Friday's and she hated every minute of it - Literature.
There were several good reasons for her to despise the course. First of all since the teacher hadn't been delighted that she had transferred into his class in the middle of her final year, she'd been cast aside as the troublemaker since day one. To make matters worse, it was the course in which she had to sit next Johnny Lawrence, leader of the Cobra Kai's and the real troublemaker in her opinion. It didn't really help that her literature professor Dr. Clark was a big fan of his.
Ever since handing in a paper Johnny had corrected a couple of weeks ago, Dr. Clark had been delighted by them working together.
‘I'm sorry if that may challenge you Mr. Lawrence, but her grades might depend on your help. As a teacher I appreciate you helping your schoolmates. I will take this into account concerning the advisement paper for you college.’
That had led her to being stuck with Johnny as a partner for presenting ‘Wuthering Heights’ to the class in a short synopsis. They were currently revisiting books they had been reading until March, to prepare for the finals.
It didn't help that Mina's first paper she had handed in had been on the exact classic and had scored her a D.
She wasn't bad at school, but as life wanted to have it, the one thing she couldn't do was the thing the biggest jerk of the school was brilliant in. Lately Mina had referred from the jackass image though, he had been nicer, calmer in their interactions ever since the lock in. Who knew why.

Too bad he wasn't in class today, which proved to be even worse for her than when he was present. Johnny had been sick for a couple of days now and so Mina had endured Dr. Clarks comments alone. Luckily she started getting along with a member of the Cobra Kai's: Bobby and her interacted more often ever since he had driven her home one night.
As for today, he had offered to take her to Johnny's house so that she could drop off his stuff and plan out their working schedule, as she still did not have a car of her own.

The bell rang, finally hearing Mina's prayers,  causing the students to scramble from their desks and out through the hallways into the awaited weekend.
Bobby was already at the parking lot as Mina and Tommy, who shared her literature course, made their way down the stairs. “How is he doing anyways ? ” Mina turned to Tommy, who only shrugged his shoulders. “I don't know, he refuses to see anyone when he's ill. I only know Sensei is pretty mad about it. ” Mina shoved her bangs from her face. “Well your Sensei is mad.”
Tommy didn't respond but gave her a curt nod before heading towards Dutch and Jimmy, who were on their bikes already.
“Hey! Thanks for the pickup.” Mina greeted Bobby as he handed her a spare helmet. “You even come prepared I see.” He grinned shrugging his shoulders. “I figured even your stubborn head needs some protection. You on?” She smoothly wrapped her arms around him. The first time she hadn't done so and regretted it instantly. “All set, you have my permission!”

The part of California they drove through was entirely new to Mina. The streets were clean and decorated with large palm trees, the cars expensive and the houses could be mistaken for mansions. Their lawns were clean-cut and lush green, hinting that their owners possessed enough money to water them even in times of drought. Bobby finally halted after driving up curves of a hillside that made her dizzy and Mina slowly caught off, her breath catching in her throat.
She still had her back towards the house so Bobby had to follow her her stare to get why she was so impressed already. On the opposite of the house was a neatly fenced cliff with a small boule place and some benches. From here one could oversee the entire city. Mina imagined what it must look like durning nightime. “This is absolutely stunning.” Bobby gently turned her towards the house, grinning. “Then take a look at this.” At the sight of the manor Mina feared her eyes would pop from their sockets. “Oh.my.god. He lives in here?” Bobby nodded, pushing his hands into his pockets. “Yup he does.”
Before them stood an enormous, white painted 18th century mansion, with a golden fountain and flowerbushes in its middle, a small stream dividing house and frontyard, an elegant wooden bridge leading across. On the right side of the house stood a group of sports - and luxury cars. A red convertible caught Mina's eye. Noticing her stare Bobby pointed at it. “That's Johnny's car. ” “Careful, if you let your mouth stand open like that any longer you might drool.”
Mina snapped her mouth shut blushing. “This is all quite overwhelming. Uh, where do I get in ?” she questioned gesturing at the many doors. “You head up the marble staircase to the porch and then directly ring on the big oak door with the silver doorknob. Don't worry you won't miss it.”  Bobby patted her shoulder turning towards his bike “Ok, I'll be off then, Sensei doesn't like it when we run late, my knuckles are still sore from the pushups.” he laughed. Mina waved as he roared off on his bike.
Now this was going to get interesting.

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