Most People look at him with terror PT.I

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Authors Note: I decided to split this chapter into two parts because the first half already had more than 2,500 words ....

Another thing which I might (pre-)add is that the scene in which Kreese chokes Johnny out in TKK2 will be slightly different here. So don't be confused. There'll be more chapters with focus on character development/in-depth thoughts.

Warnings: Some swearing, lil violence nothing out of the ordinary with TKK 🥴 & I don't have time today to spell check ouhhhh


"He was big and strong, in his eyes a flaming glow
Most people looked at him with terror and with fear
But to Moscow chicks he was such a lovely dear
He could preach the Bible like a preacher
Full of ecstasy and fire
But he also was the kind of teacher
Women would desire
Ra ra Rasputin
Lover of the Russian queen
There was a cat that really was gone
Ra ra Rasputin
Russia's greatest love machine
It was a shame how he carried on"
- Boney M. Rasputin 1978

Mila gets lost in the Cobra Kai Dojo and faces some private lessons from Johnny.
(They hate each other but they also fuck each other)

Heaving the blankets of herself Mina slowly stretched, yarning.
She hadn't slept well the last two days since Friday.
The day she had met Johnny Lawrence. His name was as dashing as his appearance and it made her uneasy.
She knew she would not get involved with this guy other than to kick his ass. Before she could deepen her thoughts about the blond pretty boy and possibly nod off again, her alarm clock began ringing anew. God, she hated the thing.

After chugging down some hot coffee, packing her bag for school and dressing Mina stood at the window facing the yard.
It was raining heavily outside, as if the weather also thought it would be best for her to stay home. Shaking her head to clear the dark thoughts Mina grabbed the orange checkered umbrella by the door and her bakerboy cap, before exiting her apartment.
It was still an hour early, but since she had no car or bike she'd have to walk for a couple of weeks. That was until she'd be able to buy herself a small, used car or something.
She'd figure that out after finding a job and most importantly paying rent.

Daniel had been having a bad weekend.
His mother had been angry with him for returning home late and ruining her dinner with her new boyfriend Mark.
And Ali had spent the last week of Christmas holidays at her Grandma's up in Alaska so she had been to exhausted to see him upon returning home.
Still caught in his morning daze, Daniel rolled over to smack the snooze button of his alarm clock. It showed 7:45 a.m. Shit. He had overslept!
Riding his bike he's still need about half an hour and class started at 8:10 a.m sharp.
Tossing his blanket aside, Daniel jumped from his covers and hurried to pull on a pair of jeans and a blue t-shirt. He only stopped in the bathroom for a brief second to comb his hair, splashing some cold water into his face to fully wake before dashing out the front door, pulling on his shoes as he went.
It had only occured to him about half the way in to school, that he had forgotten to pack his books. Just great.

Mina and Daniel had a thing in common arriving at school this morning. Both were late, moody and soaking from the still pouring rain.
After finally finding her locker and getting her schedule at the secretary, her Casio showed 8:25 a.m. Rubbing her fingers through her hair, trying to get it in shape again. The stuiped umbrella had been practically useless with the strong wind. 'I moved to California and it pours on the first day I need to make an appearance, what an irony' she mocked herself before straightening and knocking on the classroom door, anxiety tingling in her fingertips as the voices were silenced as she moved to open the door.
"Yes? "
''Never show fear. People are like animals. '
The thought in mind she stuck out her chin.
"It's Mina. Moved her from Colorado. It's my first day here. "
The teacher looked like of those literature professors that probably sipped a cognac in the evening, focussed on some work of Dickens and used words such as 'eloquent'. Short: high and mighty.
The literature professor had eyed her just the same, a sneering look in his gray eyes covered by his spectacles. "And they didn't teach you any manners there I see. Punctuality is a virtue I expect each and everyone of my students to be proficient in. No matter where they are from." eyeing her up and down again. A snicker running through the class. "Now take a seat, I expect you to catch up on your own. And I'd like a paper on Wuthering Heights until Thursday to evaluate your knowledge on literature. "
He had pronounced the word 'knowledge' with an open sarcasm that made Mina ball her hands into fists. She hated being judged on her looks.
Her face darkened even more as she saw that only two seats in the back were free - one by the window - NEXT to Johnny Lawrence, or next to another Cobra Kai with dark brown hair - IN FRONT OF Johnny Lawrence.
Deciding that she'd be better off not having the enemy in her back, Mina settled in next to Johnny, as far away as she possibly could.

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