Here I stand and face the rain

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“Here I stand and face the rain
I know nothing's going to be the same again
I fear for what tomorrow brings (....)
Trust in me for who I am (...)
I got nothing to say
But let's stay friends (forever)”
-  A-ha 1985, Here I stand and face the rain

Following the jealousy incident, two share a not so secret kiss in the hallway.

Lunchbreak was dawning to close as Mina exited the Cafeteria to slip into her next class early. She had excused herself from Susan and their friends, unable to stand seeing the Cobras bicker among each other, Johnny standing out against Tommy with his dark orange sweater, the later wearing a version in baby blue that painfully complimented his eyes. She had watched their faces tear up with laughter, actually making them look somewhat cute and natural. Mina had found herself unwilling to admit that any of them could be cruel. She took that thought as her cue to flee the room.

Focused on her steps she noticed the steady tapping of another pair joining hers in the empty hallway.
“Hey wait up!” Flinching, the addressed instead pressed her books tighter against her chest, rounding the corner making her Converse squeak on the floor.
“Are you running from me now ?” the angry voice belonged to the tall blonde behind her, leader of the Cobra Kais also known as the guys who beat Daniel into hospital - Johnny Lawrence.
Instead of answering, Mina proceeded to open her locker and roughly pushing her papers inside, already eying the door to the ladies room to her right as an escape. When she didn't answer him Johnny snatched a paper from the ones she had gathered while flicking the locker door shut with a banging thud. “Hey, look at me when we're having a conversation.”
„Oh we are?“ Mina tried to make her voice sound as icy as possible.
Annoyance visible on his features, Johnny leaned against her locker her geometry paper in his hand as Mina tried to get him to hand them over. “Give me my papers Johnny and cut the crap. I'm in no mood to talk.”  Being so close to him she was able to feel his warmth, noticing the way his sweater mapped out his body.
Johnny simply straightened a little, causing the papers to travel even further from her reach.
“You'll get them when we're done talking. Because I want to —no I need to talk to you.”

For the first time since the incident of the brawl Mina lifted her eyes to hold his ocean blue gaze. The fluttering feeling in her gut was terrifying as she knew she shouldn't feel that way for him after everything he had done. But when he looked at her like that she felt as if Johnny could see straight into her soul.
Her voice a little raspy in her ears Mina forced the words from her mouth.
“Well, Then talk. ”
Sighing Johnny ran a hand through his hair before letting it drop his hips, tapping a finger against the waistband it in thought. How could he say this without looking like a total weakling ?
“Well..  I'm sorry about the incident with LaRusso.” Johnny peered down at Mina waiting for her to bite out something hostile as usual, but she remained quiet only narrowing her eyes.
Flicking the bangs from his eyes Johnny forced himself to continue.
“Listen, I *am* sorry about what happened. I really am. It's just Everytime we come close something goes wrong and - ” he caught himself from rambling suddenly out of words. Admitting a mistake had never been one of his strengths. Instead Johnny drew closer so they only stood half an arm length apart before laying a hand on Minas cheek peering down at her intensely, lowering his voice.  “... And that's just not the way I want it to go.”
Mina stared back at him, electrified by the sensation of his warm hand resting against her cheek.  Rationally she knew she had every reason to push him away yet she couldn't force herself to move. Her heartbeat in her ears she placed a hand over his.
“Can't you be better then?”  Mina noticed the wobbly edge her voice had taken growing possibly more quiet when she added “For me?”
Johnny blinked at her slowly, drawing his face even closer if possible. A foreign look had taken place on his face, as if he was about to surrender to her. “I could try.”
He was so close now Mina felt their breaths mixing sending shivers down her spine. In a sudden act of instinct she slung one arm around his neck, stroking his fine blond hair.  God, she wanted him so bad.
“You should. Otherwise we wouldn't get to do this more often...” She trailed of as she felt his mouth brush against her own.
Finally Johnny dropped the paper to place a firm hand on the small of Minas back pulling her as close as possible. Mina gasped at the sensation, as Johnny's lips locked with hers almost immediately deepening the kiss to breathtaking as she stroked his hair.
It seemed as for that moment all the tension between the two of them had somehow formed a sparking wave of electricity that laced them together.
Mina felt Johnnys lashes tickle her skin, the softness of his lips standing in contrast to the strength of his jaw, his hands stroking her, a feeling of utter delight cursing through her veins.
Turning her during their kisses Johnny proceeded to press Mina against the lockers locking his arms around her.

Neither of them knew how much time had passed but  a strangled sound followed by some whistling broke through eventually, causing Johnny to draw back and Mina to snap open her eyes, both turning their heads towards the source.

Down the aisle to the Cafeteria stood Daniel holding his girlfriend Alis hand backed up by the rest of the Cobras who's facial impressions opposed the ones in front of them. Each one of them was grinning, Bobby even raising three fingers while Daniel carried a sour expression as if he'd bitten into something foul.  Ali stood, a look of betrayal on her face, eyes wide open and mouth trembling. Her eyes pierced through her taller friends skin.  “Mina, what are you — ? Why would you do this ??”
Slowly Mina removed herself from her position against the lockers starting towards Ali.  “Listen Ali I'm so- ”  From the corner of her eye Mina thought something akin to disappointment to have crossed Johnny's face and she stopped herself. For a moment everybody seemed a little astonished at her sudden loss of words.
Then, Alis face twisted from disbelief to disgust while Daniels held no more emotion in it but a hint of anger. A choking sound escaped the small blonde. “Let's go Daniel.
Frozen in place, still trying to comprehend what just went down Mina had no choice but to watch the couple move past the rest of the Cobras and vanishing around the corner.
She jolted as a warm hand stroked the back of her neck. “Listen I'm sure it's going to be fine. ”
Snapping her head up at Johnny Mina studied his face for a brief second suddenly feeling cornered by her own emotions. What had they done just now ?
“Well, maybe it isn't.”  She tried to ignore his frown, quickly picking her remaining papers from the ground and stuffing them in her bag next to her locker. „Uh I have to get going.”
Slipping through Johnny's arm Mina dashed corners the latter watching her storm off before kicking against a locker in frustration.
Tommy caught his taller friend by the shoulder. “Relax, man. It's still all going to work out.”
Johnny shook off his hand, shouldering his own bag.
“Yeah. Whatever”

Well well, everything's going to change in the next chap so stay tuned. Like I want romantic shit. And I guess so do you!
If u didn't really like this one, my feelings are also kinda mixed about this one but more intense things lie ahead :) Just saying:🐍🐍🐍

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