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“Relax, don't do it
When you wanna go do it
Relax, don't do it
When you wanna come
Relax, don't do it
When you wanna suck, chew it
Relax, don't do it!”
— Freddie goes to Hollywood, Relax, 1983

In which the reader gets into fight with Johnny and his gang following an assault on Daniel, basically punches Johnny in the face, then things start to go south..

Word count: 4,388


“Great! Now we're both locked in just because you couldn't back off!”
Mina turned around at staring at the tall blond behind her rattling on the windows.
“Me? ME? Weren't you the one that wanted to teach me a lesson ?! ”
Johnny clicked his tongue, flicking his blond bangs from his eyes. “Quit bitching at me.”
She raised her eyebrows in disgust. “I don't take orders from you.”
He came a couple of steps closer, suddenly leaning in on his arm and effectively keeping her pressed against the cold wall. “Is that so?”


- 13 hours prior -

February had come, making Valentine's Day come round once again.
Johnny had carefully planned out how he was going to win Ali back. He had bought her a small gift, a rose and even wrote a short note. He knew it must seem a bit desperate, then again he was.
Seeing Ali with LaRusso always brought back the same humiliation he had felt when falling onto that mat at the All Valley.
His Sensei had nearly expelled him from his Dojo and now made him work especially hard to re-earn his place at Cobra Kai. Some of these days Johnny had thought about quitting, holed up on his balcony, staring over California.
But then again. ‘Defeat does not exist.’ He wouldn't let that little shit take everything he had worked so hard for to build. Especially since he knew he was the more skilled fighter. He was the better looking guy. He worked harder. He closed his eyes letting the words of his Sensei flood back into his ears ‘Let your anger fuel you, to keep your spirit sharp and alert. So you are ready to strike back and strike hard when the time comes. He may have won a battle but we will win the war. As you know, defeat does not exist in this dojo. No mercy. ’
Johnny pulled a red turtleneck over his head, the fabric hiding the fresh bruises on his side.
No mercy. He would never let this twerp win.
His thoughts drifted to Mina, the new friend of Ali and Larusso. He didn't get it. She was pretty,  tough  and more than just a handful. Just like Ali when he'd first met her.
His thoughts were interrupted by a soft knock on the door, his mother sticking her head in.
“You ready for breakfast sweetheart? Sid can drop you off at school. ” He quickly picked up his bag and jacket from his bed, giving her a quick peck on the cheek as he passed her and closed the door to his room. “No need Ma, I'll have to be there early. Besides I have my own car. ”
His mother gave him a one over, placing a hand on his cheek. “Oh yeah, I always forget. You grew up so fast.” She pulled him into a quick embrace. “Have a good day at school honey.”
Johnny gave her an affectionate smile in return, winking “I will” before heading out, swinging himself on his bike and soaring off.

Daniel himself had also woken up earlier than necessary. He had been determined to prove to Ali that he was worthy of her.
Over the past weeks following the hallway incident, Johnny had not made another move on him. He had not further demonstrated his Cobra Kai brutality in another warning. Instead he had been almost tranquil, him and Ali getting a little closer again in the process.
Ali had flicked his concerns aside by simply stating ‘We've been friends for a long time. If he's willing to change I can give him a second shot. He's really wasn't that bad for a guy before. Besides as long as he leaves you alone I couldn't be happier. You are my karate champ, not him, remember?’. Her warm smile had reassured him but today he wasn't taking any chances.
He had sorted out a table at a Mexican restaurant she always had wanted to go eat in, close to Golf N' Stuff. Besides that a small rose bouquet and a box of chocolates rested on his bed, waiting to be given to her. He had even bought her a little gift to show his appreciation. It was a little silver key-chain with a radio charm dangling from it.
The radio. That was how it all had begun.
Pleased with himself, Daniel ran a hand through his hair eying his reflection. He had opted for a simple yellow polo that complimented his tanned skin nicely.
Since Ali and him would go out later today, he had managed to convince his mother to drop him off on her way to work, since the tires of his bike were flat. Thanks to a certain Cobra, Daniel thought bitterly.
The constant damage his belongings had undergone ever since meeting the Cobra Kai's had also been the reason Daniel had not yet considered driving his car to school. It was a special car, not only because of the model but because it had been a gift from Mr. Miyagi to him. It was his most precious belonging, and he wouldn't risk that.

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