Kids in America

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“Looking out a dirty old window
I sit here alone and I wonder why
Friday night and everyone is moving
I can feel the heat but it's soothing
I search for the beat in this dirty town
We're the kids in America
Everybody live for the music go round
Bright lights the music is faster
Look boy, don't check on your watch —
not another glance!
I'm not leaving now honey
Not a chance.
Hot-shot give me no problems
Much later, baby, you'll be saying nevermind
Life is curel life is never kind. ”
Kim Wilde, Kids in America, 1981

A night out with Daniel, Mina and the Cobras, what could go wrong ?
WORDCOUNT: 4815 (A long snack 4 u guys.)

I hope you'll enjoy reading as much as I had fun writing this!  ಡ ͜ ʖ ಡ


“What the hell Dutch?? I was gone five minutes and you let her drink half the bar?” Johnny snarled bringing his palm down onto the table.  Dutch squinted his eyes to focus on his friend. “Well if she's that important to you why did you just pick up some other babe?” Jimmy nodded, his head on his palm “She really didn't like that.”
“What the — Hey stay where you are!” Mina froze in her tracks, her vision all blurry as she had tried to sneakily make her way to the door, resting herself against a table. She blinked at the sudden movement in front of her eye. Then suddenly she was falling through air yelping caught on a something smooth. “Omg an angel!” she struck out her her hand pointing at Johnny's nose a few inches away from hers.

Bobby had watched Mina take a few steps and then flop into Johnny's arms, who held her, brows furrowed and his mouth pressed into a thin line, the eyes shooting daggers at the ones sitting at the table. Rarely he had gotten so angry with his friends.
“I'm going to see her home — and I suggest you do the same.” he hissed pointing his chin towards Dutch and Tommy who sang to a tune on the jukebox while spilling their drinks onto upholstery of the seat. Most of their words were wrong and slurred badly. “Okay I'm gonna take these two” Bobby gestured towards Tommy and Daniel nodding at Jimmy, who promised to take care of Dutch, who instinctively had scooted over to him after forcefully being separated from Tommy. “This is theeee night laaaadiies and gent'lmen”
“Yeah the night you'll probably end in Juvie.” Jimmy pointed out sourly, snapping the drink from Dutch' hand.
The three boys looked at each other, each with their protégé in tow.
Oh yeah what a night it was and what a long night it was going to be ...

It had started out innocently. It was the 11th of May, a Saturday, and exactly 2 weeks into their finals. After Ali had bailed on Daniel because of a dentist appointment, the slender dark haired boy had knocked on Mina's apartment door asking her if she wanted to come out and maybe hang. Luckily for her since Mina had gotten her first weekend off in weeks but hand not had anything to do but ponder about a certain incident back in the Karate Dojo that had taken place on the very Tuesday of the same week. Her first kiss with Johnny Lawrence that had evolved into a makeout session cut short.
So when she had told Daniel she had never been to Golf N' Stuff he had decided to take her.

“Trust me, it's the only place I liked when coming here.” he said hopping from the car. Mina followed clunking her door shut. “Who took you?” “Who would you guess did?”
“Well, Ali has a good taste. The spot looks great. To bad Alex couldn't come either.” Mina added teasingly. Daniel only rolled his eyes. “That footballheaded jerk. I'll be a happy guy once he's back in France where he belongs.”
“Jealous?” she questioned tilting her head.
“I'm not, alright. He's just annoying. And I don't like the way he's so touchy.”
“Not to forget he beat you in that football match. But it was a close call.” Mina added seeing Daniels dark expression. She really didn't want to annoy her friend after finally being able to hang out again. She poked his ribs, resulting in him loosing the static expression. “Come on we're here to have some fun, what's the best thing to do first ?”

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