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They go to the cinema in this episode.
Basically that's it.

A/N: I did not spell check. No time yelp. But will do.

The song is exactly a decade
too late but Night of the Living Dead came out on April 25 1985 so I hope I'll be forgiven.
As always, enjoy!

„Now is the time
For you and I to cuddle close together, yeah
All through the night
I'll save you from the terror on the screen
I'll make you see
That this is thriller
Thriller night
'Cause I can thrill you more
Than any ghoul would ever dare try
So let me hold you tight
And share a
(Killer, diller, chiller)
(Thriller here tonight)"
Michael Jackson, Thriller 1995

"Do you always have to sabotage everything I do? That date was nothing of your concern!" She pushed his shoulders but he didn't budge. Instead he smiled slyly. "It seemed to me like you'd enjoy a little courtship, forgive me if I misinterpreted."


"Hey Mina", something hard pushed against her chair. Beside her Susan repressed a sidewards glance as she focused on their notes in physics.
The finals were coming up soon and someone had to pay attention. Clearly that's wasn't going to be her friend.

Another push against the back of her chair. This time Mina turned. A boy from her chemistry class, Martin Gelderman was leaning over his desk slightly. He was one of the school's pretty boys - an athlete with green brown eyes and dark blond short cut hair. She didn't know what he would possibly want from her.
"You wanna go to the movies this weekend ?" Her eyebrows shot up in surprise. Somewhat awkward Mina shifted in her seat. Couldn't he have picked a better place instead of homeroom, when literally no one was talking??

She leaned over to him a little, trying to keep her voice quiet. "Uh, well. Why not. How about my friends Susan and Bobby tag along?" A croaked cough came from her left, Susan's head nearly burying itself into her papers.
Martin gave her dazzling smile that showed his white teeth. "I don't mind. So you into the new zombie movie? The return of the Living Dead just came out a couple days ago. I reckon you like scary stuff."

Mina leaned over a little more. Somehow she liked the way he articulated. "I'm talking to you ain't I?" It earned her a quiet chuckle, while she watched Martin scribble down a number on a piece of paper before sliding it to her.
"So how about we meet there at 7?" This time it was Mina who smiled. Finally someone who didn't ask to pick her up on the first date. No wierd excuses she'd have to make.
"That'll work for us. I still have one condition though. " Martin quirked his brows "So?"
"You pay for food and drinks "
"You got yourself a deal."

Somewhere behind them Mr. Erickson had begun strolling through the rows and both students turned back to their papers, not before smiling at each other.
"What the hell? You can't just drag me into that!" Susan hissed into her ear as soon as Mina had turned forward. "As if you'd be that repulsed to spend some time in the dark with Bobby." Susan narrowed her eyes and Mina had the impression she would be on her in an instant if it weren't for all the people around them.
Then her expression changed and Mina watched as Susan tapped her pen against her chin in thought while looking over her shoulder.
"Ok why not."

From the back of the homeroom watching, were the Cobras Tommy, Dutch and Johnny, slouched in their chairs.
"Well look who's getting all friendly with Mina." Tommy commented while proceeding to draw a dick-face of Mr. Erikson on his table. Dutch slid his Walkman off his ears, grunting. "That guy is a total pussy. " They waited for the tall blond to say something, but he didn't even look up from his textbook, his other hand casually resting on his thigh. Both friend scowled at that, Dutch returning his Walkman back to it's place shaking his head in disbelief.

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