It's my life!

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"Funny how I find myself in love with you
If I could buy my reasoning, I'd pay to lose
One half won't do
I've asked myself, how much do you
Commit yourself?
It's my life, don't you forget
It's my life, it never ends (it never ends)"
-It's my life, Talk Talk 1984

In which Mina tries to suppress her feelings for Johnny, but actually ends up going out for lunch with him while
Ali learns of the relationship between Mina and Johnny. A new exchange student meanwhile flares some tempers.


"Would you stop looking over there please?"
"Where? I'm not even seeing something. "
Mina threw down a her pom poms kneeling beside Susan craning her neck towards the football field, her right hand tight around the water bottle.
"No, it's not like you've been googling your eyes out at him ever since last week."
Averting her eyes Mina scowled at Susan instead, bringing the bottle to her lips. "AH he's looking!" her friend whisper squeaked causing her to whip her head, water trickling from her chin.
Besides for Dutch and Jimmy none of the other Cobras were to be seen. Disappointment made its way into her gut.
"What the hell. Who are you talking about?"
"The new exchange student of course! You know tall, tanned, handsome ? Stays at Ali's, football player? Maybe today we'll have time for some lunch together. Wait, who where you talking about?"
Susan watched something come and pass in Minas eyes "Oh, I was just confused."
"Oh I would be too. Look at these claves. I see Ali's talking to him on the field. Let's head down." "What about Bobby?" "Well what about him?" Mina rolled her eyes. "Last week you were on the verge of actually going on a date with the prospect of something steady and a few days later you're over him?" "Look it's nothing against Bobby, it's just that he is with Cobra Kai. The scene at the movies was bad enough. I know he's nice and I like him but still... You know I had something going on with Tommy before. Well you think twice after that. It's not like they let go easy." Susan eyed her, making Mina shift uncomfortably. "You know he nearly beat Daniel to pudding after Ali."
"Heading down seems good! Let's go."
"Just remember not to forget how he was like when you met him back in January over your teenage hormons. Guys like him have a ton of chicks around, he's not worth it. I don't want you to suffer like Ali did."
"Thanks mum! It's not like we have anything going on anyways."
Susan snorted, standing and dusting herself off.
"Call me once you know the gender."
Her brown haired friend snickered offering her a hand. "Ok come on maybe we'll see your Karate Kid on the way."
Grumbling she gave in and let Sue drag her up.
As they made their way to another group of cheerleads standing at the edge of the field, watching the players, her eyes caught a whisp of platine hair, a squeezing feeling in her chest.
To her disappointment a second later it became clear that wasn't Johnny's. Damn teenage hormones.

They watched as some of the boys were warming up, while the others already had started another match. Beside her Sue and Ali were busy talking to the football player.
Deciding to walk around a little Mina made her way over where she spotted Daniel and much to her dismay Bobby conversating with one another.
"I seriously dislike this guy"
"Yeah 'cos he's everything you're not, big and strong."
"Well who is compared to that guy? I mean look at his claves! Does he work out every day or something??"
Mina popped in her head sideways, leaning on Daniels shoulder. "Bad time to interrupt? Heard you were finally opening up about your foot fetish." She watched as the dark haired boy reddened as Bobby next to him burst into laughter. "Yeah he's got a lot of those."
"Oh shut up man! "
Mina eyed the bickering pair suspiciously for a moment. "Since when have you been besties and does Johnny know?" she mocked laughing at their expressions.
"We speak sometimes we're not dating. Chill. I gotta join Johnny and Dutch. "
Mina's eyes instinctively wandered to where Bobby was looking. A towel around each of their bare necks both Cobras stood, torsos bare eyeing them.
"I'll see you Larusso." Bobby nodded at Daniel who responded with a grin "Hope you don't get beaten up by your friends there for talking to me. Tell Johnny I said hi." Bobby shook his head rolling his eyes before making his way over.
"You two are seriously creeping me out with all that friendly crap right here." Mina huffed, trying not to wheeze from laughter.
"Since when is this a thing?"
"Like Bobby said we only talk. It's not like we're hanging out or something. But he basically apologized after the tournament and he's actually not such a bad guy like the rest of them if you talk to him in person so -"
"You're gonna marry and have kids?"
Daniel rolled his eyes now a grin on his lips too. "I think we both have other plans."
Mina nodded her head towards the two cheerleaders still talking to the exchange student.
"And both are with that guy right now. Was that what you were on about before I came?" Daniel nodded "Yeah. Ali hasn't said much about him besides his name's Alex and he's french. "
"It's always the french ones huh?"
Daniel nodded scowling for a moment before lighting up. "So you wanna kick some balls?"
"You mean literally or figuratively?" Mina challenged, catching onto his joke.
"Maybe both of things go right." He pointed at a football beside him. "How about missing the pass by a few?" She chuckled nodding. "You're actually pretty mean if you want to."
"I was kidding. Now how about passing the ball between us?"
They kicked the ball back and forth, Mina forgetting about Daniels comment pretty soon, immensed in anything that would save her from cheering. That's when Daniel aimed at shot the ball at the back of the other boys head. Mina gaped, Sue and Ali scowled, the Cobras grinned, all watching as Alex turned around. "Ops?"
Daniel raised a hand comfortingly. "I got it watch this." Mina noticed Daniel walking up to Alex, saying something and gesturing towards the field. The latter nodded, turning to say something to Ali before making his way towards the field. From what Mina could see Ali looked at Daniel sternly saying something.
He shrugged it off following the guy. It seemed like they wanted to compete in a football match.
From beside her Mina heard a voice. "Hey, was I dreaming or did LaRusso just kick a ball in the face of that suck up?" She tried not to look up at the friendly sounding voice.
"Well he wanted to stop him from flirting with Ali I guess."
"Oh because he's usually not the one getting his ass kicked. " Johnny mocked placing a hand on his chest. "Don't they grow up fast? Now that he knows how to crawl maybe he'll stop shitting his pants." "Oh be nice, it may be a little childish but at he least he didn't beat up the guy."
Beside her the tall blonde snorted. "Yeah like he could."
"I'm sure Mr.Miyagi teaches him just fine. It worked out at the All Valley didn't it?" A muscle twiched in Johnny's jaw. "If you dare to me to I'll show you just how good I can kick Betty Spaghetti's lil ass right here and right now. Even I could teach you to kick his ass if we're at it. "
Mina gave his chest a shove yelping when he flexed his chest muscles under her touch.
"What the hell!" she yanked her hand back, her head traveling from Johnny's strong abs to his face and back again. He had a smirk on his face akin to something predatory yet warm as he showed his perfect white teeth. "Feel free to get physical right away." he gestured towards his six pack he was now flexing.
"Oh come show-off " Mina rolled her eyes, taking a sip from her water hoping to cool her heated cheeks, the bottle open in her hand. Johnny tipped his finger tips against it causing the water to splash onto her shirt. She gasped partly in shock partly at the sensation. "What the hell Johnny!?" He only eyed her innocently. "You looked kinda hot there." His eyes moved to where she knew her white shirt was probably already showing the black sports bra. Not a good combo to a white shirt. Mina snatched the towel from his neck covering her see through "I'm going to change." He laughed following her. "I could help with that ?" She eyed him, squinting her eyes as she marched. "Sod off asshole."
He faked looking hurt before leaning down to her level. "May I offer you a ride to redeem myself?"
"I had no idea you wanted to be my personal taxi driver so badly." she remarked dryly trying to be angry but somehow she found she wasn't. It was pretty hot indeed so the little splash had actually been quite pleasant. Besides Johnny's towel smelled of his aftershave mixed with a little sweat. She would never admit but Mina actually found the combination of a working out Johnny more than a bit hot.
"Well since you insist, meet me in the parking space in half an hour. I need a lift to the my next shift. P.E is finished in 10 and I wanna shower after."
He smirked leaning on the door to the sports hall he held out for her. "Mind if I join?"
Mina couldn't help but squeak a little. "What?!"
"I planned on showering too. We could save water." he said, his voice dead serious. Shaking her head Mina stared back at him.
"You're absolutely unbelievable."
Johnny shrugged, flicking his bangs to the side "Well most of them usually say it when we're done, but I don't mind you praising me beforehand doll." Mina bit her lip hard to prevent her cheeks from reddening, pushing away her thoughts. 'Do-Not-Think-of-Anything-with-Johnny.'
"Okay Casanova move I need to change and you're blocking the door." Smirking he granted her enterence to the cool hallway.
"I'll see you later doll."

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