Most People look at him in Terror PT.II

264 6 2

Word Count: 3,021

After living through eight hours of school and lunch break Mina was on her way back home. She wanted to stop by the Reseda Mall in order to check if there was any job she could apply for.  Daniel had decided to see his Karate teacher Mr. Miyagi after school, redeciding again when Ali had proposed to him that they could do something together after school.

So the two had driven off in her car, under the scornfull watch of the Cobras. Because he couldn't drive it back Daniel had given Mina permission to use his bicycle. Besides the unpleasant encounter in break, the school day had passed without other interruptions. Mina had seated herself as far away as she could from the Cobras whenever she they shared a class, fortunately not that many. She had made a new friend in economics, Susan, who also was a friend of Ali and Brenda, Ali's other close friend. She was casually cycling through the landscape pondering, as she heard a loud noise from behind her. Five motorcyles sped past her at an enormous speed. As they went their owners made sure to drive through the leftover puddles of the early morning, splashing the dark rain water onto Mina purposefully.
“Hey! Watch where you are going assfaces! ” she yelled out showing them the finger. Now she was soaked again like she had this been this morning. It seemed like the day couldn't get any worse.
When she had finally found the little mini mall of Reseda, Mina was still cold and not even half dry. But her temper had cooled. She would not let Johnny Lawrence and his minions prevent her from potentially scoring a job interview, after all it was her existence. She didn't have rich parents that stuck money in her mouth everytime she got loud. She'd seen an advertisement for a job as a bartender in yesterday's newspaper. If she could work the shift from 4 - 10:30 p.m on weekdays and 4 p.m to 2 a.m on Saturdays that wouldn't be half bad. It would leave her enough money for food and rent with about approximately 100$ leftover each month. She'd then use that money to buy herself a car. Mina parked the bicycle at the corner of the dark old brick building harbouring the pool bar ‘Night life.’ She straightened out her jacket and brushed the wisps of hair from her face, eying her reflection in the glazed windows. Then something in the reflection caught her eye, making her knit her brows. 5 all to familiar bikes were parked in the open parking lot of the Mall. In front of them a white painted building, that spotted a giant orange and black coloured snake entitled ‘Cobra Kai Karate’. So that must be the place these jerks had learned their moves from. Mina threw a quick glance on her Casio. She still had 10 more minutes until she had to show for the interview. Without much of a second thought she made her way across towards the dojo.  She slowly opened the door, hoping not to alert a bell or anything else making her appearance known. Upon entering she saw the walls being stacked with a series of trophies, army photographies - and souvenirs,but also more chilling with asian styled daggers and small handcrafted weapons. It looked like some fierce cult shrine or something. On the wall across was the same mean looking snake as on the exterior of the building. Beneath her stood the words: ‘Strike first, Strike hard, No mercy.’ Mina's breath caught, anxiety making her gut clench. The same words she'd heard Johnny mutter every so often. And that was the reason why. Fierce shouts added fuel to her curiosity. She moved closer towards the “Ai!” “Kiyah!”  Focused on her footing, trying to not make any noise on the wooden floorboards she stuck her head through the door gap tentatively. In front of her were about 20 males each spotting a white karategi with the snake on the back and a black belt. ‘So much for the cult theory.’ Mina thought, biting her lip. She noticed that all of the seemed to be in their teens, followed by recognition that they all looked very — fierce. Almost angry. They all focused their sole attention on a tall, muscular and deeply tanned man in a black karategi. He stood, arms crossed, in front of the neatly lined up and belled out a single word “Ai!” at which the rows of students would erupt into a kicking motion, yelling “Kiyah!” It was scary. Mina couldn't make out the man's face as the boy in front of her were too tall but narrowed her eyes at the snake tattoo bulging on his right arm. She would have known it from everywhere.

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