Age of Consent

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“I saw you this morning, I thought that you might like to know
I received your message in full a few days ago
I understood every word that it said
I'm not the kind that likes to tell you
Just what you want me to
You're not the kind that needs to tell me
About the birds and the bees”
New Order, Age of Consent 1983

Short: Johnny teaches the reader the way of the fist, possibly a lil more.



“And he did what??” Susan's voice cracked on the line. “Well we got into his car and all and then he leaned over me, I thought he was gonna kiss me but instead he blew me in the face - his breath is somewhat minty btw- well and then -”
“Nothing. He just got back out and went inside the dojo.”
“You got in a car and didn't go anywhere only to exit again because you've already reached the spot? Surely it'll have to be better than that.”
“Well, I was in no state to question it ok. my brain pisses off the second he does this blue-eyes-stare-into-your-soul thing.”
“Wow. Makes sense that someone like Johnny probably has demonic powers. ”
Susan commented sarcasm dripping from her voice. “Tell me we're heading for the fun part of your story now?”
Mina bit her lip gazing from her window, loosing herself in the view of the sunset. “Yeah, well it started out pretty harmless — ”

Johnny eyed her up and down from where he sat on the mat, his legs crossed arms resting on his knees, his back straight. He looked alert.
“You're wearing this for training?”
Annoyed Mina crossed her arms, trying to hide her uncertainty at only wearing a crop top and her sport shorts. “And you decided to meditate or something ?”
“I do before training. You do that to focus yourself, concentrate and get into the right mindset for combat.”
In a fluid motion he unwound himself, now standing mere inches before her. Mina stifled a laugh. “Well and look who said Karate was not a knit-”
“Silence! In this dojo I am your Sensei today, which means I get to make the rules. You are not in the position to question my lesson. Now take position. Face me. Legs together, back straight, hands on your sides.”
Mina did as she was told, her skin rippling from a sudden anxiety. This was an entirely different Johnny.
“You sure got the authority thing down.”
She commented unwilling to give away a hint of the anxiety that coiled in her stomach. A smirk tugged at Johnny's lips and it was as if the sun had lit through the folds of the dojo. Inwardly Mina relaxed.
“Well it's not the only thing I got down.”
“Dream on Lawrence.”
“Its Sensei for you.”
“You really are stubborn fella aren't you?”
He shrugged. “I train the younger kids, you need a tough grip on them. They're obnoxious otherwise. ” Mina placed her hands on her hips breaking from her position.
“Did you just compare me to a five-year old?”
A foot kicked her legs from her, Mina finding herself on her back in half of a second blinking. She looked up a Johnny who looked back down at her his eyes lidded, the smirk still in check.
“When you address me, it's what?”
“Ow. It's Sensei. I got it.”
“Good girl.”
His voice almost sounded alike to a purr, as he offered her a hand.
' This was not good for her heart rate at all' Mina thought springing back to her position.
Gulping she watched his muscles move beneath his Gi, as he took position opposite to her, legs a length apart hands on his sides. “Now let's focus on punching first. You need to aim as if the - ”
Mina forced her nervousness away, focusing on Johnny's instructions. Her first Karate lesson had begun and she had come with the goal of not making a fool out of herself!

Damping her head with a towel Mina eyed the walls of the back entry leading to the changing rooms. Besides trophies and photographs of Kreese there were some newspaper articles framed against it.  ‘Best karate newcomer of the year 1983: Johnny Lawrence’, ‘Winner of All Valley Under18 Tournament 1983 Johnny Lawrence’, ‘Winner of the Florida State Championship 1982’ and many smaller ones entitled with Johnny's victories. One made Mina narrow her eyes. It was a plaquette. ‘Best student of Cobra Kai: Johnny Lawrence. Signed by Sensei John Kreese and Sensei Terry Silver.’
“Impressed?” Johnny's silken voice questioned from above. Ignoring his cocky grin, she faced him with stiff features. “You know Terry Silver?”
It seemed that he had not thought that she'd answer like this, as he blinked, his eyebrows raised. “Yeah, I do know Sensei Silver. He's  Sensei's best friend. But I only met him twice.” he nodded his chin towards a newer looking certificate. “Came and congratulated me in Florida couple weeks ago. He oversaw my flunking at the All Valley last winter.”
“I see.” Johnny eyed her with a cool look of suspicion, his eyes suddenly hard. Mina didn't like the look at all. It didn't seem to belong to him. No wonder Daniel was terrified.
“You acquainted with Sensei Silver? I thought you didn't know Karate.”
“Uh, no not at all. My mo- well someone in my family kinda knew him.”
‘Kill it, or it kills you. The world shows no mercy.’  She shook of the voice lingering in her head.

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