Hey Look- The Baddies are gone. Time for new frustrations! #2

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"Arrggghhhhhh" Sophie screamed into her pillow in frustration. "Why does everything have to be so complicated?!"

It had been a week since the Neverseen had been defeated , which also happened to be the day Sophie had come to terms with her true feelings towards Keefe. Everyone had stayed at their respective homes - trying to relax, get their bearings and finally realise that they all could live normal lives. She had, since then, been working at the Havenfield pastures- Foxfire had declared holidays for three weeks- and spent her time with Grady and Edaline, desperately trying to avoid one person in particular. Gods, why did he have to be an Empath of all things?

It was completely new for Sophie, and to say that she was terrified was putting it mildly. She finally understood the mind and heart emotions theory about which she had read so long ago.

What she had felt towards Fitz was gratitude, for showing her where she truly belonged, which she had misunderstood as liking him. It was an ordinary schoolgirl crush, which any girl would have felt had she been in Sophie's shoes. These were her head emotions taking control, and she was glad she was way past that phase.

However, what she felt towards Keefe - that was completely different. It was nerve racking, daunting , yet oh so beautiful, so right and so, so ,so amazing. It was the feeling of being complete, wanting to be with someone and trying your best for them. It was being on their side through thick and thin, during spring and rain, accepting them and admiring them for who they are , even trying to better yourself for them. It was everything, it was love.

A week before, when Keefe had been twirling her around, something had clicked in place- her head and heart emotions uniting, and her heart emotions finally coming to light, reigning her, overtaking her and showing her with whom she finally belonged.

She looked back to each and every moment she shared with Keefe- their laughs, their smiles, crying on each others' shoulders , supporting the other no matter what , and the constant reassurance when the other was down.

She knew she could not hide from everyone, especially Keefe, who being the awesome Empath he was, would surely figure out her emotions- a highly awkward and embarrassing scenario for her.

She had to come up with a plan to tell him, but was scared of rejection. What if he did not feel the same way? It would ruin their friendship completely. She was trying to do the same without affecting what they already had when the door to her bedroom opened, and in walked her adoptive mother, Edaline.

"Hey Sophie, is everything fine, sweetheart? I heard some frustrated screams. You can tell me anything, you know, and we'll come up with a solution together- if that is fine by you. How does that sound?"

Sophie contemplated upon the offer. It would be mortifying, talking about how she was completely in love with Master Extraordinaire of The Hair- with her mom of all people- but she did need advice.

So, she said, "Yes mom, it would be nice if you could help me with something. But, you have to promise- you won't tell anyone about it."

"Of course, sweetie, my lips are sealed. Now, what was it that you wanted to tell me?"

Edaline moved towards Sophie's bed, sitting by her side and encouraged her to go on, giving her a look that seemed to say, 'Spill'.

Maybe it was the idea of confiding in someone, maybe it was Edaline's motherly side, but Sophie found herself recounting that day's events and divulging her feeling to Edaline. When she was done, a solid half an hour later- which she had spent pouring out her feelings for Keefe- she looked at her mom, who had a playful smile upon her face.

"Mommm! It's already so embarrassing, don't look at me like that! What am I supposed to do? I can't tell him- it'll ruin our friendship. What if he doesn't feel the same way? At the same time, I can't hide it. He's an Empath for Eternalia's sake! He'll figure it out and that'll be the worst thing ever." Sophie groaned, hiding behind her pillow.

"Sophie, look at me. Now, listen very carefully. The boy has been in love with you since the day he met you- no, don't give me that look- I'm telling you, he feels the same way about you. Trust me, it's not bad at all to tell him. In fact, I'm pretty sure it'll lead to something more between you two" She wiggled her eyebrows suggestively.

Sophie felt her cheeks heat up, and asked, "So, what are you suggesting?"

"What I'm suggesting is that you go and tell him how you feel. That boy has waited for you for so long, he'll wait for you for all eternity if need be. But, you want to get it over with- So go, tell him the truth and watch love conquer all!" she gave Sophie a sappy grin- the type of smile that was straight out of a lovesick teenager's nightmares.

"Oh. Okayyy. This is gonna be really scary, but I'll take your advice and go tomorrow."

"Who said anything about tomorrow? Go now and tell him everything!"

"What? Now?!"

"Yes, go get ready a bit- change your dress, brush your hair- and go!"

"What about dad?"

"I'll handle him. I know it's seven at night, but I've been waiting so long for this day to come. Eek!"

"Okay, okay- I'll go. Just let me get ready" she sighed, trying not to think about how her mother had been waiting for his day to come. As she was tending to her hair, the only thought in her mind was how this was probably the most reckless thing she had ever done.

However, as she called out "Shores of Solace!" at the Leapmaster, she could not deny how hopeful she felt- that maybe it would all turn out fine, and that maybe Keefe would feel the same way.

A/N: There you go- chapter 2! Again, as mentioned before, do comment and let me know what you liked, and where improvements can be made- both expression wise and story wise. It will truly be helpful, and will make sure I deliver even better content the next time I write and publish a story. BTW, chapter 3 is going to be what you guys are waiting for, so stay tuned!

Keep yourself safe and be happy :)) Peace out,

~Ana :)

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