Are you okay, Foster?

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Dedicated to sokeefe-4-da-wynn

Human AU

Just a heads up, there's mentions of menstruation.

"Damn it!" Keefe exclaimed, as yet another one of his team mates got killed.

"Dude, c'mon! That was so easy, how could you lose that round?"

A frustrated Fitz's voice floated through his headphones, "Ugh- sorry, Keefe- you carry on in this round, will join you in the next"

"Wow Wonderboy- didn't know that you could lose so easily" Dex's voice came, laced with sarcasm.

Keefe snorted at that, as Fitz huffed.

"Guys c'mon, just one more round and we'll win. And if I'm correct in remembering that-"

His voice trailed off as the door opened, and in walked his Foster.

She looked unhappy, sad even.

Her mouth was turned into a frown, his way-too-big sweatshirt on her tiny frame.

She came up to him, standing by his side, a defeated expression on her face.

Before he could even ask her what had happened, she simply swung one leg to his other side, sitting in his lap, burying her face in his shoulder, arms round his neck.

He quickly paused his game, turning his head towards her.

"Foster? Darling,you okay? What happened?"

Her voice came muffled and strained," Period cramps" she whispered softly.

His heart wrenched in his chest. He could almost feel her pain. The way her voice was- so tiny, full of agony- it just crushed him.

He ran soothing circles on her back, whispering small nothings in her ear, trying to ease off the pain.

" I just have one more round, Foster. After that, we'll do whatever you wanna do, okay?"

She nodded meekly, as he kissed her forehead.

"I love you" he said, going back to his game.

Putting the headphones on, he heard Dex snicker, " Aww Keefie!" he mocked, "Where are my kisses?"

Fitz snorted out loud, as Keefe growled, " What the hell, Dizznee"

Sophie stirred, "Wha-?"

"Oh it's nothing, sweetheart- Dexter's just being his usual annoying self"

Ignoring Dex's "Hey!" he heard Sophie slightly chuckle, nuzzling her head further in the crook between his neck and shoulder.

He smiled, going back to his game.


Some time had passed since he had resumed his game, when Keefe felt luscious, blonde locks cascading across his face.

Smiling to himself, he shook Sophie a bit, "Foster?"

She stirred, "Mhmm?"

"Could you tie your hair please? It's getting on my face"

She did not reply, rather grunted, stretching her hand out in the general direction of his right wrist.

He quickly shifted his hand nearer, as she took her hair tie, tying up her hair.

The gesture was small.

But it meant the world to Sophie.

The fact that Keefe cared enough to always carry her hair ties on his wrist, might she require them anytime- was truly overwhelming.

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