Foster Household

948 13 19

Dedicated to qu33nie_shin3z

It's set after the chapter- A Happy family :)

The sunlight gracefully danced through the window, illuminating the room in a soft glow.

As if it was its motive, it hit Sophie square in the eye, as she groaned, turning over.

Her eyes fluttered open a bit, scanning and trying to make a sense of what was happening.

She was at the edge of the bed, one leg dangling out, and Ella had already taken a tumble, lying on the carpet below.

Grunting, she huffed, trying to get her messy bed hair out of her face as she dipped down to retrieve the stuffed elephant.

Once successful in her endeavour, she turned back, eyeing a sleeping Keefe, who had taken the whole bed to himself.

Shaking him softly, she asked, "Hey Keefe, can you move over?"

His eyes fluttered open a bit, " No, Mrs. Stinkbottom needs her space. She may be a stuffed gulon, but she has feelings"

She snorted, " You're what? 40 something? And you still sleep with a stuffed animal?"

"Look who's talking with Ella beside you"

"Well, she wasn't here until now. Cause you see, someone took all the space which caused Ella to fall. Plus, I need my space, too" she whined.

"Ughh- you're no fun, Foster"

"I'm no fun? You're the one who's hogging all the space. But seriously Keefe, in my condition I need proper space to rest" she groaned.

Whoops- he had forgotten about that.

Quickly scooting over to the side, he grinned as she crawled towards him, laying down at his side.

He smiled as she wrapped her small arms around his bare torso, snuggling closer to him.

Even though she had a gnarly case of bed hair, and a loose fitting shirt of his along with some shorts, she looked the prettiest to him.

Humming gently, he stroked her cheek, his own pressed against the top of her head.

His eyes were getting heavy, sleep calling out to him, though he managed one last sentence, "Sleep well, my third baby mama"

He heard her snorts and a faint chuckle , as they both slowly drifted off.


"May!" Kenric hissed.

His sister groaned, flinging a pillow at his face, burying herself in the covers.

"Ughh go to sleep and let me sleep as well" she huffed.

"Mayyy" he tried again, shaking her by the shoulder, " Wake up!"

" No- why should I ?"she mumbled.

"It's Sunday- and we all decided we'll play bramble? So get your butt out of the bed and let's go wake mom and dad up!" He exclaimed enthusiastically.

"What time is it?" (A/N: Summertime! Lol)

"It's 6 'o'clock! Now get up already"

Muttering about annoying little brothers, she reluctantly got up, brushing her teeth and putting her hair up in a ponytail.

"Let's go, shall we?"


"Okay- though I'm not a fan of you both waking us up at 6 on a Sunday-"

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