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Sophie walked out of the doors, exhausted. The student council meeting had taken forever- it was around evening and most of the kids had already gone home.

She stepped out onto the sheltered courtyard. To her dismay, it was drizzling. Extending her hand outwards, she closed her eyes, indulging in the feel of the rain drops on her arms.

Suddenly, the wet feeling stopped, and she opened her eyes to see an umbrella above her. A familiar voice spoke, " Can't have you falling sick, Foster."

She whipped around, " Keefe?"

The blond smirked, "The one and only."

"What are you doing here? School was supposed to be over at 2."

"Well, you see, I've been told that I have a knack of landing myself in detention. So that's where I was when I walked out and saw you, Lady Fos-Boss" he said, proudly. "I don't suppose you have an umbrella, yeah? Lemme walk you home, what say?"

Sophie smiled at him. Her best friend was amazing. Though she considered Dex as a best friend too, her relationship with Keefe was truly special and on a whole different level altogether.

Not to mention she had acquired something scary- feelings. Towards Keefe.

Of course, he wouldn't like her that way. He was the most popular guy in school, with girls flocking all around him- why would he choose her? The nerd, Ms.Know-it-all?

She didn't want to lose what she already had with him. So, she kept quiet, trying to submerge those feelings, only to be met with failure in this regard.

Her internal monologue was interrupted, " Hello? Are you there, Foster? Fostaaa!" Keefe poked her sides.
She squeaked, "Yeah, yeah I'm there. Sorry. And to answer your question, Yes- I'd love it if you'll walk me home."

He smiled at her and took her hand. Then huddled under the umbrella, the two of them walked home.


"Yeah!" Sophie exclaimed as she jumped into a puddle, all the while skipping. The rain had intensified, with the promise of a full-blown downpour soon.

Keefe laughed, " C'mon Foster! The way you're jumping in these puddles- you'll get mud in The Hair. And we both know that's unforgivable" he whined.

"Oh shush, Keefe" she chided, "Lemme enjoy the rain and it's gifts"

"Only you will refer to muddy puddles as 'gifts of rain' " he chuckled, "You're something else, Foster" his expression became somber, a sincere smile etching his features.

Sophie felt her cheeks go red. She tugged at Keefe's hand, stopping and turning them both so that they faced each other.

Intertwining their fingers, she asked, "Why do you put up with me, Keefe?"

He seemed startled by the question, "What do you mean Foster? You're my bestest friend ever"

"No. I mean, there's a huge package that comes with me- my biological parents dying, constant nightmares, adoption, my messed up side. You're always there for me, and you don't even judge me- never, in fact. Why? Even the people closest to me haven't been as supportive as you. Why do you care so much, Keefe?"

" I- I can't answer that, Foster. It'll ruin everything we have. Just know that you mean a lot to me, Foster. More than you'll ever know." (Unlocked anyone??)

"I want to know now, Keefe. Please" she looked at him with earnest, expectant eyes.

He seemed to waver under her gaze.

He sighed, "Okay, I'll tell you but you have to promise you won't hate me, yeah?" He clasped their hands more firmly.

"I could never hate you, Keefe. Not even after you tell me this huge secret of yours, okay?"

"Okay." (TFIOS anyone?)

He took in a deep breath, "Here goes nothing. You see, Foster. The reason why I care so much is that I-I-gahh this is harder than I thought."

He ran a hand through The Hair, his ice blue orbs penetrating deep inside her brown ones, as he blurted out, "I love you, Foster. I always have and I always will. I love the way you get flustered and hide behind your hair. I love how you huff in embarrassment, with your cheeks all red. I love how you put up a weekly dance performance for all your stuffed toys" he laughed," I absolutely love you, adore you and every single thing about you."

Sophie froze in shock. These were the exact words she had been hoping to hear from him some day. But not in the rain, under an umbrella on the sidewalk- though yes, that did make up a romantic setting.

Keefe took her silence as rejection, his face dropping, "I should have known this was a bad idea. I'm so sor-"

He was cut off by Sophie's lips claiming his own, in a small peck.

"Huh? Wait, wha-?" he squeaked, completely taken by surprise.

Sophie giggled, her face flushed- though it could compete with Keefe's own red face.

"I love you too, idiot" Sophie whispered softly.

His smile widened- enough to light up the entire city.

"You have no idea how long I've been waiting for this day to come"

"I could say the same about myself"

With that, Sophie launched herself at Keefe, who immediately scooped her up in his arms, his hands around her small frame, the umbrella long forgotten.

Her legs went round his waist, with her arms around his neck as he kissed her- slowly, passionately.
He propped her up, and what started out to be slow now turned fast, desperate- as they couldn't get enough of the love they were feeling for each other.

The rain streaked their faces, their hair and clothes completely wet.
Eventually, they pulled back their rain coated selves, as her hands rested on his cheek, their noses and foreheads touching.

"Say it again, will you?" both panted, out of breath.

They laughed, and taking a deep breath, they murmured in perfect unison, "I love you"

A/N: Hope you guys liked it:) I got inspiration for this from one of the prompts I found on Pinterest, so yeahh..I love reading your comments and suggestions- so feel free to comment:)

Also, I have 2 oneshots already drafted, I just need to edit them and everything..Hopefully I'll update soon:) Happy Pride Month Everybody!!!!!


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