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"Mommy! Daddy! I'm coming!" the little girl shouted.

"May!" Keefe whined," you haven't even counted yet!"

The little bundle of joy giggled, "Awww daddy! I thought you wouldn't notice. Oh well, I'm counting." She put her chubby hands over her eyes "One.. two..three..four.. five.."

Sophie and Keefe looked at each other, amusement dancing in their eyes. Keefe whispered to her, " C'mon Foster, let's go find a place to hide!"

She laughed, and let herself be dragged by Keefe towards the kitchen. He took her to the kitchen island, under which he sat, beckoning her to come sit with him. She obliged, sitting next to him as he scooted her closer, putting an arm around her.

"Keefe!" She hissed. " Aww c'mon Foster,  you know you're loving the cuddle session" he grinned cheekily at her as she glared at him, trying to stop the smile tugging at her face.

"Oh shush Keefe, May will find us. Let her actually make efforts to search- don't you dare cough or sneeze to attract her here"

"Ooh my Foster's getting feisty- I see how it is" Before she could comprehend what was happening, he launched a tickle attack.
"Keefe! Oh my godss..hahaha..s-stop it! Hahahaha!" She squealed.

"Well Foster, you see-" he was interrupted by May, who came waddling towards them, shouting " I found you mommy and daddy! Mommy your shrieks were so loud-the whole of Lost Cities could have heard you"

Yeah. She was her daddy's little girl. With ice blue eyes, messy blonde hair and a sassy personality- she was, all in all, a mini-Keefe.

"It was your daddy's fault, May" Sophie said, sitting up, "He was the one who tickled me due to which I laughed"

" But mommy, you gave away your position" May replied, smirking.

"See Foster? Even she agrees. You were unnecessarily troubling the Keefester!"

"Oh, you're gonna get it, Keefe!" Sophie glared.

"Yeah?" he pulled her close to him, sitting her on his lap and ran his hands up and down her arms. Then, in a very low, smooth voice he asked, " What is it that I'm gonna get?"
A shiver ran down Sophie's spine from the way he said that, and Keefe smirked, aware of the effect he had on her.

Unable to resist, Sophie murmured, "This" and collided her lips with his. He kissed her back just as passionately, as she ran a hand through The Hair.

"Oh my godss mommy and daddy! Ewww! Stop!" 5 year old May exclaimed. "Why do I have a photographic memory? Ughh"

The couple pulled away. "Well, it was mommy who started it" Keefe said, feigning innocence.

"Yeah, but you coaxed her into it, daddy! Everyone knows she can't resist when you talk to her like that" May sassed back. Sophie felt her cheeks go nuclear.

Yep. She was definitely her daddy's daughter.

"Oh yeah? I'm coming after you, little monster!" Keefe remarked playfully.

"Eek!" May ran, with Keefe trying to catch her. Finally, he got hold of her, and lifted her up, tickling her sides.

"Hahaha daddy! S-stop! Hahahaha" the girl shrieked. Keefe lifted her into the air, and put her on his shoulders as she squealed. "Yay daddy! I love role-play levitation! When can I start actually levitating?"

"When you're old enough, sweetheart" Sophie came up behind them, leaning into Keefe." You can start levitation practice in 3-4 years, darling. Right now, your concentration isn't strong enough"

"Okay mommy!" May looked down at her father, as she exclaimed," See daddy? I'm such a good kid. I always listen to you and mommy."
"Yeah you are, princess" Keefe smiled at her.

Sophie cleared her throat, "So, what do you wanna do now? And, I'm not playing hide-and-seek with the both of you again- you guys gang up on me every time" she pouted.

"Aww Foster, don't be jealous. Though May is an awesome partner, Team Foster-Keefe will always be cooler! Sorry May." he kissed his wife on the forehead, grinning affectionately.

 Sophie smiled up at him. "I have an idea! Let's play Twister! Keefe, you take May to the living room and clear up space while I'll get the game"

"Okay, Lady Fos-Boss"


Once everything was set up, May asked, "So, how do we play the game?"

Sophie explained the rules to her as simply as possible( she was, after all, a 5 year old ) ,while Keefe listened intently.

"Okay, May" Sophie piped up, "You can first take the spinner so that you get the hang of the game. Then, next round, you can be on the mat. How's that sound?"

"Fine with me" she shrugged, "Now, mommy and daddy, let's start!"

She spun and shouted, "Daddy- left foot on red!" Keefe obliged.
"Mommy- right hand on yellow!"

They kept on playing for some time, and there came a point where Sophie was in a side plank-like position, with Keefe hovering just above her.

The close proximity caused her heart to speed up.

Keefe smirked, "What's up with the mood change, Foster?"

"Uh..uhmm..n-nothing. There's no mood change"

"You sure? Cause then you wouldn't mind me asking you to feel my shirt"


He leaned in dangerously close, whispering "Feel my shirt, Foster. You know what it's made of? Boyfriend material" he smirked.

Sophie flushed red, murmuring "You're my husband, Keefe" and embarrassment caused her to fall on her back.

"Whatever" he replied, a smug expression on his face.

"Daddy wins, mommy!" May shouted from behind, "Though you cheated, daddy- you flirted with mommy causing her to lose her balance. So, I declare mommy the winner!"

"Aww man" Keefe whined, plopping down on the mat beside Sophie.

Sophie exclaimed, "Ha! That's what you get for cheating to win, my dear husband" she mocked.

May came up to them, laying in between her parents, as Sophie ran a hand through her hair affectionately. Keefe propped himself on his elbow, Sophie copying the position.

"Ya know, Foster? I may not have gotten to win the game, but I sure do get this"

"Yeah? And what's 'this'?"

"A beautiful family- people who truly love me the way I love them" he smiled lovingly at her, his eyes trailing down to May- who had promptly fallen asleep ,tucked in between her parents. He placed a gentle kiss on May's head, turning towards his wife. 

" I love you, Foster"

"I love you too, Keefe"

Both their eyes shone as Sophie placed a hand on Keefe's cheek. They leaned in, with the distance between them finally vanishing.

A/N: I really enjoyed writing this one- tho I'll admit that pick up line is kinda random. But, I couldn't think of anything else to make Sophie flustered and embarrassed, so....pls go with it..hehe..

Anyways, I love May( she's my original character), and you'll be seeing her in some of my next oneshots, too. I hope you enjoyed this one. Stay safe and happy guys. Peace out,

~ Ana:))

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