Soulmate AU - (ii)

825 16 43

TW: mentions of PTSD

Keefe blinked.

What in the-?

The gravity of the situation then settled in.

Oh my-

He jumped of off his bed, rushing like a mad man, over to his desk.

Scrambling to find a pen across his messy table, he finally came up with one, as his fingers hesitated, trembling slightly.

Hey:) he wrote back.

(A/N: btw, bold is Keefe, italics is Sophie:) )

A minute or two passed before the reply came back, during which he was seriously questioning his sanity.

Maybe he was hallucinating- no wait! A reply came back.

Phew, he was okay. Wait-no. A reply came back!

Uh oh- now he had to answer it- ahh why was it so frustrating?!

Anyhoo, back to the reply.

Hi- um, wow- I never expected someone to answer. Hehe.

So, Um- yeah, Hi! Srsly don't know how to answer that

So..... we're soulmates?

I believe that's how these notebooks work, yes.

Lol- well, so now that we're here- wow I'm not good at this, at all, sheesh

Hey, not that I've had any experience before

Are you always this funny?

I try to be, yes

Oh gods- so, how do you wanna do this?

Maybe we could try asking each other some questions? Like, to truly connect? Real, deep questions?

Like what?

Like, what's your favourite colour?

Oh no, now you've crossed a line.

Hahaha can't believe you got that Hunger Games reference xD

I was just about to say the same! I think we'll both get along pretty well, I mean you like The Hunger Games!

So that's a sell out for you? A person knowing Hunger Games?

Haha very funny. But no- it's just that it'll be easy for us to connect then, with similar interests, ya know?

Yep- that's true. Oh btw, what are like, your hobbies?

Oh my you're just a kid, using that hobby card? Lol

Hey! At least give me some credit *pouts*

Okay okay, fine *pats your head* and to answer your question, I love listening to music, reading books etc. The total nerd package, am I right?

There's nothing nerdy about liking books and music. In fact, that's what makes you so amazing ;)

We haven't even talked for more than 10 minutes and you've already started flirting?

Well, what can I say, I just have that charm ;)

Ya ya whatever. Now stop winking at me!

Can't stop, won't stop!


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