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Dedicated to LucyandLivia

A/N: Usually I do an author's note at the end- but this time I need your help guys! I realised that I've posted the Royalty AU chapter- but it's ending at a cliffhanger. So far, I really don't have any ideas as to how to proceed with it. If any of u have suggestions- pls do let me know- it'll really be helpful 😊 Oh, and if I don't get any suggestions, then I'll just drop it- leave it on that ending( not to spite you all or anything, but cause I srsly have no ideas on how to go about it further😕- I love you all so much- I would never do that🥰) Do comment and share how you guys would like that oneshot to progress, I'd appreciate it❤️
Well, on with the story!

It was just another day at Foxfire Academy. The day had just begun, all the prodigies filing into the main auditorium for the morning announcements. Red, blue, orange capes swirled around, a pitter patter of noises, conversations and hushed whispers filling the air.

Sophie sighed, as Biana and Linh continued talking about their favourite dresses. Behind her, the rest of her friends stood, murmuring amongst themselves.

Well, there was one person who wasn't present. He should have been at school- it had already started- but maybe he had been detained.

Now, Sophie may or may not have had a role in this. She smiled to herself, conjuring up in her mind how he would react to her shenanigans- it would be funny, to say in the least.

Magnate Leto's voice filled her ears as his face appeared in the large screen, forcing her to listen.

Once the daily announcements were over, everybody started to disperse, when a frustrated grunt caught everyone's attention.

"Oh for the love of- How many times do I have to repeat? For the millionth time, I'M NOT BANGS BOY!"

No sooner had these words been spoken than her boyfriend appeared at the door of the auditorium.

There were audible gasps as all the prodigies took in his appearance.

That didn't seem to bother him, though. He stalked towards their friend group, more specifically towards his girlfriend.

Everyone's eyes trailed him, his face flushed red, slight anger in his demeanor visible-  though the mischievous glint in his eyes was still there.

For a moment, no one spoke anything- too shell shocked. That phase got over soon, though.

The whole gang burst out laughing- other prodigies around them joining in as well.

Even Tam was chuckling- but Keefe- Keefe had a huge scowl on his face.

"Oh- my- hahaha- gods no- what'd you even do?" Dex cried, tears threatening to spill from his eyes.

"Oh I don't know- but I'm pretty sure Mysterious Ms. F here has some answers" he retorted.

Sophie was shaking, doubling over in laughter, as she managed a breathy " I-I'm - hahahaha-sorry-bahaha-Keefe"

He did not look amused, tugging at the tips of his hair, which had now been dyed black, with silver ends, shaggy and jagged bangs covering his face.

"Well, now at least you have some fashion sense. That nest-like thing that you call 'The Hair'? That was an absolute disaster!" Tam wrinkled his nose in disgust.

Keefe looked horrified, as he blurted, "Dude, you did not just insult The Hair"

"Oh yes I did" was his reply.

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