A Happy Family

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Keefe glittered back to his home, happy and contented. He was coming back from Havenfield and had enjoyed a visit to Grady and Edaline. 

Wait, what? you may ask. Keefe voluntarily going to Havenfield and having fun with Grady of all people?! Something's off.

Well, truth to be told, he was originally at Everglen, meeting up with Fitz. When Alden announced he was going to Havenfield, Keefe decided to come along. No way in this world would he miss the opportunity to meet his ever loving, over pampering and she-treats-me-like-her-own-son mother in law.

Edaline loved having Keefe over, and over the years the two had formed a strong bond. Even Grady was proud and happy to call him his son-in-law.

When she saw that Keefe had come over along with Alden(of course), Edaline engulfed Keefe in a bone crushing hug and ushered them in.

Keefe had the time of his life, baking ripplepuffs, butterblasts and the all time favourite mallowmelt with her, all the while sipping on a cup of cinnacreme, handmade to perfection by "Officially the best mother-in-law ever" as dubbed by him.

He entered the living room, and passed through various corridors, when voices brought him back from his thoughts.

"Maysilee Calla Foster! This is the last warning I'm giving you. Sit still, will you?"

"But momm! You're hurting my head! Oh come on, that wasn't an insult- don't give me that look. My head's literally hurting cause you're brushing through my hair so hard- Owww! Why'd you do that?!"

"To get your attention. Plus, if you sit still, it won't hurt."

"Ugghh. Fine. But if it pains again, Imma throw a tantrum"

"As if you aren't already" Sophie mumbled, loud enough to be heard.

Keefe laughed to himself and smiled. This was a normal occurrence at the Foster household. Maysilee, their 13 year old, and Sophie could not remain one day without having a usual squabble. 

He went inside the room his two girls were arguing in. "Hey Foster, mini-me. 'Sup?"

At the sound of his voice, Sophie abruptly stopped brushing May's hair- only to be met with the brush getting tangled in her hair, eliciting an "Oww, that hurt!" from a very frustrated Maysilee.

Sophie looked up towards him, smiling, and her eyes shining. May was still frowning but her eyes held happiness upon seeing her father. Keefe went over to his Foster, planting a kiss on her forehead, "Hey sweetheart" he said, and turned to May.

They both performed an intricate handshake, something they had made for themselves- which lasted for a solid minute or so. All this while, Sophie watched them , amused.

To say that Keefe and May were best friends was an understatement. Both father and daughter had blond hair- which the tended to keep messy, and identical ice-blue eyes. Both of them loved pranks, leading to May following her father's footsteps, and rising to fame by becoming Foxfire's notorious prankster- of course, getting help from 'Lord Hunkyhair' himself. She even tried to ditch once-which ended in detention, but that was where Sophie drew the line.

"Awww. But you met dad while he was ditching. Look how that turned out. I heard Aunt Biana talking about 'Sophie and Keefe's epic love story'- so obviously, dad's ditching was the best thing that happened, for you and him, at least. Why can't I do that?" Maysilee had argued.

Even though Sophie had been married to Keefe for about 20 years, her daughter's remark had still made her blush. However, by the smirk May was throwing her way (she seriously was her daddy's little girl), Sophie had come to her senses quickly and had given May a lasting lecture. She had, since then, kept a check on her activities at school to prevent any kind of delinquent behavior again.

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