A day in the life of Sokeefe

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Dedicated to squishmallow09

Living in the Lost Cities is fun. I mean, you get to do so many awesome things-they make you feel downright giddy.

Wrestling while trying to bathe a dinosaur?

Yes please.

Travelling around the world on a beam of light?


Flying high up in the clouds on a majestic alicorn?

Oh my goodness, yes!

However, one thing that Sophie admitted the Forbidden Cities had better were the books.

Oh my gods, the books.

She could go on and on about them.

The fiction series she read as a kid when she was still living there, the characters whom she had so fondly gotten attached to, the surreal adventures they went on( though her life itself had been a big, scary adventure- glad that part was over now) , and the way all those stories were written?

Chef's kiss- that's it.

Sophie missed those heavily, and finally after loads of negotiations with Alden, was finally able to convince him to get all those series.

Right now, she was sitting on her bed, legs outstretched, as she indulged in The Battle of Labyrinth. What can she say, she loved the Percy Jackson universe.

She was so engrossed in her book that she did not even register the faint knock on her door, which slightly opened a few moments later, and someone walked in.

It was only when Keefe plopped down on her lap face first, whining "Fosterrrr" did she let out a startled yelp.

He chuckled at her reaction, and Sophie looked down at her idiot boyfriend, who currently had his arms wrapped round her waist, head resting near her stomach.

"Oh my gosh, Keefe!" she exclaimed, "Never do that again"

He glanced up at her, "Well, I did knock but you didn't respond. So I had to get your attention somehow. You didn't even notice me entering the room!"

She smiled sheepishly, " Sorry Keefie, I'm really into the book I'm currently reading"

He scowled at her, and she laughed, aware of how he disliked being called 'Keefie'

"Anyways" he continued, "What's the book you're reading?"

"The fourth book in the PJo series- you should read them, I'm pretty sure you'll love the books" she explained.

"I'll think about that." He adjusted his position, so that now his head lay on her chest, his legs in between hers, as he held her close to himself.

Sophie sighed, putting the book on her nightstand, as she wrapped her arms around her ridiculous, yet devilishly hot boyfriend.

They both smiled at each other, and she proceeded to run her hand up his hairline, pressing a soft kiss on his forehead.

He looked up to meet her eyes, as they stared at each other, mapping each and every feature of the other's face.

Sophie eyes flitted to his ice blue orbs, and she frowned at the dark circles under them.

"Keefe" she began, placing her palm on his cheek, " Have you not been sleeping lately? And don't try to lie to me"

"Foster, you know that I wouldn't lie to you-"

She gave him a look.

"Okay okay, I'll admit- I couldn't sleep yesterday. Daddio was kinda eh, but still- nightmares and everything" he admitted, looking defeated.

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